
  • Operational Capacity Meets Marketing Strategy (with Jennifer Tamborski)
    May 27 2024

    Tt's easy to overlook the backbone of sustainable business growth: the synergy between operations and marketing. That's right – before you prop up your latest ad or funnel, stop and ask yourself, "Is my operational capacity in tune with my marketing endeavors?" It's a question that could very well make or break your success.

    This often-underestimated relationship is crucial. Without a robust operational framework to support it, a business's marketing efforts may attract customers that the company isn't yet equipped to serve.

    The result? A tarnished reputation, exhausted teams, and a bitter struggle to scale. Let's face it, nobody wants to be that business teetering on the edge of success and collapse, especially not when you're closer to burnout than you've ever been. Spotting the red flags, like stagnant sales and overwhelming workloads, is the first step to pulling your business back from the brink.

    Speaking of mastering the art of balance, I'm thrilled to introduce my guest on the latest episode of "More Perfect Marketing," Jennifer Tamborski. With a treasure trove of insights bending the very fabric of traditional marketing wisdom, Jennifer brings to the table her extensive experience in both digital marketing and operations. From her own podcast to guiding businesses through their growth phases, she firmly believes in a business model that does not stretch resources thin, maintains sustainability, and guards mental health.

    Jennifer is a seasoned Digital Marketing Strategist, specializes in empowering business owners with innovative marketing and tailored digital strategies.

    With over a decade of agency experience, she understands the challenges entrepreneurs face, particularly those striving to reach the 250K mark and beyond.

    Jennifer focuses on providing actionable insights and guidance to help businesses surpass their goals and scale their business without overstretching resources. She's the go-to partner for turning big dreams into tangible realities.

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    34 min
  • Evolving Website Design for Optimal Business Benefit (with Matt Levenhagen)
    May 20 2024

    We are overflowing with digital content. Standing out in the sea of internet businesses is like finding a needle in a haystack. But what if I told you that while the rest of the crowd is busy zigging, you can zag your way to Google's heart by prioritizing quality and genuineness in your website?

    That's exactly the sort of wisdom our guest today brings to the table—strategies that not only entice search engines but also truly engage your audience.

    It all hinges on the golden rule of internet business: building a legitimate site flush with quality content. Sure, calls-to-action and sales pages are vital, but to win Google's favor and customer loyalty, you need to deliver value that extends beyond the transactional. This shift does not mean neglecting the art of conversion through sales pages, funnels and traffic from joint ventures, or affiliate programs. Rather, it's about balancing those elements with content that educates, entertains, and enlightens your visitors.

    Understanding the context in which users land on your site is also crucial. Whether they arrive via organic search, pay-per-click, or otherwise, grasping this context goes a long way in delivering a tailored experience. It's a matter of knowing what your visitors are looking for before they even click—essentially decoding buyer intent from keyword searches.

    My guest today, Matt Levenhagen, breaks down the particulars of buyer keywords against general information keywords, framing this understanding as a cornerstone of successful marketing.

    Matt's journey in the digital field began in 2003, evolving from affiliate marketing to a focus on web design and development by 2012. This journey led to the founding of Unified Web Design in 2019, where Matt and his team specialize in crafting tailored web solutions. Known for making complex digital strategies accessible and fostering effective international team collaboration, Matt ensures each project not only achieves but transcends client expectations.

    His ethos of "helping others do better" shapes a culture of innovation and quality at Unified Web Design. Matt's commitment to effective communication, distinctive design, and the empowerment of both clients and team members ensures the delivery of remarkable web experiences that distinguish businesses in the competitive digital landscape.

    Links Mentioned:


    "The Builders" Podcast: https://www.thebuilders.fm/

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    38 min
  • Building Relationships Beyond Transactions (with Josh Elledge)
    May 13 2024

    Imagine you're at a local networking event, your hand extended, ready to exchange business cards. But instead of a trade, you give your card away without expecting one in return.

    Strange? Maybe. But according to my recent guest, this simple act of generosity could be the golden key to unlocking unprecedented business growth and genuine relationships. That's what we're delving into today on More Perfect Marketing; it's not about transaction, it's about transformation.

    In the business world, we often get caught up in the numbers game—leads, conversions, and the bottom line. However, my conversation with Josh Elledge turned that notion on its head. He revealed that the most impactful leaders are those who approach each interaction with an open heart, ready to give without the immediate expectation of receiving. In a landscape brimming with overt sales pitches and insincere networking, Josh's approach refreshes like a cool breeze on a sweltering summer day.

    We live in an era where connection is currency, but Josh emphasizes that it's the quality, not quantity, of these connections that truly matters. By creating relationships beyond mere transactions, we pave the way for collaborative growth and success. And let's be real, who doesn't want to be that person in someone else's corner—offering insights, connections, and even friendship?

    Josh's strategy involves a discerning approach to relationships, choosing to invest time where it's most likely to flourish into partnerships that are more than just transactional. But don't be fooled, while it sounds altruistic, and it is, there's a strategic side to this method. By aligning ourselves with key people and offering value upfront, we lay the groundwork for a network that's more akin to a supportive community than a fickle fan base.

    Josh Elledge is a U.S. Navy veteran and launched UpMyInfluence.com to help entrepreneurs grow their authority and influence. UpMyInfluence builds 7-figure B2B sales systems with zero paid ads.

    He also started SavingsAngel.com which has grossed more than $6 million in sales with zero paid ads.

    Josh is a keynote speaker, writes a syndicated newspaper column to 1.1 million readers, and regularly appears on more than 75 TV stations across the country. All told, Josh has appeared in the media more than 2000 times.

    Links Mentioned:

    Josh Elledge's Website: https://upmyinfluence.com/

    "The Go-Giver" by Bob Burg: https://amzn.to/3U0LAlB

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    36 min
  • The Art of Franchise Marketing (with Doug Reifschneider)
    May 6 2024

    When you think of a burger chain, what usually comes to mind? Freshly grilled patties, mouth-watering cheese, and slick marketing tricks, maybe? But what if I told you that one wildly successful burger company chose to spend more on training their staff than on flashy advertising?

    Today, we explore brand experience—where flipping burgers meets flipping the traditional marketing playbook on its head.

    It’s an important topic for anyone in the marketing world, especially those in the business of pleasing customers and keeping them coming back for more. At the heart of this pivot from conventional advertisement to hands-on training is the idea that what people experience inside your store – or any touch point with your brand – is what they'll remember, talk about, and, most importantly, what will make them come back for seconds. I'm passionate about this because it represents a seismic shift in how we approach marketing: focusing on creating a culture that breathes your brand rather than simply shouting about it.

    And for this discussion, I'm pleased to welcome Doug Reifschneider. Doug is a seasoned expert in marketing, working closely with clients to sharpen their insights, strategies, and execution. He offers his expertise in various roles including fractional, interim, and project-based, ensuring businesses have access to top-tier marketing leadership when they need it most. His methods are battle-tested across multi-unit businesses and franchises, and his insights come from a wealth of experience and deep-dives into what makes or breaks a customer's experience with a brand.

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    34 min
  • The Fundamental Role of Stories in Marketing (with Danielle R. Harris)
    Apr 29 2024

    Have you ever heard a story so captivating it felt like you were living it? That’s the power of good marketing. In this episode, we explore why crafting a compelling story can make or break your brand.

    Marketing is an art, blending creativity with strategy to connect with people on a level that goes beyond just features and benefits. I've come to realize it's not just what you sell that matters, it's the story you tell. When our stories align with our audience's values and experiences, magic happens. But, it's also more than just storytelling. It’s about creating a bond with consumers and often, introducing a common “villain” for your hero—your customer—to conquer.

    Many brands still struggle to implement this approach effectively. They either overlook the importance of narrative in their marketing strategy or fail to create authentic stories that resonate with their audience. That's why I brought someone on board who knows how to tell a story that not only captivates but also converts.

    Our guest is Danielle Harris, a marketing & messaging consultant who teaches coaches and service providers how to attract and sign dream clients by sharing their unique stories in their messaging. She has worked in marketing for over 10 years and believes that for most business owners, their story is their most underutilized asset.

    Danielle is based in Metro Detroit where she was born and raised. Danielle is known for her love of chocolate and travel.

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    33 min
  • How to Sell More by Listening to Your Customers (with Kristin Zhivago)
    Apr 22 2024

    Have you ever sat across from someone, listened intently to their story, and suddenly realized it has completely changed your perspective? That's the kind of shift that happens when businesses truly start to listen to their customers—not just hear them, but deeply understand their experiences, desires, and frustrations.

    It's this understanding that can pivot a company's direction towards real success. With such a cluttered and noisy marketing environment, where shouting the loudest often gets mistaken for being the most effective, the voice of the customer is often overlooked.

    Many businesses are so wired into the loop of speculation and assumption that they miss the strong undercurrents of customer sentiment that actually drive sales. We're living in an era where the customer's voice can either crown you as a market leader or blatantly reveal that your "innovative" product is just not cutting it. Customer behavior and their buying journey are more important than ever, and businesses need to adapt by adopting a customer-centric strategy.

    On this episode, I'm thrilled to explore this topic with Kristin Zhivago, the founder and president of a digital marketing agency, Zhivago Partners, where the bring in qualified leads to their clients, while helping clients with pre- and post-sale customer interactions that lead to higher revenue.

    Kristin is the author of the 5-star book, “Roadmap to Revenue: How to Sell the Way Your Customers Want to Buy,” and is an expert on the customer’s buying process. She spent decades as a revenue coach to company owners and CEOs, helping them grow their revenue by understanding what their customers want to buy, and how they want to buy it. She’s worked for hundreds of companies and interviewed thousands of their customers.

    She has developed a system that helps marketers and top management quickly and inexpensively find out what their customers are really thinking when they set out to buy, so they can use this information to reverse-engineer successful sales and create new sales in quantity. Kristin has spent her life helping others realize their dreams.

    Links Mentioned:

    "Roadmap to Revenue: How to Sell the Way Your Customers Want to Buy" on Amazon: https://amzn.to/49kgkmT

    Zhivago Partners website: zhivagopartners.com

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    33 min
  • Cultivating Connections & Crafting Conversations (with Michael Roderick)
    Apr 15 2024

    Have you ever found yourself at a networking event awkwardly waiting for a break in the conversation to deliver that perfectly polished elevator pitch?

    Or maybe you've had a one-on-one meeting where you only received polite nods and “interesting” as feedback?

    On today's episode, we discuss the art of creating genuine connections and becoming a person others can't stop talking about – in a good way!

    The fact is, most of us understand networking and referrals to be integral to business success, but not everyone recognizes that the right way to go about them can make a world of difference. The fine line between a forgettable interaction and one that leaves a memorable impression often comes down to the way we share our expertise and engage in conversations. That's what makes today's talk especially important; it's about transitioning from formulaic pitches to fostering conversations that organically generate interest and lead to referrals.

    So how do you become truly referable without resorting to aggressive tactics that can turn people off?

    This is where our guest, Michael Roderick, comes into the picture. Michael Roderick is the CEO of Small Pond Enterprises which helps thoughtful givers become thought leaders by making their brands referable, their messaging memorable, and their ideas unforgettable. He is also the host of the podcast Access to Anyone which shows how you can get to know anyone you want in business and in life using time-tested relationship-building principles. Michael's unique methodology comes from his own experience of going from being a High School English teacher to a Broadway Producer in under two years.

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    36 min
  • Strategic Marketing That Stands the Test of Time (with John Chan)
    Apr 8 2024

    Have you ever stopped to think that perhaps the most effective marketing tool isn't some flashy new ad platform or a viral social media campaign, but something much simpler and inherently human?

    On this episode of More Perfect Marketing, we’re diving into a proven approach that makes your marketing truly resonate. Specifically, we're tapping into fundamental human connections which can turn a struggling campaign into a staggering success.

    This strategy is built on a solid, unalterable foundation: identifying and solving a real problem that your target market faces. It's about going beyond just selling a product or service but fulfilling an actual need. When you do that, your product practically markets itself because you're providing genuine solutions to your audience.

    Now, think about the last time you bought something because a friend recommended it. Customer reviews and testimonials hold immense power—because we see our needs reflected in the stories of others. These stories connect us, and these connections drive buying decisions. It's like forming a community around your brand where every satisfied customer is a beacon drawing others toward you.

    In our constant attempts to grab customer attention, we shouldn't forget that at the core of effective marketing lie principles that remain unchanged regardless of technology or platform shifts. Meta and Google may change their algorithms, but our fundamental approach to reaching people at a human level remains constant.

    Enter my guest, John Chan, a marketing master who stands out in a crowded field. He runs 2x Growth Agency, a performance marketing agency specializing in E-Commerce and Direct to Consumer brands. His agency plays a role in nurturing the entire customer journey, from stirring initial interest with paid search campaigns to building lasting relationships through email marketing retention. He's not just in it for the quick conversion; he's all about building a base of loyal, returning customers.

    Born in Hong Kong and raised in Vancouver, John dropped out of university at the age of 19 to start his own web design consultancy. Since then, he has worked for several prestigious companies, including UBC and Basecamp, before co-founding 2x Growth Agency. The agency specializes in helping e-commerce and DTC brands grow and scale with paid ads and ad creative development.

    Under John's leadership, 2x Growth Agency has managed over $6M of ad spend and helped generate over $30M in revenue for their clients.

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    36 min