
  • Effective Leadership Productivity Strategies | WLS 132 – Road to Leadership Success Series
    May 7 2024
    Welcome to the Road to Leadership Success, a resource for people who want effective leadership productivity strategies to learn faster and accomplish more. I'm Sabrina Braham, your Leadership coach. As your coach, I'm constantly looking for shortcuts to help you succeed in your life and career. If you take 10 minutes to listen to these simple and easy mind hacks, I will share, it could double your productivity. In this episode, I am going to give you two leadership essential tips: How to overcome procrastination, distractions, and interruptions. A scientifically proven method to increase your productivity and innovation. How often do you find yourself procrastinating on tasks or projects? How do interruptions impact your productivity daily? Are you feeling swamped by your tasks? Do you need help to keep up despite your efforts? Well, you're not alone. According to new research conducted in the US by Zippia, the average employee is productive for 2 hours and 53 minutes daily. That’s only 31% of the average 8-hour workday. Most employees feel unproductive because they spend the majority of their workday distracted. Atlassian has discovered that the average employee is interrupted from work around 56 times a day and spends 2 hours recovering from these distractions. How long do you think it takes to recover from a single distraction? According to the research, Refocusing after a distraction takes an average of 23 minutes and 15 seconds. Do you have something you want to do or know you need to do but can’t figure out how to fit it into your schedule or avoid being distracted? Or Your challenge is that you are procrastinating. How much more could you get done if you weren't procrastinating, weren't interrupted, and could you stay focused? A lot, right? Are you ready to move your productivity AND career to the next level? I've got a proven strategy for you that will enable you to seize opportunities without procrastination, interruptions, or lack of focus. The good news is that I will give you my “Improved Pomodoro Technique” today. This is a proven method for increasing focus, productivity, and creativity. Top Tech Leader Struggles With Productivity & Being Overwhelmed But first, let me tell you a story about Ava, a director in a large company who came to me for executive coaching. She was working long hours and was overwhelmed by all her projects. She was very talented, and one of her coaching goals was to increase exposure to senior management to build a brand and enhance her career. Her senior VP had been brainstorming with her to develop a new product. The meetings were exciting and productive. Then, they took an unexpected turn. In the last month, Brad, the director of another department, had begun collaborating with the senior VP on the same project. Now, he was talking to Brad and not to her. Her question to me was: “How can I get the senior VP to speak and brainstorm with me again? She wanted to know how. Could you continue to provide input on the project and be instrumental in preventing errors? When I asked her why he should talk to her instead of the other director, she said, “Oh no, he needs to speak to both of us. The other director knows some important information, but I understand the algorithms, and unless they consider them, there will be errors in this project.” I asked what kept her from giving the Senior VP this information. She paused and said, "I'm swamped with less critical projects, which unfortunately prevents me from conducting the necessary research to stay updated on the information required by the Senior VPs for this new product." She looked surprised by her answer. She was startled to discover that she had missed an opportunity because she had filled her schedule with less urgent projects, lacked the time required for necessary research, and had, therefore, missed an opportunity.
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    14 min
  • Develop Leadership Influence: Overcoming Barriers and Cultivating Impact | Women’s Leadership 131
    Mar 25 2024
    Championing Gender Equality: Insights from Two Women Leaders In today's competitive business landscape, women, especially women of color, often face unique challenges on their path to develop leadership influence. Drawing from profound discussions, we delve into actionable strategies for breaking through barriers and nurturing influential leadership. Overcoming Biases and Building Leadership Influence Join us for an insightful continuation of our interview with renowned author Shelmina Abji. Discover how to combat biases in the corporate world and leverage influence and persuasion within your organization to propel your career forward. Shelmina Babai Abji: A Trailblazer in Leadership and Gender Equality Shelmina Babai Abji, a former IBM VP and esteemed author, is a vocal advocate for gender equality in leadership. Rising from humble beginnings in Tanzania, she shattered barriers to become one of IBM's highest-ranking women of color. With a track record of delivering over $1 billion in annual revenues, she now inspires and mentors women globally while serving on the advisory board of Girl Up. Armed with computer science and mathematics degrees, Shelmina's expertise is sought after worldwide. Shelmina Babai AbjiTEDx speaker | Former IBM Vice President | Angel Investor | Author of Show Your Worth Overcoming Internal and External Challenges to Develop Leadership Influence (1:42) Many women face internal barriers from a lack of representation in leadership roles, leading to self-doubt and fear of failure. Additionally, biases from senior leaders can hinder opportunities for advancement. However, recognizing and confronting these challenges is the first step towards overcoming them and learning how to develop leadership influence. Proactive Relationship Building: Nurturing Connections for Leadership Growth (3:16) Waiting for recognition isn't enough. You must proactively engage with supervisors and stakeholders, showcase your value, and initiate conversations about your achievements. Taking the lead in these interactions ensures that your contributions are acknowledged and valued, nurturing connections for leadership growth and influence. Advocating for Yourself: Asserting Your Value in the Workplace (4:57) Acknowledging your accomplishments isn't boasting; it's necessary for career advancement. During performance reviews, confidently share your achievements to ensure they're recognized and appreciated. Don't hesitate to advocate for yourself and your contributions; this is vital in asserting your value and fostering leadership growth and influence. Embracing Growth and Learning: Steppingstones to Leadership Development (7:00) Failure isn't the end; it's an opportunity for growth. Stepping outside your comfort zone and taking on challenges, even if you encounter setbacks, contributes to your long-term development. Embrace these experiences as valuable learning opportunities to enhance your leadership development influence, skills and impact Tools for Impact: Strategies for Leadership Development Influence (8:23) Adopting an adventurous mindset in tackling challenges is crucial for growth. Stepping outside your comfort zone builds competence and confidence, essential qualities for effective leadership. Explore intentional growth strategies and embrace opportunities for learning and development to foster leadership growth and influence. Personal Testimony and Empowerment: Inspiring Others to Lead (10:45) Personal stories of resilience and perseverance are potent reminders of our potential for growth and success. By sharing our experiences and insights, we empower others to unlock their leadership potential and overcome obstacles in their path, thus inspiring others to lead and develop their influence. The Power of Mentorship: Guiding Paths to Leadership Excellence (11:23) Mentorship plays a significant role in career development. Finding the right mentors and sponsors can accelerate your growth and provide invalua...
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    37 min
  • Overcome Leadership Self Doubt: A Tech Engineers Story to Inspire Inclusion
    Mar 4 2024
    How did a woman of color who grew up in poverty in Tanzania overcome leadership self-doubt and go on to become a tech leader and Vice President at IBM, even though she was a single mother and battled imposter syndrome? A Women's Leadership Success Podcast interview with Sabrina Braham MA MFT PCC.
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    25 min
  • Executive Leadership Confidence Development | Unlock Your Potential with ROAD TO LEADERSHIP SUCCESS Podcast Series with Sabrina Braham MA MFT PCC | WLS 129
    Feb 14 2024
    Are you ready to embark on a journey of personal and professional growth? Welcome to "ROAD TO Leadership SUCCESS," a transformative podcast series curated by Women's Leadership Success and presented by the seasoned coach and mentor, Sabrina Braham MA MFT PCC. In this special episode, we're diving deep into the essence of executive leadership confidence development, delivering bite-sized episodes packed with actionable tips and insights to propel your career and life forward. What to Expect: In each power-packed episode, Sabrina draws upon over 30 years of executive coaching, research, and psychology expertise. With a commitment to lifelong learning and a wealth of knowledge gleaned from fifteen years of podcast interviews with thought leaders, Sabrina distills key leadership principles into digestible nuggets of wisdom. Whether you're a junior manager or a seasoned CEO, these episodes are tailored to empower leaders at every stage of their journey. Sabrina Braham MA MFT PCC Why Tune In:Are you yearning to overcome self-doubt and unlock your full potential? "ROAD TO Leadership SUCCESS" is dedicated to helping you shatter limiting beliefs and adopt proven strategies that have propelled countless leaders to success. With Sabrina as your guide, you'll discover how to navigate the challenges of leadership with confidence, resilience, and clarity. When to Listen:Twice a month, carve out 10-15 minutes from your schedule to tune in to our bite-sized episodes. These episodes complement our regular in-depth interviews with top thought leaders and authors, providing a holistic approach to executive leadership confidence development. In This Episode:In our inaugural episode, Sabrina shares three transformative tips to cultivate and advance your confidence as a leader. But before we delve into those, let's meet Melinda, a director at a Fortune 500 company who grappled with self-doubt despite her professional success. Melinda's Story:Melinda was well-liked by her team and management, but beneath her poised exterior, she battled a relentless lack of confidence. Despite her accomplishments, she felt she wasn't living up to her potential, both personally and professionally. Sleepless nights and a sense of overwhelm plagued her as she struggled to balance work and family life. It wasn't until she sought guidance from Sabrina that she realized the root cause of her self-doubt: an internal critic echoing the voice of her past. Through Sabrina's coaching, Melinda learned to distinguish between her inner critic and her inner coach, paving the way for newfound confidence and clarity. 3 Key Takeaways from Melinda's Journey: Recognize and silence your inner critic. Quiet the critical voice in your head and take control of the narrative you tell yourself. Replace self-doubt with self-confidence by visualizing yourself succeeding and thriving in various scenarios. Explore how adopting a confident mindset changes your actions and interactions with others. Embrace a growth mindset to navigate setbacks with resilience. Adopt a growth mindset, recognizing that failure is not personal or terminal. Instead, view setbacks as opportunities for learning and improvement. Challenge the fixed mindset narrative of "I am a loser" or "I am a failure" with the belief that you can grow, adapt, and continuously improve. Practice emotional control to project confidence in every interaction. Develop the ability to regulate your emotions and mood. Experiment with techniques to shift from a negative to a positive mindset, even in challenging situations. Remember that you have the power to master your emotions and cultivate a sense of inner calm and confidence. Incorporate Kaizen Philosophy: Embrace the Japanese philosophy of Kaizen, which emphasizes continuous improvement through minor adjustments and consistent effort. Remember that even small, incremental changes can lead to significant growth over time.
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    9 min
  • Mastering Leadership Career Negotiation Skills | WLS 128
    Jan 9 2024
    Leadership career negotiation skills are essential for a thriving leadership career. Welcome to the Women's Leadership Success podcast #128, your go-to resource for learning crucial negotiation skills. In part one of this special two-part series, we explored the foundational tools of a master negotiator. In part two, we will guide you on applying these skills to navigate negotiations between departments, advance your career, a salary raise, or even land a better job in a new company. Mark Rafffan: Leadership Career Negotiation Skills Women's Leadership Success Podcast 128 Key Points Negotiation Skills for Leadership & Career Development Negotiating Between Departments for a Successful Leadership Career: Mark emphasizes that negotiation isn't just external; it's equally crucial internally. Learn how to strategically position your department strategically, showcasing the unique value it brings compared to others. Gain insights into preparing for internal negotiations and gaining a competitive edge, laying the foundation for a successful leadership career. Building Influence and Credibility in Leadership Career Negotiations: Uncover the secrets to enhancing your influence within the organization. Mark delves into the difference between positional power and absolute power, emphasizing the importance of understanding who holds influence and how to leverage it effectively for a thriving leadership career. Persuasion vs. Manipulation in Leadership Career Negotiations: Mark distinguishes between persuasion and manipulation, underlining the importance of positive intent in negotiation. Gain insights into how influence plays a crucial role in projecting persuasion publicly, ensuring authenticity in your leadership career negotiations. Steps to Persuade a Counterparty in Leadership Career Negotiations: Explore the three essential steps to persuade a counterparty successfully. Mark highlights the significance of emotional appeal, credibility, and ethical considerations in negotiation, crucial elements for a successful leadership career. Negotiating Salary for Leadership Career Advancement: For those navigating salary negotiations, Mark provides valuable advice. Understand the importance of clarity in your asks, realistic expectations relative to the market, and the art of asking for more while remaining grounded—a crucial aspect of advancing your leadership career. The Power of Taking Time in Leadership Career Negotiations: Learn the effectiveness of saying, "Can I get back to you?" in negotiations. Mark highlights how taking time to think through decisions can lead to more favorable outcomes, a powerful strategy for advancing your leadership career. Leadership & Career Negotiation Skills - Action for Traction Be sure to listen to part I on Executive Leadership Negotiation Skills with Mark Raffan and me for a better foundation for these negotiation strategies. Elevate your negotiation skills and empower your leadership and career impact today! Book Your Complimentary Leadership & Career Advancement Session with Sabrina Braham MA MFT PCC Sabrina Braham MA MFT PCC Executive Leadership Coach If you’re ready to elevate your leadership and negotiation skills, supercharge your career, and boost your income beyond your expectations, it’s time to schedule your complimentary Leadership & Career Development Session with me. I’ve worked with over 250 managers, directors, VPs, and C-Suite leaders, and their success stories speak for themselves (see my 41 LinkedIn client recommendations here). As a seasoned executive coach specializing in leadership and career development, I understand women leaders’ unique challenges, including confidence, compelling storytelling, and navigating the complexities of corporate politics. My mission is to empower professionals like you to master the art of successful leadership, unlock your full capability, and achieve career advancement at a pace you never thought possib...
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    37 min
  • The Guide to Executive Leadership Negotiation Skills | WLS 127 | Mark Raffan and Sabrina Braham
    Dec 18 2023
    Executive Leadership Negotiation Skills - Part I of II There are many situations in life where you need to negotiate. It could be asking for a raise, a job offer, selling or buying property, or a sales contract. If you want to be successful in those endeavors you need to learn the art of negotiating. In this podcast episode, you will discover the art of negotiation mindset, strategic planning, and practical tips for enhancing your influence. In part two of the show coming soon, we delve into leveraging these negotiation skills so you know how to negotiate between departments, increase your influence and persuasion, and negotiate your salary for a new, better job. The Negotiation Mindset Unlock the power of negotiation by adopting a mindset of curiosity and active listening. Join us as Mark Raffan, a negotiation teacher, emphasizes the importance of viewing negotiation as an exploration rather than a confrontation. Learn why introverts often make the best negotiators and discover the transformative impact of asking compelling questions. Executive Leadership Negotiation Skills Expert Mark Rafffan is an award-winning negotiation trainer, renowned speaker, and the author of "9 Secrets to Win Deals and Influence Stakeholders." Mark's journey into negotiation expertise began in a family of entrepreneurs, where he discovered his passion for selling, negotiating, and managing conflict. With a corporate sales and procurement background across diverse industries, Mark's entrepreneurial spirit led him to establish the Negotiations Ninja blog, podcast, and training company. Born out of a desire to evangelize effective negotiation practices, the platform quickly gained global recognition, drawing readers and listeners worldwide. In part I and part II of this leadership podcast interview, Mark and Sabrina will help you confidently elevate your executive leadership negotiation skills. Avoiding Common Leadership Negotiation Mistakes Navigate the pitfalls of negotiation by addressing the single biggest mistake – lack of planning. Mark Raffan dismantles the myth perpetuated by the media that negotiation is an innate trait rather than a learned skill. Gain valuable insights into the counterintuitive concept of planning concessions and understanding what you're willing to give up for a successful negotiation. Negotiation Strategic Planning and Concessions In this episode, we delve into the complexities of strategic planning in negotiations. Understand a deal's economic and emotional drivers and learn how to unravel the other party's motivations. Mark Raffan and Sabrina Braham, MA MFT PCC, share practical advice on breaking aspirational goals into success drivers, paving the way for a mutually beneficial deal. How to Influence Decision-Makers Learn the art of influencing decision-makers by identifying major and minor influencers. Discover the significance of understanding industry intricacies and the emotional drivers behind decisions. Gain practical insights into asking the right questions to unveil key influencers and shape successful negotiation strategies. Debunking Win-Win Negotiation and Practical Insights Mark challenges Sabrina on the traditional notion of "win-win" in negotiations. Find out why Mark Raffan sheds light on the fallacy of expecting equal value distribution and advocates for a more realistic approach. Tune in for controversial yet eye-opening perspectives on negotiation dynamics and discover actionable insights to elevate your executive leadership negotiation skills. Your Leadership Negotiation Success Key Takeaways Embrace Curiosity: Cultivate a negotiation mindset centered around curiosity and active listening to uncover hidden opportunities and build meaningful connections. Strategic Planning: Break down aspirational goals into actionable success drivers, understanding a deal's economic and emotional drivers. Plan Your Concessions: Counterintuitively,
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    32 min
  • Leadership Soft Skills Development Success
    Nov 1 2023
    Unleashing the Power of Leadership Soft Skills Development and Career Advancement In the dynamic world of professional growth and personal fulfillment, mastering the art of leadership soft skills development is the key to unlocking your full potential. In a recent insightful conversation, renowned executive coach, speaker, and author Peggy Klaus and executive leadership and career advancement coach Sabrina Braham MA MFT PCC explored the profound impact of these skills on your career. The Leadership Soft Skills Revolution Peggy Klaus, a leading expert in soft skills leadership brand development and author of "The Hard Truth about Soft Skills" and "Brag! The Art of Tooting Your Own Horn Without Blowing It.” highlighted the evolving recognition of the importance of soft skills in today's professional landscape. This shift has made it clear that mastering these skills is crucial to personal and brand development. These skills encompass a wide range of personal, social, communication, and self-management behaviors, including self-awareness, adaptability, resilience, confidence, risk-taking, and critical thinking. The Foundation of Your Leadership Success: Self-Awareness The conversation started with a deep dive into self-awareness, the cornerstone of leadership brand development. Understanding what drives you, how you think, and how you feel is essential to excel in your career and align your work with your true passions and interests. Your brand development journey begins with self-awareness, ensuring you are talented and passionate about your work. Debunking the "Luck" Myth Peggy Klaus further emphasized the role of soft skills in your leadership brand development to dispel the myth of luck in career success. She asserted that success isn't merely a result of luck or wishing for it. Instead, it's about hard work, self-awareness, resilience, and the ability to learn and adapt. Those who focus on leadership soft skills and brand development are better equipped to open themselves up to new opportunities, transforming those "lucky breaks" into calculated achievements. Handling Criticism and Seeking Feedback: Keys to Effective Brand Development The conversation also delved into strategies for handling criticism and seeking feedback, integral aspects of leadership soft skills and brand development. Active listening, staying curious, and not taking criticism personally are pivotal. Peggy advised individuals to embrace criticism as an opportunity for growth. Adopting this approach enables you to address and incorporate feedback into your brand development journey effectively. Shaping Your Leadership Brand with Effective Communication Executive brand development is an ongoing process. Peggy Klaus recommended creating a "brag bag" to collect achievements, compliments, and positive feedback. This resource is invaluable for promoting yourself and building a solid leadership brand. Please don’t assume your work speaks for itself; actively communicate your achievements and impact to enhance your brand. Your Leadership Brand: Staying Visible in a Remote World As remote work becomes more prevalent, staying visible is challenging to develop your leadership brand. Sending brief updates to colleagues and bosses about your projects and achievements is essential. Initiating a "brag round" is another technique to foster connection and awareness in remote work environments, a strategy aligned with Leadership soft skills development. Personal and Professional Growth: The Ultimate Brand Development The conversation focused on personal and professional growth, a significant aspect of leadership soft skills development. Peggy Klaus emphasized the importance of self-reflection and seeking feedback to shape your brand. She encouraged individuals to take ownership of their strengths and actively manage their time. Additionally, she recommended a book titled "Nine Lies About Work" by Marcus Buckingham,
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    41 min
  • Job Interview Persuasion Skills; Unleash the Power of Persuasion Stories | WLS 125 Sabrina Braham and David Garfinkel
    Sep 28 2023
    Are you looking to excel in job interviews and sell your innovative ideas with finesse, then dive into the world of job interview persuasion skills. This is part II of a podcast interview featuring David Garfinkel, renowned author of "The Persuasion Story Code." In this enlightening discussion on the Women's Leadership Success podcast, you'll gain valuable insights into leveraging the art of persuasion stories to apply for a better job, confidently sell your ideas to stakeholders, and achieve your personal and professional goals. What You'll Learn: How to Sell Yourself and Job Interview Persuasion Skills Unveiled 1. Crafting Compelling Persuasion Stories for Interviews Discover the essential elements of crafting persuasion stories tailored for job interviews. These stories should be clear, concise, and focused, ensuring interviewers quickly grasp your qualifications and contributions. 2. Unearth the Power of Personal Origin Stories Explore the different types of origin stories highlighted in David's book and learn how to use them to your advantage during interviews. Share anecdotes that resonate emotionally, showcasing your passion for the role and the company. 3. Practical Steps to Storytelling Mastery Gain practical tips and step-by-step guidance on effectively structuring and delivering your persuasion stories. Emphasize your achievements and track record, using data and results to build credibility and support your claims. 4. Overcoming Common Misconceptions  Challenge the misconception that storytelling is reserved for professional writers or speakers. Remember that clarity is vital, and your stories should engage interviewers on a personal level. Use anecdotes to address doubts about your qualifications and fit for the role. About David Garfinkel, A Persuasive Communication Expert David Garfinkel is the bestselling author of "The Persuasion Story Code." He's been featured in renowned publications like The Wall Street Journal, Forbes.com, Entrepreneur Magazine, Fast Company, Women’s Leadership Success Podcast, and The Los Angeles Times. David's expertise has driven substantial revenue growth for a wide range of businesses, from industry giants like IBM and United Airlines to small enterprises and solo entrepreneurs, all through the mastery of persuasive messaging. He's also the author of "Breakthrough Copywriting" and served as the former San Francisco Bureau Chief for McGraw-Hill World News. Join David Garfinkel and Sabrina Braham to harness the power of persuasion and elevate your career, leadership, and business success. The Key to Success: Job Interview Persuasion Skills Mastering job interview persuasion skills can be your ticket to career advancement and securing that dream job. David Garfinkel's interview on Women's Leadership Success underlines the importance of personal storytelling in the job interview process. By incorporating these skills, you'll not only stand out from the competition but also build trust and rapport with interviewers. Remember that your story is personal. It's communication between you and a person or people that you're talking to. So, you want to stay connected to who you're talking to when telling the story. Remember your objective. If it's an origin story, your goal might be to make your listener aware of the events that led up to the present moment. Work out your story in advance, then boil it down to the most concise, conversational format you can practice a few times. Let it become familiar. Let it become a part of you. Conclusion: Elevate Your Career and Leadership: Selling Yourself, Your Ideas and Job Interview Persuasion Skills Start your transformation towards a more confident, influential, and successful you today. Your journey to career success begins with mastering job interview persuasion skill...
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    25 min