
  • 30: What The Top-Achieving Client Have In Common
    Jun 16 2024

    What the fastest EVER to reach their goals have in common

    A clear goal, annual plan, tasks - 52 seconds to find all 3

    If I look at their last 90 days, they always have a marketing task

    usually it's a repetitive task (60-70% of the time)

    All of them have lots of reviews on Google/FB

    all are at least consistent with SM - good at one channel, maintaining the rest

    All use all 4 marketing funnels - really good at one, maintaining the rest

    None are optimized yet. :)

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    7 min
  • 30: Working Outside Our Niche
    Jun 2 2024

    We're often approached to help access gyms, big clubs, martial arts gyms, cheer gyms...and other businesses that are slightly different from our core audience.

    We usually say "no" - but with access gyms and clubs, we CAN help them build a coaching program. Here's more.

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    5 min
  • 29: What I Learned From 84 Award Nominees
    May 26 2024

    top tips:

    Keep it simple

    Do something fun (it’s more fun when you have customers)

    Partner, don’t compete

    Ask for help

    Learn from your mistakes

    Be a proud promoter

    Location matters

    Donate a percentage

    I also sent a VM to 84 nominees for the annual Two-Brain awards...and guess what? They told me the exact same things:

    Keep it simple

    Make it fun

    Ask for help

    Learn from mistakes

    "make lots of money, and give it away."

    SO simple.

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    5 min
  • 28: The 3 Phases of Skill Acquisition
    May 19 2024

    The process of skill acquisition happens in three stages:

    First, the cognitive stage.

    In this stage, you have to be consciously focused on what you’re doing. You have to think about each step; follow a recipe; or follow instructions. Because you don’t own the knowledge yet, you might feel dumb, like “This is harder to learn than I thought!” or even “I’m just not getting this!”

    This stage is almost always done with a teacher or a mentor.

    Second, the associative stage.

    Now you’ve got the process memorized, even if you’re not really skilled at it. You’re a dedicated student; but you can practice on your own, and you can practice in the real world instead of a controlled classroom. You are aware enough of your own skill that you can self-audit (“Hey, it worked better when I did it like THIS”). This is where deliberate practice comes in: not just reps, but meaningful reps with feedback from yourself or others. One myth, at this stage, is the “10,000 hour rule” - the idea that you must put in 10,000 hours of practice to become a master. It’s not quite true. You must put in thousands of hours of GOOD practice to achieve mastery. That means feedback from yourself and others, not just doing the same thing poorly for 10,000 hours. Without this feedback loop, you will not improve. The more objective the feedback, the more rapidly you can improve. So a mentor can really help in this stage, too - even though it’s painful to continually find flaws in your practice.

    Third, the Autonomous stage.

    At this stage of skill acquisition, you can perform the skill pretty well. You can do it all day long. You don’t even really have to think about it. And that’s what makes this stage dangerous: your skill can plateau. You can get bored. Nothing is forcing you to improve, and so you might not want to. But real masters of any skill - including entrepreneurial skills - keep looking for ways to get better.

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    9 min
  • 27: What "8-Year-Old-Easy" REALLY Means
    May 12 2024

    it doesn't mean they're dumb

    it means get really specific

    this is a super hard skill most biz coaches don't have

    I started practicing in 2012 and get better all the time

    if you've seen incubator - rampup - stage 1, you know what I mean. stage 1 is right down to copy this and paste it here

    we need to do the same on calls

    general advice like "what are you doing to build culture?" is the standard for mentorship outside tbb, but it's not good enough for us

    To practice, I'm writing a general daily "WOD" on businessisgood.com

    that's the level of tactical advice you need to be giving

    in a year, i'll probably think that's too vague and find a way to get even deeper

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    4 min
  • 26: Changing the Conversation
    May 5 2024

    Like many episodes, this is a summary of the best advice from Two-Brain mentors.

    Over two hours, we roleplayed and picked the BEST questions and strategies to ask when a call starts on the wrong foot, or the mentor finds themselves in the backseat while a client drives the car...everywhere and nowhere.

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    5 min
  • 25: Accuracy Vs. Precision
    Apr 28 2024

    Accuracy vs Precision These are two terms that are often used interchangeably, but they actually mean different things. While accuracy is non-negotiable in mentorship, precision is priceless. here's what I mean: Accuracy means that you are directionally correct. Getting more members will help you grow your gym - that's accurate. Getting 5 more members at $200 per month will add $1000 to your topline revenue - that's precise. Our job, as mentors, is to be precise. Accuracy is the bare minimum. Yes, it's necessary. Precision is the gold standard.

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    6 min
  • 24: Programming for Business
    Apr 20 2024
    Programming for BusinessSummary
    • Effective programming for fitness goals. 0:01
    • Good programming starts with the goal and works backward, breaking down the problem into essential elements with clear steps and achievement points for celebration.
    • Setting and achieving fitness and business goals. 1:33
    • Chris Cooper outlines a goal-setting framework for business success, emphasizing clear goals and measurable progress.
    • Breaking down a large goal into smaller tasks for success. 3:03
    • Chris Cooper outlines a plan to increase NLB by $5,000 in 90 days through monthly goals and task assignments.

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    4 min