
  • 244 - Climate Fiction: How every storm, heatwave, and wildfire is blamed on YOU
    Jun 4 2024
    "Climate Fiction" is the sanitized version of what Brian actually calls this media phenomena. You'll hear the actual reference during the beginning of the episode. But the fact is, we have entered a time in which every storm, flood, heatwave, cold snap and wild fire is being blamed on human-caused climate change. It's preposterous. An unnecessary guilt trip is being laid on YOU. You are the carbon sinner. You are the selfish, entitled, privileged human who desires to have a warm home in the winter and a cool home in the summer while much of the rest of the world languishes in an atmosphere that has been ruined by industry, capitalism, free markets, and the America way at large. Well, that's what we're constantly being told by talking heads, podcast pontificators, and popular politicians. Much of the content presented in this episode originates from Brian's new book, "Climate Cult: Exposing and Defeating Their War on Life, Liberty, and Property."
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    20 min
  • 243 - Exposing and Defeating the Climate Cult, Interview with Chris Horner
    May 28 2024
    In conjunction with the release of Brian Sussman's new book, Climate Cult, in this episode he interviews the man who wrote the very first book exposing the climate agenda and the fraud known as Al Gore: New York Times bestselling author, Chris Horner. Not only did Chris write The Politically Correct Guide to Global Warming in 2007, he has also endorsed Brian's book. "I wanted to honor Chris for opening the door for all of the rest of us who have written books on this topic," says Brian. "He certainly was the inspiration for me to write all three of my books on the topic." In this fast moving exchange, Chris details how the green movement includes those who can get rich, those who seek control, and those who need employment. Chris and Brian conclude the interview with strong ideas on "how to turn the ship around to save America.
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    40 min
  • 242 - The Climate Cabal and California's Budget Disaster
    May 21 2024
    In just two years California has gone from a near $100 billion budget surplus to a $45 billion deficit. While legislators are tinkering with meaningless spending cuts, one distinct portion of the budget that will remain virtually intact is California’s annual massive climate change budget which amounts to about $50 billion in the coming fiscal year. In this episode Brian warns America to keep an eye on California. As the birthplace of modern radicalism, including that of the environmental movement, what starts in California slowly creeps across the nation. As for what got California into its financial mess? The answers Brian provides, including what the climate budget is paying for, are mind-numbing.
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    21 min
  • 241 - Is a Climate Lockdown Next?
    May 13 2024
    Biden's campaign is in desperate straights. What card could his administration play to better their chances of beating Donald Trump in November? In this episode Brian shares exclusive information from his new book, "Climate Cult: Exposing and Defeating Their War on Life, Liberty, and Property," warning that Biden is considering using Executive Authority to declare a Climate Emergency--a COVID style lockdown--to game the system and secure a second term.
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    16 min
  • 240 - Getting Real on Climate & Energy - Interview w/ Dr. Calvin Beisner
    May 3 2024
    In this episode we "get real" regarding climate and energy, both of which are in the crosshairs of vigorous debate. My guest is Dr. Calvin Beisner, President of the Cornwall Alliance for the Stewardship of Creation. Calvin and Dr. David Legates have written a bestseller: "Climate and Energy, The Case for Realism." You will find this episode incredibly compelling, eye-opening, and motivating. Dr. Beisner also presents a special offer on how to receive a copy of the book.
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    37 min
  • 239 - Earth Day: Crackpots, Charlatans, Charades
    Apr 22 2024
    It is not about a pristine environment. Instead, Earth Day is a clever charade designed to bash life, liberty and the owner of personal property, and usher in a new era of Marxist collectivism. Established on April 22, 1970, Earth Day’s founders held a common dislike for America and used their positions of influence to utilize the public education system to begin indoctrinating youth into becoming eco-robots. In this special episode, you will witness examples of such greenwashing as otherwise very sincere people have consumed the Earth Day tonic and are now quite adept at habitually reciting it’s phony virtues.
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    17 min
  • 238 - Daring to State the Obvious: Intvw w/ Albin Sadar, fmr. producer, Eric Metaxas Show
    Apr 16 2024
    Even though it’s as obvious as one plus one equals two, there is a large segment of society that would stamp their feet and declare, “Two is your reality and it’s misinformation. My truth says the answer is three!” Or maybe even five—or seven. Whether it’s climate, biology, equity, or justice, the once easy answers and conclusions are subject to the beholder. In this episode you will meet Albin Sadar, author of “Obviously: Seeing the Evil That’s in Plain Sight and Doing Something About It.” Previously, Albin was the longstanding producer of the Eric Metaxas Show; in fact, Metaxas wrote the Forward for Albin’s great book.
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    19 min
  • 237 - The Hottest Ever? Unmasking Their Charade
    Apr 9 2024
    Is this really the hottest weather ever? Certainly, you’ve seen the headlines stating that is the case. In this episode, Brian continues to share key concepts from his book, Climate Cult, this time concentrating on setting the record straight when it comes to temperature. In doing so, he presents damning information that activists wish had never come to light: hacked emails from the Climate Research Unit in the U.K. Evidence clearly illustrating a well concocted fix was in to expunge a specific period of time—well before the Industrial Revolution—that was clearly warmer than today.
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    25 min