
  • The Latest for May 19 2024
    May 20 2024

    For a quickly done episode, this turned out pretty well.

    Prompt the first: The First Turning in Set Direction

    The article on Variety:


    The Loki series playlist on YouTube


    A Boy and His Dog - https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0072730/

    Hello Tomorrow

    Prompt the Second: The Second Turning in Reality

    Repo Man and The Decline of Western Civilization

    Ronald Reagan's Morning In America ad (Amusingly enough, right after that YouTube served up the SNL skit Mastermind.)

    I said The Best Years of our Lives was 1947 - it was released in 1946. It won the Best Picture at the Academy Awards in 1947

    Prompt the third: On Hints of the First

    "The First is when the Third is thoroughly left behind." - Again, not saying that's true, but it's where this ended up going.

    IBM was active before WWII, but Wikipedia says that their first electromechanical computer was sold in 1952, so if it feels like a First Turning company, it's probably because it was.

    Voir plus Voir moins
    29 min
  • Redux - Lucas Portrait
    May 14 2024

    I'm trying to replace the Lucas Portrait file with one that isn't twice as long as it needs to be.

    That may result in this episode getting re-published, in which case, enjoy an episode that will be redone in a month again, but at least will be four minutes long instead of eight....


    Been on my mind for a bit, for two reasons: First, the movies in the sequel trilogy were released in December, so events around them are showing up as anniversaries in various social media. Second, someone I know recently was doing a school assignment on George Lucas. So here it is again.

    Yes, I know, there's a cricket in there. I keep meaning to re-record it, but haven't gotten to it yet.


    This is just for fun, with no real generational connection except that both Abraham Lincoln and George Lucas are from Prophet generations. (Boom for Lucas, Transcendental for Lincoln.) And, as such, it's not surprising that a similar arrangement works for both of them.

    If you like Star Wars and Aaron Copland, you may enjoy it.

    Fun fact: George Lucas' birthday is May 14, 1944, which was the two-year anniversary of the premiere of Lincoln Portrait.

    Here's where I found the quotations:

    The first two are from different sections of a look back at The Phantom Menace:


    The "barbarians" quote is from testimony before the Senate in March 1988 - here’s the text I used, from Wikisource: https://en.wikisource.org/wiki/1988_George_Lucas_testimony_before_United_States_Senate

    It’s not clear that Lucas every actually said the thing about the sledgehammer, but it turns out the fourth section in Lincoln Portrait isn’t well sourced either. And in both cases, it's certainly something they might have said.

    I originally found the last bit here:


    But it turns out it was from a New York Times interview of George Lucas while he was FILMING Star Wars in 1976.


    It's well worth the read.

    Voir plus Voir moins
    5 min
  • Redux - Quick Change vs Where's Poppa
    May 6 2024

    Going deep into the archives for a not-previously-reduxed discussion with my wife on a matter important to any generation: What's funny, what's not, and why?

    We are Gen X-ers who think Quick Change is brilliant and funny. My mother-in-law thought Where's Poppa was brilliant and funny. You'll have to make up your own mind on which of us was right.

    As mentioned, it's one of the first recordings I did, and it's ... rough. But understandable.

    Quick Change, with Bill Murray, Geena Davis, Randy Quaid, and Jason Robards, is one of my favorite comedy films.

    Where's Poppa, with George Segal and Ruth Gordon, was one of my mother-in-law's favorite comedy films.

    My wife and I discuss possibilities for why what we find funny and what our parents find funny is often so different.

    Silent and Gen X on Lifecourse



    Quick Change and Where’s Poppa? on IMDB



    Carl Reiner - born 1922 (G.I.)

    Drafted in October 1942, served in the Pacific theater (despite initially learning to be a French interpreter), ending up in Special Services (i.e. entertainment).

    Mel Brooks - born 1926 (Silent)

    Brooks served in World War II in the European theater starting in 1944, which is very unusual for Silent generation members. (One reason he seems like he should be G.I.)

    Quick Change - Floras para los muertos


    Quick Change - Joust


    Where’s Poppa - We didn’t discuss this scene, but it fits in a lot of ways.


    If you search for Campfire Scene - with or without “Blazing Saddles” - this comes up early:


    Which I'd noticed before, in this post about another offensive western


    What my wife is doing instead of podcasts: Gift of Music Foundation


    You can still find me on Twitter: @generationalize and blogging at http://crisis.generationalize.com, but also on bluesky and sometimes on Post, also as @generationalize

    Voir plus Voir moins
    47 min
  • The Latest for April 28 2024
    Apr 29 2024

    Prompt the First: The Crazy World of 2nd Turning Music

    • https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thompson_Twins - doesn't mention the shaved eyebrow thing,
    • SNL: Devo, B-52s, David Bowie
      • It wasn’t uncontrollable urge; it was Satisfaction and then Jocko Homo
      • And it was between their first two albums - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Duty_Now_for_the_Future came out in 1979
      • And during Jocko Homo, they stripped off the radiation suits
      • https://www.reddit.com/r/LiveFromNewYork/comments/zf4vwz/devo_performing_jocko_homo_on_snl_in_1978/
      • That video excerpt from SNL does NOT include the really amazingly even wierder original lead-in, an clip from In The Beginning Was The End, with Booji Boy and his father, General Boy, discussing The Truth About De-Evolution.
      • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PdlU8e9wBIE - Martin Sheen introduces Bowie
    • Elvis Costello and Meatloaf commercials in 1977
      • https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bat_Out_of_Hell
      • https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/My_Aim_Is_True
      • https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Look_Sharp!_(Joe_Jackson_album)(1978) - the shoes!

    Prompt the second: Bay of Pigs

    • https://www.netflix.com/title/81614129 - Turning Point: The Bomb and The Cold War
      • Yes, I somehow missed that The Bomb is right there in the title, so it's not a coincidence that it's focused on the nuclear part of The Cold War.
    • https://nuclearsecrecy.com/nukemap/

    Prompt the third: Neutrality

    • Neutrality as a very malleable concept: USSR/Japan in WWII, US / Germany, US/UKR/Russia,
    • https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neutral_country
    • https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Portugal_during_World_War_II
      • Anglo-Portuguese Treaty of 1373 - used by Churchill to confirm access to the Azores for aircraft.
    • https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neutrality_Acts_of_the_1930s
      • The Acts were largely repealed in 1941, in the face of the Lend-Lease Act.
    • https://x.com/generationalize/status/1495959705616801795
    • https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0034583/trivia/?item=tr6049574
    • https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0034583/trivia/?item=tr368170
    Voir plus Voir moins
    27 min
  • The Latest for April 21, 2024
    Apr 22 2024

    Prompt the First - Guadalcanal

    But also: The Pacific (2010)- last time did Band of Brothers,

    Taylor Swift — 1:12:50 in Long Pond sessions - association between Guadalcanal fighting and pandemic trauma. — Epiphany

    Available on Disney+ And it was in fact released IN 2020 - before vaccines were available, while effectively lockdown was still ongoing.

    And also - just barely related the Ahwanee was initially commissioned for the Navy in 1943. The official website said the the first men sent were veterans of Okinawa….which was two years later. Turns out the actual men sent there were from the naval hospital in Oakland CA - near San Francisco, that is - and were veterans of…Guadalcanal.

    Prompt the Second - Waiting on that Welfare Check

    From Bruce Springsteen's The River - Point Blank

    The P.J. O'Rourke reference can be found in the "Poverty Policy" chapter of "Parliament of Whores." I misremembered a couple of items in it, so:

    • It came from a visit to the "loathsome and terrifying" Newark project
    • He refers to the idea of "buying" the apartment as "the current conservative wisdom," and "Jack Kemp-style privatization"
    • Residents would purchase their apartments, no down payment, mortgage payment no more than what they paid for rent.
    • In response to each of his arguments, the lady responds "I'm not going for any of that."
    • The final response calls it not a toilet but "this seven-story sewer in the sky that she lived in" and was, again and finally "I'm not going for any of that."

    Prompt the Third - Ruined Technology

    Xz exploit inserted in open source code


    May be notable - perhaps a change in pov


    That it’s becoming a choice (kinda again, kinda) that you ca pay 150K for a junior data engineer, or 200K for a senior, getting much more experience for a nominal increase in salary.

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    28 min
  • Redux - Aaron Copland's Lincoln Portrait
    Apr 15 2024

    This is a bit of stretch for relevance but: It's Tax Day, and sometimes that's too busy a day to get anything else done. While composing Fanfare for the Common Man, Aaron Copland thought Tax Day was the most common sort of day for modern man, and that it would make a good day for a premiere.

    Which this isn't, but it's a decent look at the music that opens this podcast.


    Aaron Copland's Lincoln Portrait, the music used for the introduction to this podcast, ties together two previous Fourth Turnings - commissioned after Pearl Harbor and including Civil War quotes from the 16th President - in a way which makes it feel even more relevant as this current Crisis unfolds.


    A few relevant Wikipedia links







    This site has Kostelnetz commissioning it within 10 days - mid-December 1941- and that copland began writing in late February


    The different excerpts are from

    1) Address to congress 1862: http://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/ws/?pid=29503

    2) Seventh and final Lincoln-Douglas debate October 15 1858 https://www.nps.gov/liho/learn/historyculture/debate7.htm

    3) Collected works: https://www.nps.gov/liho/learn/historyculture/onslavery.htm

    4) The Gettysburg Address 1863:


    The NPS site says his slavery quote is from August 1, 1858 - 110 years before this recording.


    This site says the date is pure conjecture, is from a scrap of paper that Mary Todd Lincoln passed to archivists later, and is signed with a different piece of paper from another document.


    Vin Scully, voice of the Dodgers, with the L.A. Philharmonic in 2017


    A direct link to a Youtube video of that performance https://youtu.be/6qpYwrla0GE

    More on the quote about freedom and democracy


    The first item there is is a NYTimes piece from 1895 - that would be 30 years after the Civil War - that attributes it to Lincoln by the judge who ….attributes it to him.


    Last witness of the assassination of Lincoln, still alive in 1956, 14 years -after- the premiere of Lincoln Portrait


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    14 min
  • The Latest for April 7, 2024
    Apr 8 2024

    Prompt the First - Band of Brothers

    September 9, 2001 - Sunday

    ~ nearly 23 years ago

    ~ 55-60 years after the events portrayed

    WIth regards to people being comforted by the familiarity of battle movies, I was particularly thinking of the use of the Awahanee Hotel in Yosemite Valley as a treatment for shellshock, as PTSD was called at the time. It didn't work very well, because it was TOO quiet and peaceful, and left those affected with only their thoughts.


    The previous episode where World War II items were discussed - such as The Producers - was The Latest for February 10.

    (Note - related stuff in Prompt the 2nd from February 10)

    Prompt the Second - The Cultural Revolution as 2nd Turning

    Ref 3 body problem, and Mao being an older …nomad? No, probably prophet himself, if (as it appears) China is a bit ahead of the Anglo-American saeculum who gets more than he expected from the Prophet youth.




    Prompt the Third - free the anxious generation

    Concerning a bill posted nearby, and a couple of kids sharing an electric scooter ... without a helmet. And hints to the possible endings of this Fourth Turning.



    Voir plus Voir moins
    24 min
  • Redux - The 18th Dynasty
    Apr 1 2024

    The Ten Commandments was on, which is set completely in the 19th dynasty, but because it's soon after the 18th it seems relevant enough.

    There are a number of candidates for the Pharoah of the Exodus. As the 1956 movie The Ten Commandments shows, one is Ramses II, the third pharaoh of the 19th dynasty. The 18th Dynasty has at least one or two as well, and that Akhenaten attempted to institute monotheism during his reign raises some questions in that regard.


    A look at the 18th dynasty of ancient Egypt, specifically considering whether we can effectively align it with the generational model.

    A listing of the pharaohs of the 18th dynasty


    On the historicity of the Exodus, including mentions of Akhenaten and other 18th Dynasty pharoahs.


    The breakdown described, moving backwards from 1292 BCE (end of Horemheb's reign, and end of the 18th dynasty).



    Pharoah at start

    Pharaoh at end











    Kamose (17th)

    Ahmose I




    Ahmose I

    Amenhotep I




    Amenhotep I

    Thutmose II

    Thutmose I




    Thutmose II






    Thutmose III




    Thutmose III

    Thutmose III




    Thutmose III

    Amenhotep II




    Amenhotep II

    Thutmose IV




    Thutmose IV

    Amenhotep III




    Amenhotep III







    Smenkhkare Neferenefureaten














    Ramses I (19th)

    Voir plus Voir moins
    24 min