
  • Kristi Kandel Is Here to Make You a Local Real Estate Developer | Ep. 70
    Jun 3 2024


    In this episode, Kristi Kandel shares her entrepreneurial journey and her new endeavor in real estate development. She discusses the importance of having clarity and getting feedback from others to refine your ideas. Kristi emphasizes that anyone can get started in real estate development, especially in smaller communities where there are fewer barriers to entry. She also highlights the advantages of being a local developer, such as having community support and building relationships with strategic partners. Kristi encourages networking with local officials and taking on low-hanging fruit projects to gain experience. Finally, she explains why she is building a community of developers to provide support, education, and networking opportunities. Kristi discusses her passion for taking action and the intellectual conversations that come with real estate development. She also shares her vision of fixing polarized communities from the inside out and creating grassroots movements. Kristi encourages women to challenge their fears and jump into real estate development, highlighting the opportunities and flexibility it offers. She emphasizes the importance of self-love and resilience in the journey of personal and professional growth. Kristi dispels myths about government red tape and fees in real estate development and emphasizes the need for the right team and community support.


    • Getting feedback from others and refining your ideas is crucial for clarity and success.
    • Anyone can get started in real estate development, especially in smaller communities with fewer barriers to entry.
    • Being a local developer has advantages such as community support and building relationships with strategic partners.
    • Networking with local officials and taking on low-hanging fruit projects can help gain experience.
    • Building a community of developers provides support, education, and networking opportunities. Taking action and moving forward is key in real estate development.
    • Real estate development can be a way to fix polarized communities and create grassroots movements.
    • Women should challenge their fears and jump into real estate development, as it offers opportunities and flexibility.
    • Self-love and resilience are important in personal and professional growth.
    • Government red tape and fees in real estate development are often misunderstood.
    • Building the right team and having community support are crucial in real estate development.


    00:00 - Introduction and Catching Up with Kristi Kandel 06:16 - Kristi's New Endeavor: The Freedom House Hacker Movement 11:29 - Process of Gaining Clarity and Feedback 15:12 - Benefits and Opportunities in Real Estate Development 23:35 - Building a Community of Developers 29:23 - Taking Action and Intellectual Conversations 32:10 - Empowering Women in Real Estate Development 34:10 - Dispelling Myths about Government Red Tape and Fees 37:43 - Building the Right Team and Community Support Links: LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/kristi-kandel-4b650a12/ Website - https://idconsulting.us/ https://kristikandel.com/about/ Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/kristikandel/
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    1 h
  • Learning from the Best: Mark Wadlington’s Journey to Success | Ep. 69
    May 27 2024


    Mark Wadlington shares his journey from college to missionary work to becoming an evangelist and eventually starting his own accounting firm. He emphasizes the importance of taking risks and following your passion, even if it means leaving a secure job. Mark also discusses the 80-20 principle and the value of focusing on quality over quantity in business. His experience working in his family's restaurant taught him valuable lessons in customer service and managing people. Overall, Mark's story highlights the importance of being open to new opportunities and embracing the entrepreneurial spirit. Mark Wadlington shares his journey of starting his own firm and facing financial challenges. He emphasizes the importance of hard work, resourcefulness, and collaboration in overcoming obstacles. Mark also discusses the significance of purpose and fulfillment in defining success, as well as the role of generosity in using success as a tool to benefit others. In this conversation, Mark Wadlington shares his insights on entrepreneurship, success, and living an abundant life. He emphasizes the importance of pursuing meaning over money and making life count. Mark also discusses the value of having conversations and building relationships, as well as the need to be selective in applying effort and following one's passion. He shares personal stories and experiences that highlight the power of curiosity, communication, and mentorship. Overall, Mark's advice encourages listeners to approach life with an abundance mindset and to focus on what truly matters.


    • Take risks and follow your passion, even if it means leaving a secure job
    • Focus on quality over quantity in business
    • Embrace the entrepreneurial spirit and be open to new opportunities
    • Learn from the mistakes of others to gain a better footing in your own journey Hard work and resourcefulness are essential in overcoming challenges
    • Success is defined by purpose and fulfillment, not just money
    • Collaboration and relationships are key to success
    • Generosity is an important aspect of success, using it as a tool to benefit others Pursue meaning over money and make life count
    • Be selective in applying effort and follow your passion
    • Have conversations and build relationships
    • Embrace curiosity and continuous learning
    • Communicate effectively and ask questions
    • Seek mentorship and be of value to others
    • Approach life with an abundance mindset


    00:00 - Introduction and Background 02:26 - Transitioning from Evangelist to CPA 04:20 - Disappointment in the Public Accounting Firm 08:37 - Building a Boutique Accounting Firm 09:32 - Venturing into Real Estate 10:56 - Scaling Back and Focusing on Value 13:40 - Learning from the Mistakes of Others 19:34 - Taking Risks and Following Your Passion 20:30 - The 80-20 Principle: Quality Over Quantity 21:24 - Embracing the Entrepreneurial Spirit 25:13 - The Power of Trusting Relationships 29:22 - Grit and Effort as Keys to Success 35:36 - Embracing Collaboration and Letting Go of Independence 40:29 - Defining Success: Purpose and Fulfillment 44:07 - Using Success as a Tool for Generosity 50:50 - Discerning Between Cliche and Principle 50:54 - Pursuing Meaning Over Money 51:44 - The Selective Application of Effort 53:07 - The Power of Conversations and Relationships 54:01 - Embracing Curiosity and Continuous Learning 54:46 - Effective Communication and Asking Questions 56:13 - The Value of Mentorship and Being of Value 01:03:09 - Living with an Abundance Mindset Link:



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    1 h et 14 min
  • Dave Sorensen | Ep. 68 Growth Insights from Entrepreneur Dave Sorensen
    May 23 2024


    In this conversation, Nick and Nick interview Dave Sorensen, an entrepreneur and investor. Dave shares his journey in starting and running a construction company, as well as his experiences with other ventures. He emphasizes the importance of specializing in a specific aspect of the business to increase profitability and reduce stress. Dave also discusses the value of learning from mentors and making good business decisions. He shares his perspective on risk tolerance and the willingness to start over if necessary. In this conversation, Dave shares his perspective on risk and entrepreneurship. He emphasizes the importance of relying on God's blessing and wisdom in business ventures. He also discusses the need to hedge against risk by having a reserve fund and carefully managing expenses. Dave highlights the sacrifices and challenges that come with being an entrepreneur, including the impact on family life. He encourages aspiring entrepreneurs to carefully consider their calling and motivation before starting a business. Dave also shares his insights on recognizing opportunities and the importance of kindness and humility in business.


    • Specializing in a specific aspect of the business can increase profitability and reduce stress.
    • Learning from mentors and seeking advice from successful entrepreneurs is valuable.
    • Making good business decisions requires focusing on the big picture and profitability.
    • Risk tolerance is important in entrepreneurship, and being willing to start over can lead to new opportunities. Rely on God's blessing and wisdom in business ventures.
    • Hedge against risk by having a reserve fund and managing expenses.
    • Consider your calling and motivation before starting a business.
    • Recognize opportunities and be willing to adapt and seize them.
    • Practice kindness and humility in business interactions.


    00:00 - Introduction and Weather Update 01:48 - Dave's Current Ventures and Day-to-Day Life 03:15 - The Importance of Specialization in Business 05:08 - Learning from Mentors and Making Good Business Decisions 09:46 - Risk Tolerance and the Willingness to Start Over 39:10 - Hedging Against Risk 43:49 - The Sacrifices and Challenges of Being an Entrepreneur 51:09 - Recognizing and Seizing Opportunities 59:10 - The Importance of Kindness and Humility
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    1 h et 7 min
  • Why We're Anti-Hustle-Culture | Ep. 67
    May 11 2024
    Summary In this episode, the hosts discuss the topic of hustle culture and its impact on success. They explore the definition of hustle culture and its emphasis on grinding and sacrificing to achieve goals. They question whether success can be achieved without following the hustle culture mentality and highlight the importance of balance in life. The hosts share their own definition of success, which includes family, faith, finances, fitness, and the future. They also discuss the concept of being a journey person versus a destination person and the value of enjoying the journey rather than solely focusing on the end goal. The hosts mention several guests from previous episodes who exemplify a balanced approach to success, such as Dave Ederer and Jeff Riccola. They emphasize the need for mentors and role models who prioritize relationships and a well-rounded life. The hosts conclude by encouraging listeners to give themselves grace, take breaks, and remember that success is a marathon, not a sprint. Takeaways
    • Hustle culture emphasizes grinding and sacrificing to achieve goals, but it's important to question whether success can be achieved without following this mentality.
    • Success should be defined individually and include a balance of family, faith, finances, fitness, and the future.
    • Being a journey person, focusing on enjoying the journey rather than solely pursuing the end goal, can lead to a more fulfilling and well-rounded life.
    • Mentors and role models who prioritize relationships and a balanced life can provide an alternative perspective to hustle culture.
    • It's important to give yourself grace, take breaks, and remember that success is a marathon, not a sprint.

    Chapters 00:00 - Introduction and Purpose of the Episode 02:17 - Defining Hustle Culture 06:36 - Questioning the Hustle Culture Mentality 10:16 - Journey vs. Destination 13:41 - The Importance of Balance 23:39 - Guests Who Exemplify a Balanced Approach 26:12 - Practical Tips for Balancing Work and Life 30:10 - The Preciousness of Time and Giving Yourself Grace 32:18 - Conclusion and Call to Action Connect with Abundant Journey: Website: AbundantJourney.net On social: @abundantjourneypodcast Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/abundantjourneypodcast YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@abundantjourney
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    34 min
  • Joey Patino Is Mastering Vertical Integration in Real Estate and Small Business | Ep. 66
    May 3 2024
    Summary Joey Patino, a young entrepreneur, shares his journey of building a vertically integrated real estate business in Portland. He discusses the various companies they have, including boutique hotels, a management and cleaning company, a furniture store, a design and staging company, a development company, and a construction side. Joey emphasizes the importance of culture in their business, where they value bluntness, open communication, and a willingness to challenge each other. He believes that people naturally gravitate towards positive and energetic individuals, and he strives to be an asset to his family, team, and business partners. Joey also shares the lessons he has learned, such as the concept of non-linear growth and the importance of humility and being open to different perspectives. Joey Patino discusses the importance of choosing business partners wisely and the benefits of having partners in business. He shares his personal fear of being poor and how having partners has provided him with financial security and peace of mind. Joey emphasizes the importance of character, good relationships with family, and treating others with respect when selecting business partners. He also dispels misconceptions about the Airbnb industry and the Portland market, highlighting the need for full-time commitment and realistic underwriting. Joey's why is to bring energy to any situation and create an infectious culture, grounded in faith and authenticity. Takeaways
    • Building a successful business requires a strong culture that values open communication, bluntness, and a willingness to challenge each other.
    • Being positive, energetic, and an asset to others can attract people and create a supportive team.
    • Non-linear growth is a concept that helps put things into perspective and reminds entrepreneurs to be patient and persistent.
    • Humility and the ability to be open to different perspectives are important traits for personal and professional growth.
    • Having business partners can provide diverse skills and perspectives, and help mitigate risks. Choose business partners wisely and ensure they have good character and a strong relationship with their family.
    • Having partners in business provides financial security and peace of mind.
    • The Airbnb industry requires full-time commitment and realistic underwriting.
    • Portland has a lot to offer despite its challenges, and the market can only go up from here.
    • Bring energy to any situation and create an infectious culture grounded in faith and authenticity.
    Chapters 00:00 - Introduction and Guest Introduction 01:09 - Guest Background and Current Ventures 15:10 - Lessons Learned and the Power of Non-Linear Growth 25:47 - Being an Asset to Others and the Benefits of Bluntness 29:36 - The Importance of Positivity and Humility 36:26 - The Role of Business Partners and Overcoming Pride 38:20 - Choosing Business Partners Wisely 51:23 - Dispelling Misconceptions: The Airbnb Industry 56:54 - Dispelling Misconceptions: The Portland Market 01:03:34 - Bringing Energy and Creating an Infectious Culture


    Home Staging with Greylyn Wayne https://www.greylynwayne.com/

    What’s New? Furniture Shop https://whatsnewfurniture.com/

    CHJ Development: https://chjdevelopment.com/

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/joey-patino-249a3b149/

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    1 h et 17 min
  • Nick & Nick on the Power of Leverage | Ep. 65
    Apr 23 2024


    In this episode, the hosts discuss the concept of leverage and how it can be a powerful tool in business. They explore different forms of leverage, including financial leverage, leveraging relationships, and leveraging technology. They also touch on the debate between Dave Ramsey's approach of avoiding debt and Robert Kiyosaki's approach of leveraging debt to build wealth. The hosts emphasize the importance of leveraging resources and skills to save time and effort, and they highlight the value of coaching and mentorship in leveraging the experience and knowledge of others. Leveraging debt and using leverage in business and investing can have advantages when done strategically and responsibly. Debt can be used to purchase appreciating assets and take advantage of tax benefits. It allows for the growth of businesses and real estate portfolios at a faster rate. However, it is important to differentiate between consumer debt and business debt. Consumer debt is used to buy depreciating assets, while business debt is used to invest in assets that generate income. It is crucial to educate oneself and seek advice from professionals to make informed decisions about leveraging debt. Overleveraging and not understanding the risks can lead to financial ruin. It is important to have adequate reserves, secure long-term debt, and not rely solely on debt for growth. Leverage should be used strategically and in alignment with one's goals and values.


    • Leverage can be a powerful tool in business, allowing you to achieve outsized outcomes with less effort.
    • Different forms of leverage include financial leverage, leveraging relationships, and leveraging technology.
    • There is a debate between Dave Ramsey's approach of avoiding debt and Robert Kiyosaki's approach of leveraging debt to build wealth.
    • Leveraging resources and skills can save time and effort, allowing you to focus on high-value tasks.
    • Coaching and mentorship can be valuable forms of leverage, allowing you to learn from others' experiences and avoid costly mistakes. Debt can be leveraged to purchase appreciating assets and take advantage of tax benefits.
    • Differentiate between consumer debt and business debt - consumer debt is used for depreciating assets, while business debt is used for income-generating assets.
    • Educate yourself and seek advice from professionals to make informed decisions about leveraging debt.
    • Overleveraging and not understanding the risks can lead to financial ruin.
    • Have adequate reserves, secure long-term debt, and don't rely solely on debt for growth.
    • Leverage should be used strategically and in alignment with one's goals and values.


    00:00 - Introduction and Overview 08:07 - Exploring Different Forms of Leverage 27:35 - The Debate: Dave Ramsey vs. Robert Kiyosaki 33:49 - Leveraging Resources and Skills 40:49 - The Tax Advantages of Debt 53:25 - Protecting Yourself with Adequate Reserves and Long-Term Debt

    Connect with Abundant Journey:

    Website: AbundantJourney.net

    On social: @abundantjourneypodcast

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/abundantjourneypodcast

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@abundantjourney

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    1 h et 3 min
  • How Lee Nugent Built a Better Life. And How You Can, Too. | Ep. 59
    Apr 22 2024

    In this episode of the Abundant Journey Podcast, your hosts, Nick James and Nick Aufenkamp, delve into the transformative world of real estate investment, entrepreneurial resilience, and lifestyle design with the dynamic Lee Nugent.

    From humble beginnings on the rugged paths of rural America to establishing a formidable presence in the real estate market, Lee unfolds the blueprint of leveraging real estate for financial prosperity, personal freedom, and profound societal impact.

    Show Notes:

    • Welcome and Introduction
    • Lee Nugent’s remarkable transition from country living to real estate mogul
    • The strategic importance of networking and connecting for growth in real estate
    • Embracing the shift from a survival mindset to mastering the art of wealth creation through property investment
    • Utilizing real estate as a vehicle for philanthropy and positive community transformation
    • The critical role of mentorship, education, and action in achieving real estate success
    • Balancing the demands of family life, personal values, and ambitious entrepreneurship
    • Introducing the "More Hands You Shake" philosophy for unparalleled success in real estate and beyond
    • Discussing the evolution into real estate fund management and the potential it unlocks for investors
    • Visionary goals: Lee's mission to combat food insecurity and his dream real estate ventures
    • Links:
      • Lee Nugent's Real Estate Wisdom Portal - REwithLee.com
      • Connect with Lee Nugent across social platforms - [YouTube/Instagram/LinkedIn/Facebook]

    Embark on a journey that not only motivates but equips you with actionable insights for achieving financial independence and crafting a life of significance through real estate. Ensure to subscribe, rate, and review the Abundant Journey Podcast for more empowering narratives and strategies that ignite your passion for entrepreneurship and real estate innovation.

    For additional resources and episodes, visit AbundantJourney.net.

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    1 h et 13 min
  • Emily Cortright & Adam Roberts | Ep. 64
    Apr 12 2024
    Summary In this episode, Emily Cortright and Adam Roberts share their journey in real estate investing, starting from their corporate jobs to their transition into real estate. They discuss their shift from single-family flipping to multifamily investing and the reasons behind it. They also talk about their recent pivot to mortgage note investing and the benefits of this asset class. The importance of building relationships and leveraging networks is emphasized, as well as the significance of making informed decisions based on financial goals and criteria. In this conversation, Adam Roberts and Emily Cortright discuss their journey into note investing and share insights on finding inspiration, educating investors, long-term strategy, location flexibility, leveraging debt, understanding risk, embracing an abundance mindset, questioning expert advice, and the importance of the journey. Takeaways
    • Real estate investing provides the opportunity to take control of your financial destiny and build wealth.
    • Transitioning from single-family to multifamily investing allows for scalability and the role of a business owner.
    • Mortgage note investing offers a cash flow-focused investment strategy with potential high returns.
    • Building relationships and leveraging networks are crucial for success in real estate investing.
    • Making informed decisions based on financial goals and criteria helps avoid analysis paralysis and shiny object syndrome. Find inspiration from others who are doing what you want to do in real estate investing.
    • Educate investors on note investing to shift their perspective and offer new opportunities.
    • Diversify your investment portfolio to mitigate risk and take advantage of different asset classes.
    • Note investing is accessible to beginners and offers a simple business model with low risk and high returns.
    • Note investing allows for location flexibility and can be done remotely.
    • Leverage debt and other people's money to invest in notes and increase returns.
    • Understand the risks and downsides of note investing, such as the lack of depreciation benefits.
    • Develop an abundance mindset to foster collaboration and growth in the real estate industry.
    • Question expert advice and consider your own experiences and goals.
    • Embrace the journey of entrepreneurship and focus on personal growth and learning.
    • Advice for younger entrepreneur selves: Surround yourself with the right people and embrace education and mentorship.
    Chapters 00:00 - Introduction and Guest Introduction 01:15 - Starting the Journey in Real Estate Investing 06:56 - Pivoting to Mortgage Note Investing 12:28 - The Shift in the Multifamily Landscape 13:13 - Entering the Mortgage Note Investing Market 21:25 - Choosing the Right Mentorship and Coaching Programs 25:43 - Making Decisions and Avoiding Distractions 27:47 - Finding Inspiration and Overcoming Fear 30:29 - Educating Investors on Note Investing 32:00 - Long-Term Strategy and Diversification 35:44 - Note Investing for Beginners 37:25 - Location Flexibility in Note Investing 41:05 - Leveraging Debt in Note Investing 43:17 - Understanding Risk in Note Investing 46:56 - The Downsides of Note Investing 48:21 - The Importance of an Abundance Mindset 50:28 - Questioning Expert Advice 51:18 - Embracing the Journey 52:48 - Advice for Younger Entrepreneur Selves Website A&E Investments: https://www.aeinvestments.com/
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    56 min