
  • Lessons from Teen AI Software Founders Abhay Chebium & Pradyu Kandala
    May 8 2024

    Pradyu Kandala and Abhay Chebium, high school juniors, founded Professor AI, an AI-powered AP prep platform

    • They were motivated to start the platform by a desire to have a long-term plan and not end up in a regular nine-to-five job
    • They have built a team of interns to work on the platform and are focused on quality over quantity
    • They have structured their business to be cashflow heavy and are able to bootstrap their way to success
    • They are currently fundraising and have plans to expand into other niches
    • They have participated in the Antler accelerator program, which has provided them with valuable connections and advice
    • They are overcoming challenges related to product development, pitching, and managing their workload as high school students

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    30 min
  • Building a Network for Passive Investing with Chris Miles
    May 1 2024
    • Creating Multiple Streams of Income
    • Challenging Traditional Financial Advice Taking Control of Your Investments
    • Building a Network for Passive Investing

    • "Cash flow is like profit. If you're a business owner, you want more profit."
    • "I'm all about having a lot more money coming in than what's going out."
    • "Every single business owner needs other streams of income outside of their business."
    • "There's no way that you can live off of $30,000 a year. There's no way that you just stuff a 401k and just hope that it keeps going up."
    • "It's almost become like a religion with the 401k, hasn't it? I mean, it's almost religious to the point it's like dogma."
    • "Even if you get a hundred percent match, because a lot of times people say, well, I only go up to the hundred percent match and then I stop, which is better than just trying to max fund them, which is really what you have to do if you want to have any kind of paid retirement, right? But even then, like that match, it's fascinating because long-term, it only adds about two or 3% a year return onto your numbers."

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    39 min
  • Trusting God's Provision in Business with AJ Adams
    Apr 24 2024

    AJ Adams discusses his journey of combining business and ministry and the importance of prosperity for Christians. He emphasizes the need to master money and use it to serve others and fulfill the Great Commission. Adams challenges the belief that Christians should be poor and explains that prosperity is biblical. He highlights the principles and practices of making money ethically and with faith, drawing from biblical teachings. Adams also discusses the role of psychology in marketing and how he incorporates Jesus' marketing strategies into his own business. In this conversation, AJ Adams and Steven Pemberton discuss the intersection of faith and business. They explore how biblical principles can guide marketing and sales practices, emphasizing the importance of ethics and relationship-building. They also highlight the impact of influential figures like Jesus and Solomon, who demonstrated effective marketing strategies. AJ Adams shares his vision for the Gospel Patrons community, which aims to support business owners in funding the Great Commission and serving others. The conversation concludes with a discussion on overcoming challenges and trusting in God's provision.

    • "People who deny that prosperity is biblical are either broke or hypocritical."
    • "We're supposed to make money, multiply our money, and master money."
    • "The Bible is the best business book."
    • "Marketers have become less and less moral."
    • "Faith is not just praying and expecting God to take care of everything."
    • "Jesus was the best marketer to ever live."

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    42 min
  • Driving Business Growth Through Unconventional Wisdom with Shane Mishler
    Apr 16 2024

    Ever wondered how someone can skyrocket a company's revenue without prior experience in that industry? Shane Mishler might just be the wizard of growth you've been looking for. As COO of SD Tech, Shane joined me to unpack his unconventional rise in the tech world and how he helped transform the company's financial landscape. His story is a testament to the surprising turns life can take—and how seizing opportunities can lead to unprecedented success.

    This episode is a journey through Shane's personal struggles, his role as a life coach to a friend, and the fateful encounter that led him to SD Tech. It's a conversation that reveals the intricate dance between personal growth and professional achievement, peppered with Shane's practical insights on business strategies. For anyone interested in the human side of corporate success or looking for motivation to chart their own course in business, Shane's story will not only inspire but also offer tangible takeaways on driving growth and embracing change. Join us for an episode that's as much about personal initiative as it is about the power of mentorship in the business world.

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    39 min
  • The Art of Creating Fulfillment and Excellence in Your Professional Life with Simon Cohen
    Mar 26 2024

    Facing the daily grind with a sense of dread can be all too common, but what if the key to a thriving workplace lies within joy and wellness? This is the revelation Simon Cohen, CEO of HINGCO, shares with us, discussing his transformative philosophy that harmonizes high performance with happiness. By integrating wellness, mindfulness, happiness, and giving into the very fabric of a company, Simon argues that we can create a culture where employees don't just eagerly await the weekend but instead find fulfillment and joy in their daily work. This episode is an eye-opening discussion on redefining workplace culture, putting people first and proving that care and respect for employees isn't just nice—it's smart business.

    Can gratitude really change your life, or is it just another buzzword? We tackle this question head-on, breaking down the relationship between gratitude, success, and fulfillment in a way that's far from platitudes. We're not just talking about feeling thankful; we're exploring how these emotions can be cultivated to strengthen our personal and professional lives—as Simon shares, they're muscles that we can build and define. From insights on post-traumatic growth to the vital role of continuous education and empathetic leadership, this episode is your roadmap to a more resilient, fulfilled life that celebrates both our triumphs and our challenges. Join us in discovering how serving and appreciating others can be the bedrock of not just a successful career, but a life well-lived.

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    31 min
  • Building a Thriving Brand with AI Collaboration with Jeremy Slate
    Mar 19 2024

    Have you ever wondered what separates the ordinary from the extraordinary? Join me as my guest, Jeremy, and I debunk the myths surrounding success and illustrate through personal stories and historical anecdotes that the path to an incredible life is paved by our actions, not our circumstances. We navigate the realms of hard work, the hazards of indulgence, and the adventure of finding our true calling, sharing tales from my father's relentless work ethic to my own varied career journey.

    Imagine a workplace where AI doesn't replace humans but collaborates with them to unlock new levels of creativity and efficiency. That's what we're talking about today as we dissect the transformative influence of AI on business—an evolution we've witnessed first-hand in podcast production and pitch crafting. We'll also reveal the secret sauce behind creating digital training processes that are as efficient as they are effective, using tools like GPT-4 for Google Docs that make process documentation a breeze.

    Lastly, we'll disclose the strategy behind our podcast's rapid rise to the top, and how selecting the right media opportunities can catapult your brand's voice to the forefront, without squandering that precious non-renewable resource: time. With Jeremy's insights, we'll navigate the maximization of media engagements, the balancing act of digital versus in-person events, and the wisdom in selective commitment to protect your most valuable asset. Tune in for a conversation that's as much about personal growth as it is about professional strategy.

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    29 min
  • Embracing Faith and Entrepreneurial Vision for a Life of Freedom and Fulfillment Troy Bravenboer
    Mar 12 2024

    Unlock the transformative power of positivity with our engrossing discussion on how faith and imagination can shape your life's path. Troy's incredible journey from working a job to becoming a thriving entrepreneur without the traditional college route showcases the sheer force of a vision backed by belief. His story, which spans from sales to founding a multimillion-dollar trucking company and a tech startup, illustrates the strategic choices that can lead to both prosperity and the freedom to follow one's true calling.

    This episode takes a deep dive into the symbiotic relationship between business success and a committed faith life. I open up about the calling that shifted my focus from ministry to growing my trucking business – a move that seemed worldly but was steeped in divine guidance. The leap of faith brought me not only monetary reward but also invaluable skills that now serve my ministry work. As Troy and I discuss, whether you're a budding entrepreneur or someone looking to infuse your career with spirituality, understanding the balance between hustle and heavenly stewardship is key.

    Finally, we discuss the delicate dance of leading a fulfilling life at the intersection of business acumen and spiritual practice. From navigating work-life balance to redefining success on our own terms, the conversation is peppered with personal insights – like my admiration for my wife's dual role as an eloquent speaker and astute businesswoman. We challenge hustle culture and redefine what it truly means to be successful, all while ensuring we make time for family and fun. Join us and be part of this enlightening journey as we explore the endless possibilities that await when faith and focus join forces.

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    40 min
  • Crafting a Life of Resilience and Divine Purpose in Business with Daniel Wilgenbush
    Mar 5 2024


    Daniel Wilgenbush shares his journey in business and the importance of aligning with one's purpose and identity. He emphasizes the role of faith in his life and how it has transformed his perspective and led to miracles. Daniel highlights the significance of expectation and faith in experiencing breakthroughs and encourages believers to influence the world through their businesses and spheres of influence.


    • Discovering and aligning with one's purpose is essential for personal and professional fulfillment.
    • Faith plays a crucial role in experiencing miracles and transformation in all areas of life.
    • Having expectation and faith in prayer can lead to breakthroughs and answered prayers.
    • Believers are called to influence the world and make a difference through their businesses and spheres of influence.


    Introduction and Background

    Daniel's Journey in Business

    The Importance of Knowing One's Identity

    The Role of Faith in Daniel's Life

    Faith and Purpose in the Marketplace

    The Power of Expectation and Faith

    The Role of Faith in Business

    Influencing the World as Believers

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    37 min