
  • How to Deal with Shame
    Jun 13 2024
    Hello Father Josh! Let me start out by saying you are such an incredible blessing to so many! God has truly sent you to help those in need. You are so relatable, and it is wonderful and very encouraging. I will continue to pray for you and your family. My question or concern is this. A number of years ago, in my 20’s, I was at a very low point. I was depressed and searching for what I hoped would be real love. I found myself continuing to make the same mistake repeatedly, by sleeping with these men I’d date sometimes only briefly. I am so incredibly ashamed and disappointed in myself. Though I have confessed these sins on multiple occasions during Confession, I can’t ever forgive myself. I do believe God most likely forgives me, but am also deeply afraid of the recourse I will have to pay for these mistakes. I am frightened of the suffering in purgatory, though I know I deserve the consequences and to be made clean before entering Heaven. It was such a sad time in my life, and I shied away from what was right. I am just wondering, does it offend God that I don’t forgive myself? Will I suffer immensely for these sins? Can I do anything to earn penance while on Earth? I know we must pay for our sins and that He died for ours. But I can’t help but to feel scared of dying because of this. Any insight would be greatly appreciated! God Bless you. Text “askfrjosh” to 33-777 to subscribe to Fr. Josh’s shownotes or go to www.AscensionPress.com/askfatherjosh Submit your questions and feedback to Fr.Josh by filling out a form at www.ascensionpress.com/askfatherjosh
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    15 min
  • What the Church Says About Medical Marijuana
    Jun 6 2024
    Welcome to Ask Fr. Josh - Summer Snippets! During the next few months, some of the most popular questions from the archives will be released as short snippets. Enjoy! Question: I have had 3 cervical spine fusions over 5 years and due to the amount of medication I’ve been taking I have begun to do a small amount of damage to my liver. 2 of my specialists have recommended medicinal marijuana but I feel so guilty doing it. My family is supportive but I feel ashamed. I have taken Percocet but do not like the side effect and again it’s another pill that can lead to damage to my liver. I’ve also begun to drink beer and wine to alleviate the pain. My question is should I use my medicinal marijuana for pain or is this a sin? I feel as though I’m running out of options. -Anonymous Text “askfrjosh” to 33-777 to subscribe to Fr. Josh’s shownotes or go to www.AscensionPress.com/askfatherjosh Submit your questions and feedback to Fr.Josh by filling out a form at www.ascensionpress.com/askfatherjosh
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    8 min
  • When Your Spouse Doesn’t Share Your Faith
    Apr 25 2024
    What do you do if your spouse isn’t praying, going to Mass, or living the faith at all? Many people find themselves in the position where their spouse is non-Catholic or not practicing the faith. This can be incredibly difficult both as a spouse and as a parent. Fr. Josh Johnson is joined by Deacon Michael Parker to discuss what to do in this kind of situation. They share how you can work to evangelize your spouse without nagging or creating animosity in the relationship. Snippet From the Show It is essential that we share the goodness of the Lord through our words and our actions. Text “askfrjosh” to 33-777 to subscribe to Fr. Josh’s shownotes or go to www.AscensionPress.com/askfatherjosh Submit your questions and feedback to Fr.Josh by filling out a form at www.ascensionpress.com/askfatherjosh
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    22 min
  • Retreats: Essential or Indulgent?
    Apr 18 2024
    Just as we would prioritize a vacation with our family or our husband or our wife, we ought to also prioritize a getaway with God. In today’s episode, Fr. Josh Johnson encourages us to get away, break our routines, and listen to the voice of God. He unfolds how important retreats are for him in his walk with God, and how life-changing different types of retreats can be for us, no matter what state of life we find ourselves in. Snippet From the Show If God is important to us, then God deserves to be on our calendar. Text “askfrjosh” to 33-777 to subscribe to Fr. Josh’s shownotes or go to www.AscensionPress.com/askfatherjosh Submit your questions and feedback to Fr.Josh by filling out a form at www.ascensionpress.com/askfatherjosh
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    20 min
  • How Do Husbands Want to Be Loved?
    Apr 11 2024
    It is essential for every spouse to learn how best to love their husband or wife. To discuss how husbands want to be loved, Fr. Josh Johnson is joined by Deacon Michael Parker. Together, they talk through some of the ways that men tend to feel most loved. They also touch on the importance of communication and vulnerability when it comes to spouses learning how to best love one another. Snippet From the Show Receive your spouse as the gift they are. Text “askfrjosh” to 33-777 to subscribe to Fr. Josh’s shownotes or go to www.AscensionPress.com/askfatherjosh Submit your questions and feedback to Fr.Josh by filling out a form at www.ascensionpress.com/askfatherjosh
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    23 min
  • Can Holy People Have Fun?
    Apr 4 2024
    Does being Christian mean that you need to live a solitary, boring, or unhappy life? Looking at the lives of holy men and women, it can appear that the majority of their lives were suffering and solitude. Does this mean that “fun” has no place in the Christian life? Fr. Josh Johnson takes up this question in today’s episode. Snippet From the Show “Faith is our source of joy. We believe in a God who created us so that we might enjoy human happiness - in some measure on earth, in its fullness in heaven. We are meant to have our human joys: the joy of living, the joy of love and friendship, the joy of work well done.” -St. John Paul II Text “askfrjosh” to 33-777 to subscribe to Fr. Josh’s shownotes or go to www.AscensionPress.com/askfatherjosh Submit your questions and feedback to Fr.Josh by filling out a form at www.ascensionpress.com/askfatherjosh
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    16 min
  • Decision Making: Single vs. Married
    Mar 28 2024
    Is there a right way to make decisions? How people make decisions may look different depending on what season of life they are in. Fr. Josh Johnson is joined by Deacon Michael Parker to discuss some best practices when it comes to making decisions, especially in a marriage. Snippet From the Show When you bring prayer into your decision making, you can trust that Christ is at the center. Text “askfrjosh” to 33-777 to subscribe to Fr. Josh’s shownotes or go to www.AscensionPress.com/askfatherjosh Submit your questions and feedback to Fr.Josh by filling out a form at www.ascensionpress.com/askfatherjosh
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    22 min
  • Međugorje: Private vs. Public Revelation
    Mar 21 2024
    What do you know about the apparitions of Međugorje? Although these apparitions are not yet approved, there are many who have traveled to the site and been convicted in their faith. Fr. Josh Johnson shares about his own experiences with Međugorje and explains the difference between private and public revelation. Snippet From the Show Authentic apparitions don’t add anything to our faith. They simply emphasize something that is already present in the ordinary teachings of the Church. Text “askfrjosh” to 33-777 to subscribe to Fr. Josh’s shownotes or go to www.AscensionPress.com/askfatherjosh Submit your questions and feedback to Fr.Josh by filling out a form at www.ascensionpress.com/askfatherjosh
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    30 min