
  • Episode #26 What Was Left Behind?
    May 24 2024

    As I get older, I have new questions, I've always had questions and of late this is one of the new ones. What was left behind? Is there something were suppose to be doing were not or a secret meaning to this amazing opportunity called our life?

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    12 min
  • Episode #25 What Are You Looking For?
    Apr 29 2024

    At one point we're all looking for something. Maybe it's your car keys, where you parked your car at the grocery store, some lost passwords. Perhaps something a better job, a place to life, a shortcut or maybe just maybe some answers that have eluded you for years. Its true, since the dawn of time humans have looked for things. Some of those things we find some of them we never do. Today we all look for answers maybe more than ever before, so I ask what are you looking for?

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    11 min
  • Episode #24 It's Easy When You Know How
    Apr 22 2024

    Yes it's true. When you feel the learning curve is a bit steep, take a step back, raise your hand, do your research and most of all remember you've probably done hard things before. The more things we learn to do, the easier it gets to jump in with both feet, they call that mastery. Doing new things is awesome and even if learning can be a struggle at first, so what, no one said you need to learn it overnight, did they?

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    9 min
  • Episode #23 I Wish I Would Have Said Something
    Apr 15 2024

    Ah, the fine art of comebacks, speaking up and calling people out on their bad behavior. Now I know not everyone is comfortable doing that, but I've decided to give you a few of my favorites. Feel free to practice them, and then the next time some person decides to be abusive, rude, or disrespectful, you might just think, its time to call them out. Let them know their behavior is no longer acceptable. And if you don't, at least you can think one of them and send them that energy along with an eyeroll.

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    10 min
  • Episode #22 Oh No, What's Next
    Apr 8 2024

    Yes its true, bad things do happen, but good things happen too. When I'm around people who are consumed with waiting for the next bad thing, it makes me sad for them. They seem to be caught up in a spend the quicksand of fear. It's one thing to understand and accept that bad things do happen, however its quite another to waste time waiting on it.

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    13 min
  • Episode #21 I Didn't Get These Tools From Sears
    Apr 1 2024

    Yes, the world seems more upside down then ever, but really it's always been this way. The trick is to figure out whats wrong with yourself and then start to understand you can only do the better if you have the right tools. Issues can be solved, problems dealt with but some of what makes us live better is learning how to manage live and our faults and knowing how to use the tools available. Life's hard so get a helmet

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    11 min
  • Episode #20 Did You Skip School That Day
    Mar 25 2024

    Of course we all miss a day or two now and then. However hopefully it's not a day when there's an opportunity to learn something that helps you forever. You just never know, guess that's the point, we don't know much unless you show up and listen. Learning is an amazing part of living a great life

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    10 min
  • Episode #19 What Is The Plan
    Mar 18 2024

    It seems like that's a question that often comes up, in fact the older you get you may find as we all start to understand that life has an expiration date attached to it. Of course we all ask that question throughout our live sometimes. Maybe its a question that never really has an answer or maybe it does.

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    12 min