
  • Get Coached: On How to Be a Visionary Leader
    Jun 24 2021

    Meet Candice – a confident leader who is proud of her abilities to manage the numbers but struggles with being a visionary leader. In our conversation, she shares that she is held back by a limiting belief that she is “not strategic,” and that she needs some creative ideas for how to connect her people to something bigger.

    In this episode, we download many of our favorite tools for motivating and inspiring teams to break from the black and white mundane into more creative, expansive, bigger picture conversations.

    If you are someone who is looking to embrace your inner visionary and infuse fresh thinking and creativity into your leadership, this is the episode for you.

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    19 min
  • Coaching Episode: Healing Work Burnout and Detaching From Praise
    Jun 14 2021

    Do you have a hard time turning work off and tuning into your own needs? Do you think that failure is NOT an option? How attached to praise are you? Meet Nicole, a hard charging, energetic and successful sales leader who would work 14-hour days to win praise. When it did not come her way, she would feel resentful which would lead her to get back on the hamster wheel and work even harder. This unsustainable pattern resulted in no hobbies and no life outside of work. In our coaching conversation, learn new ways to prevent burnout, celebrate PROGRESS over PERFECTION, embrace failure and see what tuning into your own needs can look like. Success doesn’t need to be painful.

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    25 min
  • Get Coached: On Combating Impostor Syndrome
    May 31 2021

    Whether you’re at the beginning of your career or the top of your game, we all experience impostor syndrome. This is the voice that says, “You can’t do this. You’re not who they think you are. Just wait ‘til you get found out!”

    In this episode, we coach Chris — a leader that people want to follow — who is about to take on a huge new role. He opens up to us about that voice in his head that says, “What if you’re not partner material?”

    Through this conversation, you will learn strategies to combat impostor syndrome, gain new insights around how to show up authentically in an interview and understand what it means to be a purposeful leader.

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    24 min
  • Get Coached: On Having the Courage to Make a Career Change
    May 17 2021

    Many of us have built successful careers in industries that we no longer feel connected to. When we let ourselves daydream, we imagine doing something very different.

    Yet our inner critics immediately stop us in our tracks with messages like, “You’re too old/inexperienced/young to make this kind of change. ” Or, “You won’t make enough money.” Or “People won’t understand why you are giving up something so stable.”

    In this next “Get Coached” episode, meet Jeanne Griffin. She is a talented interior designer who has built up a very successful practice over the last 10 years. Yet 2 years ago, she had an awakening that opened her up to a new calling.

    If you’re someone who’s been contemplating a career change but feels stuck, this is the episode for you. Join us as we coach Jeanne through the fears and resistance that hold her back from embracing the huge opportunity in front of her.

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    24 min
  • The “Get Coached” episode on Setting Boundaries and Receiving Feedback
    May 3 2021

    “If you avoid conflict to keep the peace, you start a war inside yourself.” - anonymous

    How many of you say “yes” when you want to say “no”? Does setting healthy boundaries make you nervous? Are you someone who fears feedback and takes it personally?

    In this “Get Coached” episode, we work with Diana, a digital marketer and entrepreneur, to uncover why it is so hard to say no to clients and help her transform her relationship to setting boundaries and receiving feedback.

    Through our coaching conversation with Diana, you will receive valuable new strategies for honoring your time, knowing your self-worth, receiving feedback and setting expectations with others to create more fulfillment and productivity in your life.

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    39 min
  • Embracing our mortality to create more purpose and meaning in life- Our Conversation with Dr. Steven Pantilat
    Mar 1 2021

    For many of us, thinking about our own death is too daunting, so we turn away. Yet embracing our mortality can help us create more meaning and purpose in our lives and cause us to explore questions like… What do I most hope for? What’s most important to me? What is the legacy I want to leave behind?

    These are some of the questions that our wise guest, Dr. Steven Pantilat, founding director of the UCSF Palliative Care program, asks his patients on a daily basis.

    In this interview, Dr. Pantilat talks about what it’s like to deliver the devastating news of a terminal diagnosis while holding the space for people to process. He talks about how to find hope, even in the most dire of circumstances. We explore the power of gratitude, our relationship with denial and the big questions to ask yourself when planning for the future.

    No matter your situation, our hope is that this conversation will broaden your perspective and inspire you to get moving on what is most important to you.

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    31 min
  • Our Teachable on Knowing Your ‘Why,’ Partnership and Embracing Failure
    Jan 27 2021

    In our last podcast with Serena + Lily, we were so inspired hearing them talk about their shared “why” for going into business together. We also loved learning about the unique approach that Serena and Lily took to creating their healthy, balanced, kick-ass partnership. In this teachable episode, we talk more deeply about the power of knowing your “Why”, how to connect with your purpose and what makes a great partnership. We also share new ways to transform fails into learns and why we should be grateful for making the mistakes we make. Get ready to feel more connected to the work you do and embrace powerful strategies for creating the healthiest partnerships – at work and in life.

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    19 min
  • A Conversation with Serena + Lily on Entrepreneurship
    Jan 11 2021

    After a chance meeting in 2003, Serena Dugan and Lily Kanter came together to create Serena & Lily, one of the largest e-commerce home furnishing stores and now-ubiquitous coastal lifestyle brands.

    In this podcast, Serena and Lily share their inside journey of what it took to make the leap into partnership, entrepreneurship and being kick-ass women, both professionally and personally - all while still valuing a work/life balance. Their passion, warmth and “go big or go home” mentality is so inspiring! They will share the different tenants of entrepreneurship and how to bring them into all aspects of your life. They also talk about the “why” for creating their company, which provided the compass for making big decisions, including how to grow, what to create, who to hire and when it was ultimately time to move on.

    Whether you have launched a business or are at the brink of something new, this podcast will inspire you to think about your “why” and help you bring your inner entrepreneur to life!

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    43 min