• On the Brink with Andi Simon

  • Auteur(s): Andi Simon
  • Podcast

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On the Brink with Andi Simon

Auteur(s): Andi Simon
  • Résumé

  • On The Brink is a podcast where the goal is to help you better "see, feel and think" about your business, your job, your personal life and your purpose. There will be great interviews and conversations with people who are deeply involved in change—consultants, change agents, managers transforming their teams, entrepreneurs just starting out and CEOs running well-established companies.
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  • Navigate Tradition and Innovation in Business With Laura Grondin
    Jun 11 2024
    In a recent episode of our podcast, “On the Brink with Andi Simon,” I had the pleasure of speaking with Laura Grondin, an exceptional leader in the world of business and innovation. Laura is the CEO, chairman, and owner of a privately held industrial products company with two subsidiaries: Bingham & Taylor and Hartford Technologies. These companies supply diverse products, primarily to the water, gas, and automotive markets. Our conversation was all about how she has been able to navigate tradition and innovation. Visiting Laura's website is a journey into the heart of an enterprise that brilliantly merges tradition with forward-thinking innovation. Her companies, with a rich history spanning 175 years, epitomize the power of adapting to change while holding onto core values. This blend of the old and the new is not just a business strategy; it's a philosophy that permeates every aspect of their operations. How to Navigate Tradition and Innovation in Sustaining a Business? Laura's leadership showcases the essence of what it means to be an innovative, future-thinking leader. She understands the dynamics of organizations that thrive. Her ability to innovate and see the world as it evolves is extraordinary. This perspective is crucial, especially in an era where the future is uncertain, and many are apprehensive about what lies ahead. Laura shows us how you can navigate tradition and innovation, and build a better business. As Babe Ruth once said, "Yesterday's homerun will not win tomorrow's game." This quote perfectly encapsulates the spirit of Laura's approach: you can be good today, but thriving tomorrow requires a whole new set of skills and vision. By 2005, Bingham & Taylor had already made significant strides towards gender diversity, becoming a 51% female-owned company. In 2021, Laura Grondin took over 100% ownership, ushering in a new era for women-owned natural gas and water businesses. V Technologies is a testament to the power of merging deep industry knowledge with modern innovation. It's fascinating to see how Laura's leadership has transformed these companies, pushing the boundaries of what's possible in traditionally male-dominated industries. Laura's influence extends beyond her business ventures. She is a prominent figure in the sailing community, serving as a member of the US Sailing Board of Directors and holding various positions, including chair of the international Melges 24 Class Association. Her passion for sailing has twice seen her compete at high levels, earning her nominations for the prestigious Rolex Yachtsman of the Year award. Laura's involvement in sailing reflects her competitive spirit and commitment to excellence, qualities that she brings to her business endeavors. Moreover, Laura tremendously advocates for women in business, particularly in STEM fields. Her involvement with organizations like C200, which supports female CEOs, underscores her dedication to empowering the next generation of women leaders. Through her work, Laura is paving the way for women in STEM and business, breaking down barriers and inspiring others to follow in her footsteps. How can "Sailing" Build a Mind-Set that Works So Well in Business? Let's think of the metaphor: we should all be trying to navigate tradition and innovation in our business. From my perspective, as a corporate anthropologist who works with organizations that need to adapt to fast-changing times, I was thrilled to share Laura's story. It is a powerful reminder of the importance of adaptability and forward-thinking in today's business landscape. Her ability to blend tradition with innovation sets her apart as a leader who respects the past and embraces the future with open arms. In our podcast, Laura shared insights into how her companies are innovating and creating new ways of doing things. This spirit of innovation is evident in every aspect of their operations, from product development to customer engagement. It's clear that under Laura's leadership, Bingham & Taylor and Hartford Technologies are not just keeping up with the times; they are setting the pace. The Power of Women Leaders as Successful CEOs Laura's journey is a testament to the power of women leaders in driving change and innovation. Her achievements inspire aspiring female CEOs, demonstrating that with vision, dedication, and a willingness to embrace change, it's possible to lead and succeed in any industry. Laura's story is not just about her achievements; it's about the broader impact of women leaders in transforming industries and driving progress. I encourage you to visit her website to learn more about her companies and their groundbreaking work. Laura Grondin’s journey is a shining example of visionary CEOs shaping the future, one innovative step at a time. You can also watch our podcast on YouTube
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    36 min
  • Donny Willis: How to Intentionally Build a Better Life
    May 22 2024

    Welcome to On the Brink with Andi Simon. I am so delighted you have joined us for this podcast with Donny Willis where we share his own inspirational advice for how to intentionally build a better life.

    In this enlightening podcast episode, Donny Willis is a wonderful guest, who you may recognize as the "butter man" from the iconic 2019 Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade. Donny shares his remarkable journey of personal transformation, a story that resonates with many of us navigating our own life transitions. Donny is a pastor and the founder of a thriving church community in White Plains, NY. In this podcast, Donny and I dig deep into his own life’s journey and how he helps others intentionally build a better life for themselves and those around them. You might also like to read Donny's book, "Good, Butter, Best, From Dream to Reality."

    What are Those Universal Themes of Life Transitions?

    Throughout the episode, Donny Willis and I delve into the universal themes of life transitions, the complexities of decision-making, and the pivotal role of emotional intelligence in adapting to change. Donny underscores the importance of seizing new opportunities as they arise and the transformative power of building and nurturing relationships to support personal growth and community resilience. We often forget that we are in control. Yes, we can intentionally build a better life if we think about our own personal story and continuously build that story around self-improvement.

    Donny also shares with us his seven life-lessons that each of us can apply to create a better life for ourselves and those we care about.

    If you prefer to watch the On the Brink with Andi Simon Podcast, you can find Donny Willis's video here:

    Thanks for joining us. Read the entire script on the blog page at https://www.simonassociates.net/category/podcast/

    From Observation to Innovation,

    CEO | Corporate Anthropologist | Author

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    40 min
  • Traca Savadogo—Rethinking Your Story: A Path To Transform Your Life And Find Joy
    May 13 2024
    Hear how Traca Savadogo found a new path to transform her life.

    Welcome to "On the Brink with Andi Simon," the podcast where we delve into the transformative power of self-discovery and personal growth. I'm your host, Andi Simon, and today, I am thrilled to bring you an inspiring conversation with Traca Savadogo, a renowned relationship strategist who specializes in guiding individuals on their journey to find themselves. In this episode, we'll explore Traca's fascinating journey of self-discovery, a journey that has transformed her from a place of struggle to becoming a beacon of empowerment for contless others. Traca's story is not just about overcoming obstacles; it's about embracing the power within oneself to rewrite the narrative of one's life, a power that can lead to profound transformation and joy.

    Join us as we listen to Traca's journey of self-discovery.

    Traca's path to becoming a sought-after relationship strategist was challenging. Like many of us, she experienced doubt, uncertainty, and despair. However, through these experiences, she uncovered a profound truth: the importance of reflecting on one's own story to transform it into one where you are the hero, not the victim. One of the pivotal moments in Traca's journey was her realization of the value of connecting with strangers. As a successful TEDx speaker, she shared her insights on "Why You Should Regularly Talk with Strangers," a topic that resonated deeply with audiences around the world. Through her experiences of stepping outside her comfort zone and engaging with unfamiliar faces, Traca discovered a wealth of wisdom and perspective that enriched her life in ways she never imagined.

    She had to embrace vulnerability. Should you?

    During our conversation, Traca opens up about the profound impact of embracing vulnerability and authenticity in her own life. She shares how she embarked on a journey of rediscovering herself, shedding layers of self-doubt and fear to reveal the bold, brave, and ultimately happy woman others saw in her all along. Through her work as a relationship strategist, Traca empowers individuals to navigate the complexities of self-discovery with courage and resilience. She emphasizes the importance of cultivating a deep self-awareness and acceptance, recognizing that true transformation begins from within.

    As we delve deeper into Traca's story, we uncover invaluable insights and practical strategies for anyone seeking to embark on their journey of self-discovery. From overcoming limiting beliefs to embracing vulnerability and cultivating meaningful connections, Traca offers a wealth of wisdom that will inspire and empower listeners to embrace their journey of personal growth and transformation. Join us as we embark on a transformative journey with Traca Savadogo, exploring the power of self-discovery, resilience, and the profound impact of rewriting your story. This is "On the Brink with Andi Simon," and I'm delighted to have you with us on this incredible journey of growth and possibility.

    Watch and listen to our conversation here

    Additional resources for you

    • My two award-winning books: Rethink: Smashing The Myths of Women in Business and On the Brink: A Fresh Lens to Take Your Business to New Heights
    • Our new book, Women Mean Business: Over 500 Insights from Extraordinary Leaders to Spark Your Success, co-authored by Edie Fraser, Robyn Freedman Spizman and Andi Simon, PhD
    • Our website: Simon Associates Management Consultants

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    30 min

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