Mark Samuel is a writer, speaker, and CEO of IMPAQ, an award-winning international consulting firm. He has developed a unique system for businesses that links Execution, Culture and Deliverables together. The goal of this system is to create cross-functional accountability to successfully implement global changes that increase profitability, build trust and increase efficiency. As an award-winning speaker, Mark has addressed national conferences of ASTD, AQP, ODN, ASHHRA and ISPI. He has impacted audiences all over the world through his thought-provoking and humorous presentations.
Key Takeaways
- Learn about how Mark built up his confidence and speaking skills.
- It is important to talk from experience. This, in large part, has helped Mark become a stronger speaker.
- Mark's practices what he has coined "authentic vulnerability." This is being able to be open with your audience and share your weaknesses and imperfections.
- Shifting from speaking unpaid to creating a business has a lot to do with an inner transformation. It's when you start honoring your voice and your value.
- Mark believes our ultimate accountability is to ourselves and we should ask ourselves "how do I become the best being I can be?"
- Your audience is your coach. They can give you feedback on your speeches and help you improve.
Memorable Quotes
- "We don't have to be perfect to be excellent; in fact, we don't even want to be." - Mark Samuel
- "In order to be paid to do what you love, there are some mindset shifts necessary." - Charles Clark
- "[Great speakers] say something of value that opens me up to a new way of thinking." - Mark Samuel
- "[Speakers] are artists. What you write, what you say, it's your canvas. It's your masterpiece. It doesn't have boundaries. You paint the way you want to paint. You say what needs to be said." - Charles Clark
Episode Resources & Links
Mark Samuel
Instagram: @markssamuel_
Twitter: MarkSSamuel
Charles Clark
Instagram + Facebook: @thecharlesclark
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