
  • Mission Men: Life and Shenanigans with Isaac
    May 27 2024

    Ever wonder what it's like to juggle steel coils, aluminum, and truck drivers for a living? Meet John's best friend and freight broker extraordinaire, Isaac Davey, who joins us on the Mission Men Podcast to unravel the mysteries of his unique profession and share a few laughs along the way. Clad in matching outfits (we swear it wasn't planned), we kick off a conversation that's as much about the quirks of logistics as it is about the unpredictable journey of lifelong friendship.

    Buckle up for a trip down memory lane as Isaac, accompanied by our fellow Mission Man John, reminisce about our first comical encounter in the kids' ministry of Joy Church—complete with a biblical icebreaker you won't forget. From fashion faux pas to roommate shenanigans, this episode is a treasure trove of nostalgia and rib-tickling tales that showcase the unbreakable bond. Trust me, you don't want to miss out on this blend of industry insights and personal revelations—all served with a side of hearty chuckles.

    Credits and Info:
    Hosts: Brandon Matias, Paul Wright III and John Frease
    Music: Brandon Matias
    Produced by: Mission Media Group
    Email: info@missionmediagroup.co
    Podcast Production - https://www.instagram.com/missionmediagroup.co/
    Mission Men Podcast IG - @missionmenpodcast
    Mission Med Podcast YT - @MissionMenPodcast
    Mission Media Group IG - @missionmediagroup.co
    Mission Media Group FB - https://www.facebook.com/missionmediagroup.co

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    40 min
  • Mission Men: The Delicate Dance of Church Relevance and Reverence
    May 13 2024

    Ever found yourself in the middle of a compliment-off, where the challenge is to out-praise your opponent with the most ludicrous expressions of admiration? That's where we kick things off in the latest Mission Men Podcast episode, delivering a barrel of laughs straight to your ears. But it's not all fun and games; we pivot to tackle the controversy that's got everyone talking—a church's Super Bowl parody that's blurring the lines between pop culture gimmicks and sacred worship practices.

    From compliment battles to serious discussions, we're wrangling with the big issues that are shaking up our faith communities. Are churches crossing the line in their attempts to stay relevant and approachable, especially when they start mirroring secular entertainment in their services? We're examining the responsibility of church leaders in this digital era and its influence on the flock they shepherd. It's a rollercoaster of reflection and introspection, punctuated with moments of levity that remind us why we're all part of this incredible journey.

    Wrapping up, we extend an invitation to you, our listeners, to join the conversation. Your perspectives are the fuel that drives this podcast, and we're eager to hear your take on the evolving landscape of church and culture. So tune in, soak up the wisdom, weigh in with your thoughts, and get ready for an episode that's as enlightening as it is entertaining. No guests this time around, just us—your Mission Men—tangling with the topics that matter to us all.

    Credits and Info:
    Hosts: Brandon Matias, Paul Wright III and John Frease
    Music: Brandon Matias
    Produced by: Mission Media Group
    Email: info@missionmediagroup.co
    Podcast Production - https://www.instagram.com/missionmediagroup.co/
    Mission Men Podcast IG - @missionmenpodcast
    Mission Med Podcast YT - @MissionMenPodcast
    Mission Media Group IG - @missionmediagroup.co
    Mission Media Group FB - https://www.facebook.com/missionmediagroup.co

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    48 min
  • Mission Men: Roadtrips and Rebellion
    Apr 29 2024

    Ever found yourself nodding off during a marathon drive, or maybe just need a good chuckle while remembering the awkwardness of high school? Buckle up for this ride with the Mission Men, where we swap stories from the trenches of homeschooling and public education, to the trials of syncing schedules in today's hectic world. We kick things off with a heartfelt shoutout to our Instagram live audience, setting the stage for unscripted laughs and lessons learned the hard way.

    As we unpack the secrets to staying alert on those yawning stretches of highway, you'll get the inside scoop on the most potent gas station energy potions and playlists that could start a one-car rave. Learn how a buddy can be your best defense against the sandman, and join the debate on the perfect background noise for a restful night's sleep. We're eager to hear your long-haul stories and nighttime soundtracks, so hit us up with your go-to's!

    Then, we take a detour down memory lane with some adventures in academia. John brings the humor home with tales of basketball and his mom's patience during his homeschooling days. It's an episode filled with the kind of authenticity that'll make you feel like you're right there with us, sharing stories and a whole lot of gratitude. So tune in, get comfy, and let's journey together through life's missions.

    Credits and Info:
    Hosts: Brandon Matias, Paul Wright III and John Frease
    Music: Brandon Matias
    Produced by: Mission Media Group
    Email: info@missionmediagroup.co
    Podcast Production - https://www.instagram.com/missionmediagroup.co/
    Mission Men Podcast IG - @missionmenpodcast
    Mission Med Podcast YT - @MissionMenPodcast
    Mission Media Group IG - @missionmediagroup.co
    Mission Media Group FB - https://www.facebook.com/missionmediagroup.co

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    45 min
  • Mission Men: Love and Laughs (Couples Gameshow)
    Apr 13 2024

    Picture this: a chance encounter at a gas station sparks a love story, and 17 years of "cool beans, jeans" heralds a marriage filled with laughter. That's the kind of heartwarming and humorous rapport we're sharing on today's episode with our delightful guests, Lisa and Lexi, and their respective partners Paul and John. Prepare for a joyride through cheeky banter and intimate revelations, as we explore the quirky intricacies that make each relationship unique.

    Join us as we laugh our way through games that uncover travel must-haves and dream vacations—the answers might just surprise you. Witness the playful competition as Lisa, Lexi, Paul, and John reveal how well they truly know each other, or in some cases, how hilariously off the mark they can be.

    We wrap up with a dose of wisdom, discussing how weaving Jesus into the fabric of relationships can be the secret to a lasting partnership. From differentiating principles from preferences, to the power of prayer, our couples open up about keeping the sparks flying, no matter how many anniversaries you've celebrated. So come along for the ride with us, and let's celebrate the joy and the jest of love, life, and everything in between.

    Credits and Info:
    Hosts: Brandon Matias, Paul Wright III and John Frease
    Music: Brandon Matias
    Produced by: Mission Media Group
    Email: info@missionmediagroup.co
    Podcast Production - https://www.instagram.com/missionmediagroup.co/
    Mission Men Podcast IG - @missionmenpodcast
    Mission Med Podcast YT - @MissionMenPodcast
    Mission Media Group IG - @missionmediagroup.co
    Mission Media Group FB - https://www.facebook.com/missionmediagroup.co

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    38 min
  • Mission Men: Dreams vs Reality
    Apr 1 2024

    As the clock strikes eleven and the glow of the studio lights begins to dim, we wrap up another episode of the Mission Men Podcast, laden with laughter, revelations, and the kind of banter that only comes from years of friendship. This time around, we've unearthed the origins of our creative sparks, weaving tales from the nostalgic threads of "Back to the Future" to the rock and roll legends that strummed the chords of our hearts. We share how a summer grounding turned into a musical awakening and how dreams—both sleeping and waking—propel us toward the stars.

    Pull up a chair and join our circle as we reminisce about the formative play of our youth that set the stage for a lifelong passion in cinematography and music. You'll hear how toys and video games like Minecraft were the foundations of a career behind the camera. Discover how we learned to craft our art by emulating the greats, and how mentorship from icons like Lamont Dozier shaped the melodies and stories we tell today. It's a candid look into the growth of a creative spirit, from imitation to innovation.

    So, as we sign off, remember: it's not just about the tales we've told tonight, but the journey we all take. We invite you to embrace the quirks, the missteps, and the moments of brilliance that define your path. Keep chasing touchdowns in your own game of life, and tune in next time for more stories, insights, and the genuine camaraderie of the Mission Men Podcast. Until then, keep your passions ignited and your missions alive.

    Credits and Info:
    Hosts: Brandon Matias, Paul Wright III and John Frease
    Music: Brandon Matias
    Produced by: Mission Media Group
    Email: info@missionmediagroup.co
    Podcast Production - https://www.instagram.com/missionmediagroup.co/
    Mission Men Podcast IG - @missionmenpodcast
    Mission Med Podcast YT - @MissionMenPodcast
    Mission Media Group IG - @missionmediagroup.co
    Mission Media Group FB - https://www.facebook.com/missionmediagroup.co

    Voir plus Voir moins
    47 min
  • Mission Men: Let's Get Deep!
    Mar 18 2024

    Ever felt like you're the only one wrestling with imperfections behind the mask of a polished exterior? Well, you're in good company. Our latest heart-to-heart on the Mission Man podcast peels back those layers to share the raw, unpolished gems of our personal journeys. Laugh, reflect, and maybe even see a piece of yourself as we navigate our vulnerabilities with honesty and humor.

    Confronting insecurities head-on can be a daunting task, but it's also where growth sprouts. This episode is all about turning struggles into stepping stones, the conversation swings from the battlegrounds of our inner critics to the triumph of finding our voices, proving that our supposed flaws can become our loudest rallying cries for change.

    The quest for approval, whether it's from peers or deep within our own psyche, can be a slippery slope. Join us as we delve into this delicate dance, discussing how intimacy with the Lord provides a different kind of validation that reshapes our internal landscapes. So, whether you're looking for a chuckle or a moment of earnest reflection, let our stories remind you to embrace your mission, with all its humor and purpose.

    Credits and Info:
    Hosts: Brandon Matias, Paul Wright III and John Frease
    Music: Brandon Matias
    Produced by: Mission Media Group
    Email: info@missionmediagroup.co
    Podcast Production - https://www.instagram.com/missionmediagroup.co/
    Mission Men Podcast IG - @missionmenpodcast
    Mission Med Podcast YT - @MissionMenPodcast
    Mission Media Group IG - @missionmediagroup.co
    Mission Media Group FB - https://www.facebook.com/missionmediagroup.co

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    39 min
  • Mission Men: AI Was a Mistake
    Mar 4 2024

    Fasten your seatbelt for an auditory illusion that'll have you do a double-take as our AI-generated Trump intro ushers in a dialogue charged with the transformative power of artificial intelligence. We're not just talking text-to-speech; we're mapping the AI frontier in the music realm, job market, and even within the hallowed halls of spirituality. The conversation spans from AI's humorous antics to its sobering challenges, such as employment upheaval and adapting to its presence in faith-based circles. Are we ready to minister to machines? And how does a digital Donald Trump spit rap verses? Find out as we shed light on the awe-inspiring and sometimes unnerving future of AI.

    It's a symphony of thoughts when we harmonize over AI's impact on the music industry, tinged with the legal and ethical strings of using AI to recreate celebrity voices. We explore the spectrum of artist reactions, from defiant refusal to considerate acceptance with royalties in the mix. Imagine Kanye West or Donald Trump dropping bars through AI—well, you don't have to imagine because we've got that covered. On top of that, we dish out a melodic brainstorm for songwriters, who could soon be pitching tunes with a celeb's virtual vocal cords.

    The crescendo of this episode reaches the sacred space of spirituality as we discuss how AI might remix the way we engage with faith practices. From sermon crafting to composing worship anthems, we grapple with technology's potential to uplift or overstep. We're staying tuned to the importance of the human element in these divine dialogues, even as we embrace the AI revolution in creating and enjoying content. Wrapping up with some technical glitches that remind us we're all too human, we invite our listeners to join us in a "Mission Mindset," staying informed and connected in a world where discerning truth from digital deception has never been more mission-critical.

    Credits and Info:
    Hosts: Brandon Matias, Paul Wright III and John Frease
    Music: Brandon Matias
    Produced by: Mission Media Group
    Email: info@missionmediagroup.co
    Podcast Production - https://www.instagram.com/missionmediagroup.co/
    Mission Men Podcast IG - @missionmenpodcast
    Mission Med Podcast YT - @MissionMenPodcast
    Mission Media Group IG - @missionmediagroup.co
    Mission Media Group FB - https://www.facebook.com/missionmediagroup.co

    Voir plus Voir moins
    31 min
  • Mission Men: Manifesting vs Faith
    Feb 19 2024

    Ever found yourself laughing at a bank account blunder? That's the kind of rollercoaster we're on in our latest Mission Men episode! With video now part of the mix, prepare for an extra dose of our antics (mustaches included) as we extend our heartfelt thanks to you, our amazing listeners, for joining the family. We've got a spellbinding chat lined up, and you'll be in stitches as we recount John's dairy disaster. Buckle up for an episode that's as sincere as it is hilarious!

    As we wrap up, we'll remind you why words aren't just descriptors—they're design tools for life. From 'it's giving' to the power of positive declarations, we reflect on the cultural footprint of TikTok and the language that shapes a false reality. So hit that subscribe button, share the love, and let's march into a fantastic week with gusto!

    Credits and Info:
    Hosts: Brandon Matias, Paul Wright III and John Frease
    Music: Brandon Matias
    Produced by: Mission Media Group
    Email: info@missionmediagroup.co
    Podcast Production - https://www.instagram.com/missionmediagroup.co/
    Mission Men Podcast IG - @missionmenpodcast
    Mission Med Podcast YT - @MissionMenPodcast
    Mission Media Group IG - @missionmediagroup.co
    Mission Media Group FB - https://www.facebook.com/missionmediagroup.co

    Voir plus Voir moins
    36 min