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St. Peter Lutheran Church, Arlington Heights, Illinois

Auteur(s): St. Peter Lutheran Church
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  • Weekly Sermons from St. Peter Lutheran Church in Arlington Heights, Illinois
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  • Transformation Leads to Gratitude and Generosity
    May 28 2024
    This portion dovetails the preceding by noting: “Six days before the Passover, Jesus came to Bethany, where Lazarus was, whom Jesus had raised from the dead. So they [the siblings] gave a dinner for Him there.” Mary, Martha, and Lazarus respond to Jesus’ transformation work with gratitude and generosity. We can only imagine the extravagance of this banquet feast, for the brother who was 4-days dead lives. In yet another grateful act of worship, during the meal Mary takes a very large amount of fragrant oil and anoints Jesus’ feet…so much so that the aroma fills the house. Given what Jesus meant to this family pre-Lazarus and post, Mary’s anointing was not a spontaneous act but an offering she had set aside for this very purpose. Gratitude and generosity mark a transformed life. When we experience Jesus’ transformation ourselves – something beyond our own ability to effect or manufacture – a posture of gratitude and sacrifice is our faith-response too. Ordinary people give in extraordinary ways when Christ has touched their heart.
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  • Transformation Thrives in Resurrection Community
    May 19 2024
    In today’s text, we see the rippling effect from Jesus' resurrection of Lazarus. Many of the Jews who had come with Mary saw plainly what Jesus did and believed in Him. As we can imagine, word based on irrefutable proof spread rapidly, so much so that a large crowd of Jews came “to see Lazarus, whom He had raised from the dead” (v9) … and “were going away and believing in Jesus” (v11). Here we see an important principle: transformation flourishes in community. Lazarus’ new life impacted the crowd. One person’s transformation by Jesus inspires others, and so does yours! The Bible is full – not with trophies of transformation that few can attain – but with ordinary men and women who exemplify God’s transformative work in their lives as they do life in community with other believers. Today more than ever, we need each other to move forward in our spiritual life – to show up for each other, to reach out, to help one another on this journey of transformation with Jesus. A community that’s conducive for transformation provides a safe space to share stories, embodies grace and truth, and practices acceptance. We form a circle of resurrected people with the same desire to know Jesus more.
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  • Words That Bear Transformative Power
    May 13 2024
    The stone rolled away from Lazarus’ tomb, Jesus prays to His Father, crying out with a loud voice: “Lazarus, come out.” And the man who had died came out. John emphasized throughout the story Jesus’ love for Lazarus: “Lord, the one you love is sick” (v3); “Jesus loved…Lazarus” (v5); “See how Jesus loved him” (v36). The love of Jesus speaks, acts, and transforms a person – not power, information, or personal efforts. Yet as Henri Nouwen says, we live in a “world filled with voices that shout: ‘You are no good; you are ugly; you are worthless; you are despicable; you are nobody.’” We hear plenty of internal voices too, inner words filled with self-rejection, fear, guilt, shame, and disappointment. Only the voice of Jesus is life-giving! “Lazarus, come out!” The more we get to know Jesus, the easier it becomes to hear His voice where there is no shortage of powerful, charismatic, and other influential voices. Daily, keep coming back to His voice. He alone is the first word to us and the last word to us – The Voice of Love.
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