• 15. Building Community: My Juneteenth Journey
    Jun 19 2024

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    Hey everyone, welcome back to *Stethoscopes and Strollers*! In today’s episode, I’m sharing how Juneteenth has played a significant role in helping me build a supportive community here in Northern California. Here’s what we cover:

    Episode Highlights:

    - Juneteenth and Community: Reflecting on the importance of Juneteenth and how it has helped me create a community since moving to California after residency in 2015.

    - Starting Fresh: Moving to California on a whim and the journey to finding happiness and building connections after experiencing residency burnout.

    - Discovering Juneteenth: Learning about Juneteenth a few years ago and deciding to celebrate it by organizing gatherings with other Black doctors and their families.

    - Growing the Community: Stepping out of my comfort zone to seek out and connect with Black families, leading to a growing network of friends and support.

    - Meaningful Connections: Sharing stories of how these connections have provided support, friendship, and even medical care for my son.

    Key Messages:

    - Intentional Community Building: Emphasizing the importance of intentionally creating and curating a supportive community, especially when living far from family and old friends.

    - The Power of Connection: Encouraging listeners to reach out and make connections, even if it feels uncomfortable, because the support and friendship you gain are invaluable.

    - Resilience and Adaptability: Acknowledging that while not every connection will be perfect, it’s essential to keep trying and nurturing those relationships that matter.

    Encouragement for Listeners:

    - Take Action: On this Juneteenth, make an effort to reach out to someone you’ve been meaning to connect with. It could be a neighbor, a friend, or another mom at your child’s school.

    - Build Your Network: Having a network of friends and support can make a world of difference in your life, providing comfort, emergency help, and a sense of be

    My next info session, Hire a Nanny in 5 EASY Steps is on Thursday 27th June 2024 at 3pm ET/ 12pm PT.
    Register now to hire the perfect nanny with confidence and EASE! The replay will be sent out to everyone who registers, so don't worry if you can't make it live. See you there!

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    10 mins
  • 14. Juneteenth: Celebrating Freedom and Teaching Our Children
    Jun 19 2024

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    Hey everyone, welcome back to *Stethoscopes and Strollers*! Today is a special Juneteenth episode, and I'm so excited to share it with you. Here’s what we cover:

    Episode Highlights:

    - Juneteenth Overview: Celebrating Juneteenth, now a federal holiday, marking the day enslaved people in Texas learned they were free on June 19, 1865.

    - Personal Story: Sharing a moment with my South African Au Pair who noticed my Juneteenth T-shirt, sparking a conversation about what Juneteenth means.

    - Teaching My Son: Reflecting on how to explain Juneteenth to my four-year-old son. It's a delicate balance of being honest but age-appropriate.

    - Positive Reinforcement: Discussing how we focus on positive affirmations about his skin color and identity while gradually introducing more historical context.

    - Future Conversations: Planning to expand on these discussions as he grows older and can understand more complex aspects of history.

    Key Messages:

    - Hope and Resilience: Emphasizing the importance of hope and resilience as we teach our kids about difficult histories.

    - Cultural Awareness: Encouraging all parents to talk to their kids about Juneteenth, helping them appreciate and understand this significant part of American history.

    - Positive Identity: Highlighting the importance of building a positive sense of identity in our children, especially in the face of historical and current challenges.

    Encouragement for Listeners:

    - Start the Conversation: Don't shy away from discussing important historical events like Juneteenth with your kids. Use resources that frame these conversations positively.

    - Acknowledge History: Understanding where we've been helps us navigate where we are and where we're going, instilling hope in uncertain times.

    - Stay Connected: Follow along for more episodes as we continue to explore motherhood, medicine, and everything in between.

    My next info session, Hire a Nanny in 5 EASY Steps is on Thursday 27th June 2024 at 3pm ET/ 12pm PT.
    Register now to hire the perfect nanny with confidence and EASE! The replay will be sent out to everyone who registers, so don't worry if you can't make it live. See you there!

    Remember to subscribe to "Stethoscopes and Strollers" on your favorite podcast platform so you never miss an episode of encouragement and empowerment.

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    7 mins
  • 13. Celebrating Fatherhood: A Tribute to My Husband
    Jun 16 2024

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    Welcome back to *Stethoscopes and Strollers*! In this special Father's Day episode, I honor my husband and the father of my children. Here’s a look at what we cover:

    Episode Highlights:

    - Manifestation Realized: Reflecting on how I manifested my husband, a first-generation Trinidadian, and how he surpassed all my expectations.

    - Parenting Together: How my husband inspired me to want boys and how we balance each other out in raising our beautiful family.

    - Overcoming Challenges: Discussing our journey through postpartum burnout and how his support helped me recover.

    - Personal Growth: The importance of mutual growth and commitment in our relationship, making us better partners and parents.

    - Special Moments: Sharing a recent ER visit with our daughter that highlighted our improved teamwork and communication.

    Key Messages:

    - Love and Respect: Despite the challenges, the love and respect for my husband remain strong and essential.

    - Supportive Partners: Celebrating fathers who break gender norms, are present with their kids, and take on parenting responsibilities.

    - Open Communication: Encouraging honest conversations with partners about their true desires and needs.

    Encouragement for Listeners:

    - Honoring Dads: Acknowledge and appreciate the efforts of the fathers in your life.

    - Stronger Together: Emphasize the importance of a strong marriage foundation for a stable family life.

    Call to Action:

    - Share with Your Husband: Let your husband listen to this episode as a way to appreciate and celebrate his role.

    - Support the Podcast: Share this episode with other physician moms and leave a five-star review on Apple Podcasts or your preferred platform.

    Thank you for joining this heartfelt Father's Day episode of *Stethoscopes and Strollers*. See you next time for more insightful discussions about motherhood and medicine!

    My next info session, Hire a Nanny in 5 EASY Steps is on Thursday 27th June 2024 at 3pm ET/ 12pm PT.
    Register now to hire the perfect nanny with confidence and EASE! The replay will be sent out to everyone who registers, so don't worry if you can't make it live. See you there!

    Remember to subscribe to "Stethoscopes and Strollers" on your favorite podcast platform so you never miss an episode of encouragement and empowerment.

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    9 mins
  • 12. 9 Steps to Wellness for Physician Moms
    Jun 12 2024

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    Welcome back to *Stethoscopes and Strollers*. In this episode, I share my journey toward obtaining my Perinatal Mental Health Certification (PMH-C) and discuss the Nine Steps to Wellness from Postpartum Support International. These steps are integral to my coaching practice for physician moms in the early years of motherhood.

    Episode Highlights:

    - Pursuing PMH-C: I’m preparing for my Perinatal Mental Health Certification to enhance my coaching services, despite vowing never to take another exam after my boards.

    - Validation of Core Values: Discovering how the Nine Steps to Wellness align perfectly with my coaching values, reinforcing the importance of these principles in supporting postpartum mental health.

    The Nine Steps to Wellness:

    1. Education: Providing information through books, handouts, and websites. I curate and distill this information for my clients to simplify their learning process.

    2. Sleep/Rest: Emphasizing the critical need for rest, even if actual sleep is elusive.

    3. Nutrition: Highlighting the importance of proper nutrition, especially during the exhausting postpartum period.

    4. Exercise and Time for Self: Encouraging movement and personal time to enhance physical and mental well-being.

    5. Sharing with Nonjudgmental Listeners: Building a supportive village of nonjudgmental individuals.

    6. Emotional Support: Asserting the necessity of emotional support from various sources.

    7. Practical Support: Advocating for physical help with childcare, cooking, and housework—outsourcing when necessary.

    8. Finding Supportive Resources: Leveraging healthcare providers, support groups, and coaches to fill in gaps.

    9. Plan of Action: Breaking down tasks into manageable steps to avoid overwhelm and foster progress.

    These steps form the foundation of my coaching practice, helping physician moms thrive postpartum and establish a solid foundation for motherhood.

    If you’re in the early years of mother

    My next info session, Hire a Nanny in 5 EASY Steps is on Thursday 27th June 2024 at 3pm ET/ 12pm PT.
    Register now to hire the perfect nanny with confidence and EASE! The replay will be sent out to everyone who registers, so don't worry if you can't make it live. See you there!

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    10 mins
  • 11. Navigating Childcare: Nanny vs Au Pair
    Jun 5 2024

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    Welcome back to *Stethoscopes and Strollers*. Today, we dive into an essential aspect of a physician mom's life: childcare. Often overlooked as part of your "village," reliable childcare isn't just helpful—it's a transformative element that returns time, rest, and peace of mind to your life.

    In This Episode:

    - Understanding Childcare Options: I explore the critical role of childcare in giving you more quality time with your children and discuss how to decide between different types of childcare providers.

    - Pros and Cons of Nannies and Au Pairs: From live-in care to flexible schedules, I break down the benefits and challenges of choosing nannies and au pairs. We’ll discuss everything from the cultural exchange benefits of au pairs to the professional reliability of nannies.

    - Personal Journey with Au Pairs: Initially resistant to the idea, I share how my perspective on au pairs changed after firsthand experience. I’m currently interviewing for a second au pair and will share why I believe live-in care can be a game-changer, especially for physician moms.

    Discussion Highlights:

    - Cost and Commitment: Understand the financial and emotional investments involved in each childcare option. While nannies can offer stability and long-term relationships, they can be expensive and may not always align with a physician’s unpredictable schedule.

    - Flexibility with Au Pairs: I discuss the unparalleled flexibility that au pairs provide, particularly beneficial for physicians who need childcare that can adapt to varying schedules.

    - Screening and Matching: I emphasize the importance of careful screening and matching processes to ensure that your childcare choice aligns with your family’s needs. This includes setting expectations right from the start and managing them throughout the arrangement.

    Learn More and Register:

    - Interested in diving deeper into finding the right childcare solution? Join my upcoming information session, "Hire a Nanny in Five Easy Steps," on June 27th,

    My next info session, Hire a Nanny in 5 EASY Steps is on Thursday 27th June 2024 at 3pm ET/ 12pm PT.
    Register now to hire the perfect nanny with confidence and EASE! The replay will be sent out to everyone who registers, so don't worry if you can't make it live. See you there!

    Remember to subscribe to "Stethoscopes and Strollers" on your favorite podcast platform so you never miss an episode of encouragement and empowerment.

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    15 mins
  • 10. Choosing Inspiration: The Marathon Mom Story
    May 29 2024

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    Welcome back to *Stethoscopes and Strollers*! In this episode, we discuss a viral video of a Brazilian marathon runner who ran past her kids to win a race. The video has sparked many discussions, and today, we're exploring how to find inspiration in such moments.

    Episode Highlights:

    - Viral Video Breakdown: A marathon runner’s husband pushes their kids into her path right before the finish line, but she skillfully runs around them to achieve her victory.

    - Public Reaction: Many critiques focus on the husband’s actions, but there's a more empowering perspective to consider.

    - Personal Reflection: Choosing how to perceive and absorb such events can shape our own journeys and goals.

    Key Messages:

    - Empowerment Through Victory: The runner’s triumphant finish is a reminder that achieving goals is worthy of celebration, without guilt or regret.

    - Perspective is Key: While many reactions to the video are valid, you can choose to focus on the positive, inspirational aspects of such stories.

    - Inspiration for Physician Moms: Encouraging physician moms to pursue their goals fiercely, just like the marathon runner, and to celebrate their achievements fully.

    Discussion Points:

    - Navigating Responsibilities: Balancing personal goals with responsibilities to children, partners, and work.

    - Choosing Your Story: How the stories we tell ourselves about events can impact our motivation and mindset.

    What goal are you running towards? Will you navigate around obstacles with the same determination? Remember, you deserve to celebrate your successes without guilt.

    - Share the Inspiration: If this episode resonates with you, share it with another physician mom who needs a boost to pursue her goals.

    - Leave a Review: Don’t forget to leave us a five-star review on Apple Podcasts or your preferred platform. Your support

    My next info session, Hire a Nanny in 5 EASY Steps is on Thursday 27th June 2024 at 3pm ET/ 12pm PT.
    Register now to hire the perfect nanny with confidence and EASE! The replay will be sent out to everyone who registers, so don't worry if you can't make it live. See you there!

    Remember to subscribe to "Stethoscopes and Strollers" on your favorite podcast platform so you never miss an episode of encouragement and empowerment.

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    5 mins
  • 9. Point me to Childcare
    May 29 2024

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    Welcome back to Stethoscopes and Strollers! In this episode, we discuss how to effectively use credit card points for flying in childcare help. If you're a physician mom this strategy can be a game-changer.

    Episode Highlights:

    • The Power of Points: Learn how to maximize your credit card points for flights, hotels, and more, with a special shout-out to Devon Gimbel’s "Point Me to First Class for Women Physicians" group.
    • Flying in Childcare: Discover how I use points to fly in trusted family members to help with childcare. This approach has provided invaluable support for vacations, emergencies, and more.
    • Balancing Travel and Family: Discussing the importance of prioritizing your marriage and self-care by ensuring reliable childcare through creative solutions like using points for flights.

    Key Messages:

    • Maximize Your Spending: As physician moms with higher-than-average expenses, using credit card points can offer substantial rewards.
    • Childcare Solutions: When local help isn't available, consider flying in family members.
    • Prioritize Self-Care and Relationships: By securing reliable childcare, you can focus on your marriage, personal time, and career without added stress.

    Discussion Points:

    • Real-life Examples: I share how I’ve flown in my mother-in-law and sister using points to assist with childcare during vacations and busy times.
    • Community Support: Emphasizing the importance of creating a support network, whether through local resources or by bringing in family from afar.
    • Practical Tips: Simple steps to get started with credit card points, and how joining the "Point Me to First Class" group can provide invaluable tips and strategies.

    Maximizing your use of credit card points can seem daunting, but with the right approach, it’s entirely achievable. If you’re feeling overwhelmed, I offer private coaching to h

    My next info session, Hire a Nanny in 5 EASY Steps is on Thursday 27th June 2024 at 3pm ET/ 12pm PT.
    Register now to hire the perfect nanny with confidence and EASE! The replay will be sent out to everyone who registers, so don't worry if you can't make it live. See you there!

    Remember to subscribe to "Stethoscopes and Strollers" on your favorite podcast platform so you never miss an episode of encouragement and empowerment.

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    8 mins
  • 8. Breastfeeding and the LIES we tell
    May 22 2024

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    Welcome back to *Stethoscopes and Strollers*. In this episode, we dive into the realities of breastfeeding, dispelling common myths and discussing the pressures many moms, especially physician moms, face.

    Episode Highlights:

    - Debunking Common Myths: Addressing statements like "Breastfeeding helps you lose weight," "Breastfeeding protects you from postpartum depression," and "Breastfeeding comes naturally." While these might hold some truth, they often do a disservice by setting unrealistic expectations.

    - Personal Experiences: I share my own breastfeeding journeys with my son and daughter, highlighting how each experience differed and the mental health challenges I faced.

    - Supporting Moms' Choices: Emphasizing the importance of supporting moms in their feeding choices, whether it’s breastfeeding, formula feeding, or a combination. The goal is to reduce the pressure and guilt often associated with these decisions.

    Key Messages:

    - Breastfeeding Can Hurt: Despite the myth, breastfeeding can be painful even when done correctly. It’s essential to acknowledge this and provide proper support.

    - Fed is Best: The pressure to breastfeed can negatively impact mental health. Prioritizing the mother’s well-being is crucial for both mom and baby.

    - Cost of Breastfeeding: While often perceived as cheaper than formula feeding, breastfeeding comes with hidden costs, including time, supplies, and potential lost income.

    Discussion Points:

    - Impact on Mental Health: For many, the pressure to breastfeed can contribute to postpartum depression and anxiety. It’s important to recognize and address these mental health needs.

    - Opportunity Costs: The financial and emotional investments in breastfeeding can be significant. Understanding and planning for these can help mitigate stress.

    - The Complex Emotions: Breastfeeding can be both a cherished and traumatic part of motherhood. Acknowledging these complex emotions is vital for providing comp

    My next info session, Hire a Nanny in 5 EASY Steps is on Thursday 27th June 2024 at 3pm ET/ 12pm PT.
    Register now to hire the perfect nanny with confidence and EASE! The replay will be sent out to everyone who registers, so don't worry if you can't make it live. See you there!

    Remember to subscribe to "Stethoscopes and Strollers" on your favorite podcast platform so you never miss an episode of encouragement and empowerment.

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    13 mins