Marina Kushner

Marina Kushner

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Marina Kushner was born in the Soviet Union and raised in Moscow. Kushner received her education at Moscow University, majoring in journalism, and worked for a major Russian newspaper Izvestia. Working under the pressure of daily deadlines, Kushner, as her colleagues, made it through the day on a diet of coffee and cigarettes. In 1991, after the collapse of the Soviet Union, Kushner decided to take a long-awaited trip to New York City and chose to make New York her home. Adjusting to the many obstacles of a new country such as cultural and language barriers, Kushner quickly undertook the task of studying English and creating a life for herself in America. She chose to make her health her #1 priority and became very interested in nutrition. She learned that caffeine consumption is linked to heart disease, pancreas and bladder cancer, hypoglycemia, and central nervous system disorder and decided to write a book in order to help to shed light on the harmful and often under-reported facts about caffeine. The Truth About Caffeine provides readers with insights into the dangers of caffeine.
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