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The Thriving Man Podcast

Auteur(s): David Maxwell
  • Résumé

  • Many guys get trapped in focusing on one area of their life at the expense of everything else. It could be their physical health, their career, a sport, or even a hobby. The problem is this: A Truly Successful Life isn't one-dimensional! That is why there are miserable millionaires. Who cares how much money you have if, for example, you have no one you can call a true friend? There has to be a better approach than this. The Thriving Man Podcast helps men grow in the 4 fundamentals of their life: Emotional, Mental, Physical, & Spiritual. We help men see that "Success is Inside Out and On the Way!"
    Thriving Man Coaching
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  • Why Do We Procrastinate So Much? Fixed Version
    Jun 12 2024

    There’s always more to the story. There’s always more than meets the eye. Procrastination is no exception. We often think of procrastination as some fundamental character flaw- “Well procrastination must mean I’m a lazy bum. That’s just who I am.” The reality is very different. Procrastination is often an outward symptom of inward issues. It’s the fruit, not the root. It’s not self-contained, it's linked to other parts of our life.

    When we dig deeper, we will discover that there’s a lot more to the story, and there are some surprising ways we can address procrastination without the same old mantra of “trying harder.” On today’s show, we dig deep into procrastination and look at some of the root causes behind this problem.

    Fear of Failure
    • One common cause of procrastination is the fear of failure.
    • Unrealistic expectations often drive our fear of failure: comparing ourselves to someone online our friend, or even our dreamy ideals.
    • These expectations can paralyze us and prevent us from taking action.
    • Antidote: Failure is normal and everyone goes through times when they fail at something.
    • Don’t take yourself too seriously. We all mess up, and the first time we try new things is often the worst.
    • By understanding that failure is a normal part of the learning process, we can overcome this fear and move forward with our tasks.

    Lack of Motivation
    • Another factor that contributes to procrastination is a lack of motivation.
    • If we don't see the value or importance of a task, we often don't find the motivation to get started.
    • Antidote: Connect your action with your why and connect the small picture to the big picture
    • By finding meaning in the task, you can increase your motivation and reduce the tendency to procrastinate.

    Instant Gratification Addiction
    • Another psychological explanation for procrastination is the concept of instant gratification. This is probably one you’ve already suspected
    • As humans, we are wired to seek immediate rewards and pleasure.
    • When faced with a task that requires effort and delayed gratification, we are more likely to procrastinate in favor of more immediately rewarding activities, such as scrolling through social media or watching TV.
    • We are surrounded by easy, appealing, and often free forms of instant gratification. In this environment, we have to be intentional about not just following our short-term cravings.
    • The answer doesn’t have to be all-or-nothing, it just has to be intentional.
    • By understanding this tendency, we can implement strategies to minimize distractions and increase our focus on important tasks.
    • Be systematic with your boundaries

    Working Outside Our Natural Zone
    • God wired you with things you are good at and things you enjoy
    • We often procrastinate in areas that are not our natural zone
    • This doesn’t give us an excuse, but it is a reality we should see
    • This is something we should keep in mind when making commitments


    Review the sections we talked about and figure out which one is affecting you the most

    • Fear of Failure
    • Lack of Motivation
    • Instant gratification addiction
    • Working outside your natural zone

    Don’t just accept guilt over procrastination. Figure out why you are procrastinating and you’ll be able to deal with it the right way.



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    32 min
  • What Procrastination Is and Isn't
    Jun 5 2024

    Procrastination seems to be a common theme for many men today. We’ve been coaching a small group of men from different backgrounds but all had the same issue: Procrastination!

    We all procrastinate in different areas of our lives and sometimes feel the bad consequences, but procrastination isn’t always bad. In this week’s show, we talk through what procrastination is along with some of the negative side effects of it. Plus, we deal with misunderstandings about procrastination that affect many men today.

    What is Procrastination?
    • Procrastination is the act of delaying or postponing tasks or actions to a harmful degree.
    • Many people believe that procrastination is simply a matter of laziness, but it is often a symptom of deeper underlying issues.
    • We shouldn’t just accept procrastination but should look at it as a sign of something going on inside
    • It could be big or small, but procrastination often shows us insight into ourselves that we shouldn’t ignore

    The Negative Side of Procrastination
    • Procrastination can significantly affect us and the people in our lives.
    • Procrastination feeds itself. Once you start, it becomes a cycle of feeling overwhelmed and unable to manage your time effectively.
    • One of the main consequences of procrastination is decreased productivity.
    • Procrastination also takes a toll on our mental health.

    The Misunderstanding of Procrastination
    • One of the biggest problems with procrastination is that it becomes a catch-all category for any time we don’t take action.
    • We have this assumption: “If I’m not doing something I could be doing right now, I’m procrastinating.”
    • There is an important category we are missing: prioritizing
    • Prioritizing: putting less important things on the back-burner on purpose so you can do something more valuable now.
    • We have to prioritize our lives. That’s a good thing.
    • Productivity isn’t our purpose the goal isn’t to cram as much as possible into the 16 hours we have awake. It’s to place the best things into the 16 hours you have awake.

    • As you go throughout this week think about this question: What times am I procrastination and what times am I prioritizing?
    • Look at the fruit of what you are choosing and why.



    Thriving Man Coaching Resources


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    26 min
  • Beach Ready Body: The Art of Rest & Recovery
    May 29 2024
    The Art of Rest and Recovery: The Key to Recharge and Optimize Your Performance

    In today's fast-paced world, it's easy to overlook the importance of rest and recovery. We often fill our days and nights with activities and we pay the price by losing sleep and never resting to recover. This hurts us and can harm our ability to live the life we were designed to live.

    Let’s do a deep dive into rest and recovery and why it is so important to us.

    You can also get more details on our blog at

    Common Misconceptions about Rest and Recovery

    1. Rest is a Sign of Laziness:

    2. Rest is Time Wasted:

    3. More is Always Better:

    4. Rest is Only for the Weak:

    The Physical Benefits of Rest and Recovery
    • When we rest, our bodies repair and regenerate, leading to numerous health benefits.
    • One of the primary physical benefits of rest is improved muscle recovery.
    • Rest also plays a crucial role in our immune system function.
    • Quality sleep is essential for physical recovery.

    The Mental and Emotional Benefits of Rest and Recovery
    • While the physical benefits of rest and recovery are well-known, the impact on our mental and emotional well-being is equally significant.
    • Rest and recovery also contribute to improved cognitive function and mental clarity.
    • Rest and recovery give us the mental and emotional capacity to make connections with others.
    • Rest and recovery help prevent burnout.

    The Impact of Rest and Recovery on Performance
    • Rest and recovery have a direct impact on our performance( whether it's in sports, business, or any other area of life.)
    • In the business world, rest and recovery are essential for productivity and creativity.

    • In the relational world, rest and recovery are a key to making memories, building emotional connections, and growing more intimate.
    • We often have to be as intentional about rest as we are about work.

    Strategies for Effective Rest and Recovery

    1. Prioritize Sleep: Sleep is the foundation of rest and recovery.

    2. Take Regular Breaks: Throughout the day, take short breaks to rest your mind and body.

    3. Incorporate Active Rest: Active rest involves engaging in low-intensity activities that promote recovery without causing additional strain on the body.

    4. Practice Reading: Take time to read real paper books, not a device.

    5. Schedule Rest Days: schedule dedicated rest days in your routine.

    Tips for Making Rest and Recovery a Priority

    1. Set Boundaries: Establish clear boundaries between work and personal life.

    2. Plan Ahead

    3. Practice Self-Care: Make time for activities that bring you joy and help you relax.

    4. Listen to Your Body: Pay attention to your body's signals and needs.

    5. Seek Support: The importance of a support system

    Challenge: Embracing Rest and Recovery

    Embracing your rest and recovery is key to living your design. We weren’t created to work all the time and never rest. Our bodies need consistent rest and recovery to function at their best. Here are some questions to ask yourself to help you focus on your rest and recovery:

    • How much sleep am I getting each night?
    • What can I do to improve my sleep environment?
    • What hobbies do I engage in besides something that involves media?
    • Who...
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    42 min

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