
  • Richard Baffled by ‘Spiritual Environmentalists’ Word Salad
    Jun 13 2024

    Satish Kumar was one of those I interviewed for my Channel 4 documentary, ‘Enemies of Reason.’ He began by telling a nice story about Bertrand Russell, whom he met as a young man and who supported him. We moved on to holism, which seemed harmless enough, but as the interview wore on, he became more and more mystical, culminating in the treeness of trees, I couldn't help wondering what Bertrand Russell would have said.

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    35 min
  • John McWhorter and Richard Dawkins talk about Linguistics and Woke Racism
    Jun 5 2024

    I have long wanted to meet John McWhorter. He’s an extremely well-known public intellectual and opinion leader who, in my opinion, always talks sense. I have this rather eccentric idea that before becoming a public intellectual, you need to earn your credentials by having something important and interesting to be intellectual about, and John McWhorter qualifies in a big way. He is a world authority on linguistics, the study of the extraordinary phenomenon of human language, which I think is one of the most important and interesting subjects out there. We both spoke at the Dissident Dialogues conference in New York this year, and I seized the opportunity to invite him onto The Poetry of Reality. I was delighted and honored when he accepted. I began by asking him about linguistics, including the vexed question of the origin of language. Only later did we move on to his more controversial book, a book that I strongly recommend, “Woke Racism: How a New Religion Has Betrayed Black America.”

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    47 min
  • Richard Dawkins vs. Ayaan Hirsi Ali: Political Christian or Truly a Christian?
    Jun 3 2024

    Ayaan Hirsi Ali is a hero, a staunch fighter against the violent intolerance and bossy control freakery of Islamism. She is also a personal friend of whom I am very fond. When she recently announced her conversion to Christianity, I assumed that she must be no more than a political Christian, regarding Christianity as a bulwark against Islam. I have some sympathy with the view that if you must have a religion at all, Christianity is hugely better than the leading alternative. In Hilaire Belloc’s words, “Always keep a-hold of Nurse for fear of finding something worse.”

    I agreed to have a public conversation with her in New York, in which I was all prepared to emphasize the distinction between a political Christian and a true believing Christian, who actually thinks Jesus was born of a virgin and rose from the dead. I think the distinction is a really important one. I don’t think a political Christian is a real Christian, any more than the kind of cultural Christian I am myself.

    When we met on the stage at the Dissident Dialogues meeting in New York, I was wrongfooted when Ayaan began with a personal statement which seemed to suggest that she really is a believing Christian, not just a political Christian. Well, her form of words was “I choose to believe.” I’m not sure what to make of that. Anyways, see what you think; here is the recording of our New York meeting.

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    1 h
  • Richard Dawkins Talks to an Ex-Atheist Christian Theologian | (Part 2)
    May 23 2024

    (This is part 2 of Richard's interview with Alister McGrath.)

    I interviewed Alister McGrath for my Channel 4 documentary, Root of All Evil. He is a theologian, a nice enough fellow, but I wouldn't go out of your way to listen to this interview unless it's to remind yourself what an empty, vacuous, non-subject theology is.

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    29 min
  • Richard Dawkins Talks to an Ex-Atheist Christian Theologian | (Part 1)
    May 21 2024

    I interviewed Alister McGrath for my Channel 4 documentary, Root of All Evil. He is a theologian, a nice enough fellow, but I wouldn't go out of your way to listen to this interview unless it's to remind yourself what an empty, vacuous, non-subject theology is.
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    29 min
  • God Delusion UC Berkeley Lecture
    May 4 2024

    In 2008, touring America to promote The God Delusion, I spoke to a large audience at the University of California at Berkeley. It was a nostalgic visit for me, as I had spent two eventful years there as a young man. Today I stand by everything I said in the lecture.

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    1 h et 13 min
  • Evolutionary Biologist Explains Sexual Selection
    Apr 26 2024

    Ever wondered why some males in the animal kingdom seem to have all the luck, while others struggle to find a mate? In this episode we explore Ronald Fisher’s groundbreaking principles and dive deep into the secrets of nature’s most intriguing mating strategies. Have you ever pondered the hidden costs of maintaining a balanced sex ratio? Or marvelled at the extravagant displays of peacocks and birds of paradise, wondering what drives such stunning showcases of beauty? My talk drew inspiration from daring minds, from Charles Darwin and Alfred Russel Wallace, to Helena Cronin and Amos Zahavi, who challenged conventional wisdom and pushed the boundaries of our understanding. Could it be that male parasites and birds alike have mastered the art of honest advertising to attract mates? And what does the Zahavi-Graffan handicap theory reveal about the true nature of attraction?

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    26 min
  • In Memoriam: Dan Dennett on Mortality, Life, and Existence
    Apr 23 2024

    I filmed a conversation about death shortly after Dan Dennett recovered from a life-threatening condition. In addition to discussing personal mortality, we talked about bereavement. I thought this time it would be appropriate to listen again to his wisdom—the wisdom of a great thinker and a dear friend. Big books, was an eloquent speaker, had deep knowledge of science as well as philosophy, was a talented musician and sculptor, lived a full life and died in harness. It leaves a huge gap in the world of intellect, Dan, I will miss you so much, so deeply.

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    15 min