
  • This Is My Story I
    Jun 9 2024
    This week, we were excited to kick off a new theme for our sermon time titled "This Is My Story..." Over the next few weeks, we'll be hearing heartfelt stories and testimonies from members of our Hillside Church family. To start, we have stories from Luc, Ludovick, and Pastor Matt. Join us as we celebrate and reflect on the unique journeys of faith within our community, drawing strength and encouragement from each shared testimony. Timestamps:Luc's Story - 00:04:35Ludovick's Story - 00:13:39Pastor Matt's Story - 00:25:55 Music: 'Blessed Assurance' - Nathan Drake
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  • Not Extremely Loud, But Incredibly Close
    Jun 2 2024
    Pastor Brad concluded our series EARSHOT with a reflection on a story from Elijah's life this week. The story highlighted how God seeks to connect with us not only in grand, spectacular moments but also in intimate and quiet ones, where His presence is felt in whispers. Music: Seph Schlueter - 'Stay'
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  • We Need To Listen
    May 26 2024
    This week, we continued our series on how to hear Gods voice by delving into a powerful story from the life of Moses, where God spoke to him. From this narrative, we extracted four key principles that we can apply in our own lives to better hear when God speaks to us. Music: Seph Schlueter - 'Stay'
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  • God Is Speaking
    May 19 2024
    This week, we launched an exciting new sermon series called EARSHOT, where we'll explore the profound truth that God speaks to us and the importance of learning to hear His voice. Pastor Brad kicked off the series by diving into what the Bible reveals about God's desire to communicate with His creation from the very beginning. He unpacked the significance of being attuned to God's voice and what it means for our daily lives. Music: Seph Schlueter - 'Stay'
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  • Remain
    May 14 2024
    This week, Pastor Matt delivered a powerful message from John 15, emphasizing the profound significance of our connection with Jesus. Drawing from this rich passage, he illuminated the vital role that our relationship with Christ plays in our lives. As Pastor Matt guided us through the Scriptures, we were reminded of the deep spiritual nourishment and strength that comes from abiding in Jesus. Music: Jet Trouble - 'I Need You'
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  • Reviving the CALL to Missions
    May 5 2024
    This week, Pastor Lori stepped into her role as Coordinator for Canadian Foursquare Missions and brought us an inspiring update on our missions programs. She shared exciting news about the impactful work happening around the world. From new initiatives to ongoing projects, Pastor Lori illuminated the various opportunities for us to get involved, both locally and through missions trips. Join us as we learn how we can play a part in spreading hope and making a difference in communities near and far.
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  • Lost & Found
    Apr 28 2024
    This week was a joyous occasion at Hillside as we celebrated baptisms! Amidst the celebration, Pastor Brad delivered a powerful message on the significance of our testimonies as believers. Drawing inspiration from a poignant story shared by Jesus about a woman who lost a precious coin, Pastor Brad highlighted the profound love that God has for each and every one of us. In the midst of our own journeys, we are reminded that when we were lost, God ensured that we were found. Music: Forrest Frank - 'Good Day'
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  • Home Is Where The Heart Is
    Apr 21 2024
    In the concluding message of our series, "After Life," Pastor Brad addresses three common misconceptions about heaven that may have subtly influenced our understanding. By turning to the teachings of the Bible, Pastor Brad aims to dispel these misconceptions and illuminate the true nature of heaven. Above all, our prayer is that as we delve into the biblical depiction of heaven, you would be stirred with a longing for your eternal home. Join us as we journey together towards a deeper understanding and appreciation of the glorious reality that awaits us in heaven. Music: 'Grave Robber' - Crowder
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