• 009 Building Success Without Burnout: Justin Freishtat's Entrepreneurial Journey
    Jun 20 2024

    In this episode, Justin Freishtat, former co-owner of Heartland Foods, shares his strategies for funding and building a multi-million dollar business, as well as leveraging social media in today's economy. He highlights the importance of finding your passion and aligning it with a commission-based sales career, discussing his diverse investments in real estate, hedge funds, and oil and gas, and how he navigates the ever-changing market. As the vice president of Kern's Marketing, Justin focuses on social media marketing and brand building for clients, explaining the difference between organic growth and guerrilla marketing tactics to drive traffic and monetize brands. He also touches on the power of DM outreach and leveraging credit cards for funding.

    On a deeper level, Justin and Aria Johnson delve into the importance of taking risks, overcoming fear, and surrounding yourself with like-minded individuals. They emphasize investing in personal growth and creating an environment that supports and encourages your dreams. The episode explores burnout and resilience, stressing the need to take care of oneself to prevent burnout and maintain high performance. Justin shares his experiences with adversity, the lessons learned, and the significance of mindset in achieving success. They discuss the value of connecting with people, finding happiness in the present moment, and the idea of legacy and pursuing a fulfilling life.


    • Finding your passion and aligning it with a commission-based sales career can lead to success.
    • Investing in real estate, hedge funds, and oil and gas can provide opportunities for wealth preservation and growth.
    • Social media marketing, particularly through guerrilla tactics, can help build brands and drive traffic.
    • DM outreach and leveraging credit cards can be effective strategies for funding and growing a business. Take risks and overcome fear in order to achieve success.
    • Surround yourself with like-minded individuals who support and encourage your dreams.
    • Invest in personal growth and be intentional about the environments you place yourself in.
    • Take care of yourself and prioritize your well-being to avoid burnout.
    • Find happiness in the present moment and focus on the journey rather than just the outcome.
    • Define success on your own terms and strive for a fulfilling life.
    • Learn from failures and embrace discomfort as a catalyst for growth.
    • Maintain a positive mindset and avoid violating your own principles.
    • Money is a tool and should be approached with a mindset of multiplication rather than emotion.
    • Legacy is about making a positive impact and finding happiness in the process.

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    53 mins
  • 008 How to Make it in the Music Business: w/ Bree Noble
    Jun 14 2024

    In this episode of Behind The Glitz, I sit down with the incredible Bree Noble, founder of Women of Substance Radio, host of the Profitable Musician Show Podcast and bestselling author, to dive deep into the music industry. We explore how musicians can turn their passion into a sustainable career without burning out. Bree shares invaluable insights on thinking like a business and leveraging smart principles to build a thriving music career. She introduces the concept of income stacking, encouraging musicians to diversify their revenue streams through avenues like speaking engagements, podcasting, and offering services such as demos and arrangements.

    Authenticity is a cornerstone of Bree's advice, emphasizing that genuine storytelling remains timeless and invaluable in music. We discuss the magic of live music experiences and their enduring impact in our digital age. As AI technology evolves, Bree and I explore its implications for artists, advocating for laws to safeguard creators from potential misuse.

    For new musicians, Bree offers practical guidance on team-building and effective time management to navigate the industry's demands and prevent burnout. Balancing creativity with the practicalities of running a music business is key to sustaining a fulfilling career.

    As we look ahead, Bree shares her perspective on the future of the music business, providing valuable insights for artists to evolve alongside industry changes while staying true to their artistic essence.


    • Live music experiences are unique and irreplaceable, creating lasting memories for both artists and audiences.
    • Authenticity is crucial in the music industry, amplifying personalities to connect deeply with fans.
    • AI's rise poses challenges and opportunities; protective laws are needed to safeguard artists.
    • New musicians should focus on team-building, community support, and effective time management.
    • Balancing creativity with business acumen is essential to prevent burnout and sustain a fulfilling career.

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    39 mins
  • 007 Human Design: Humans Aren't Meant to Burn Out w/ Melinda Van Fleet
    Jun 6 2024

    In this episode, I sit down with the incredible Melinda Van Fleet to talk about overcoming unseen obstacles and limiting beliefs. Melinda breaks down the difference between limiting beliefs and belief systems, explaining why it’s so important to dig deep and rewire these deep-rooted beliefs. This is key to preventing burnout because unaddressed limiting beliefs can lead to ongoing stress and exhaustion.

    We discuss how age impacts success and the fears that come up when pursuing dreams. Melinda shares how these fears can contribute to burnout. She introduces the concept of human design, explaining the different types and how understanding your specific type can lead to better self-awareness and work-life balance. Aligning your activities with your energy type helps avoid burnout and lets you play to your strengths.

    We also tackle the skepticism around human design. Melinda encourages respecting others' beliefs while not using skepticism as an excuse to avoid personal growth. Understanding human design can help you focus on the right tasks and delegate others, maximizing your strengths and avoiding burnout.

    Melinda talks about workaholism and whether you can change your type within human design. She gives practical tips for tapping into your intuition and explains how intuition is closely linked to success and avoiding burnout. The episode wraps up with Melinda sharing three valuable pieces of advice to help you prevent burnout and achieve greater success.


    • Unseen obstacles and limiting beliefs can hold you back. Working with a coach or mentor can help you overcome these obstacles.
    • Belief systems are deeper than limiting beliefs and often stem from childhood experiences and societal influences. They require more work to rewire.
    • Age shouldn’t be a barrier to success. It’s never too late to pursue your dreams and achieve your goals.
    • Human design is a spiritually based personal assessment system that can provide valuable insights into your personality, work style, and relationships. Understanding your type can lead to better self-awareness and work-life balance.
    • Respect others' beliefs and don’t use skepticism as an excuse to avoid personal growth. Stay open-minded and explore new ideas.

    By the end of the episode, you'll have a better understanding of how to manage stress and prevent burnout, along with practical tools to enhance your mental and emotional well-being. Tune in to learn from Melinda's insights and start your journey toward a balanced and fulfilling life.

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    44 mins
  • 006 Stress to Success: Navigating Burnout w/ Dr. Sharon Grossman
    May 30 2024

    In this episode of "Behind the Glitz," Dr. Sharon Grossman dives deep into the complex world of stress and its effects on our performance and well-being. She kicks things off by discussing the surprising benefits of stress, showing how it can actually be a powerful motivator for peak performance. Using the bell curve model, Dr. Grossman explains that while some stress is necessary for optimal performance, too much can lead to burnout.

    Dr. Grossman emphasizes the importance of self-awareness and setting boundaries to fend off burnout. She also tackles the cultural pressures in America that contribute to our burnout culture, shedding light on how societal expectations can ramp up stress levels. Throughout the episode, she stresses the critical role of perception in how we experience stress and the power of managing our minds to reframe negative thoughts.

    Listeners will walk away with practical steps to prevent burnout in their daily lives. Dr. Grossman highlights the power of gratitude and taking charge of our thoughts and actions. She encourages finding meaning in work and making choices that align with personal values and goals.

    The episode wraps up with three key lessons: prioritize experiences over material wealth, recognize your control over your mind, and seek out meaningful work to create a balanced and fulfilling life.

    By the end of the episode, you'll gain a deeper understanding of how to manage stress effectively and prevent burnout, along with practical tools to boost your mental and emotional well-being.


    • Stress can be beneficial in small amounts, enhancing motivation and performance.
    • Building self-awareness is crucial for recognizing and managing stress levels.
    • Setting boundaries is essential to prevent burnout and maintain a work-life balance.
    • Cultural factors, like the pressure to constantly work and stay busy, contribute to burnout in America.
    • Your perception of a situation and your coping abilities shape your stress levels.
    • Managing your mind and reframing negative thoughts can reduce stress and improve well-being.
    • Practicing gratitude shifts your focus from negativity to positivity.
    • You have control over your thoughts and actions, which impact your emotions and behavior.
    • Finding meaning in your work and making strategic choices leads to a more balanced and fulfilling life.

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    47 mins
  • 005 Surviving Burnout: Learn to Optimize your Body
    May 24 2024

    In this episode of Behind the Glitz, Aria Johnson delves deeper into her groundbreaking Voice Framework, designed to combat burnout and promote overall well-being. Today, Aria focuses on the O in the framework, which stands for Optimization of the Body. She begins by identifying the common signs and symptoms of burnout, emphasizing how crucial it is to recognize these early warning signals.

    Aria passionately discusses the vital role of self-care in preventing and recovering from burnout. She shares practical tips on optimizing nutrition, incorporating exercise into daily routines, and employing stress management techniques such as sauna sessions and ice baths. Throughout the episode, Aria underscores the significance of taking proactive steps toward self-care, illustrating how even small changes can make a substantial difference in combating burnout.

    Listeners are encouraged to prioritize their physical health as a foundation for overall well-being. Aria’s insights highlight the importance of creating a balanced lifestyle that nurtures both oneself and others. By the end of the episode, you'll have a clearer understanding of how to implement these strategies into your life, paving the way for a healthier, more resilient approach to tackling burnout.


    • Burnout is a state of emotional, mental, and physical exhaustion caused by prolonged stress.
    • Burnout can occur in various areas of life, not just in the workplace.
    • Signs of burnout include exhaustion, negative mindset, brain fog, decreased productivity, and physical symptoms.
    • Optimizing the body through nutrition, exercise, and stress management techniques can help prevent and recover from burnout.
    • Self-care is not selfish but necessary for preventing burnout and living a happy and successful life.


    burnout, prevention, recovery, self-care, body optimization, signs and symptoms, nutrition, exercise, stress management

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    23 mins
  • 004 Rewire Your Brain w/ Supermind's Chad Olin: Part 1
    May 21 2024

    Part 1 of 2 - Aria Johnson sits down with Chad Olin, Harvard MBA and CEO and founder of Supermind, a groundbreaking company that leverages technology to measure and enhance brain function; reduce depresssion, anxiety, PTSD and addiction. They dive into the fascinating concept of neuroplasticity, exploring how our brains have the remarkable ability to change throughout our lives.

    Chad opens up about his personal journey, sharing how he discovered the transformative power of meditation and mindfulness. As an entrepreneur, he also discusses the challenges of dealing with stress and burnout, and the impact of limiting beliefs on mental health.

    In this insightful conversation, Aria and Chad explore how Supermind uses biofeedback to help individuals retrain their brains, touching on the profound effects of childhood trauma and the innovative role of nuero-biofeedback in mental health treatment. Chad explains the power of sound and the subconscious mind in facilitating breakthroughs, using techniques like hypnotherapy to reprogram the brain and overcome anxiety and performance issues.

    They also delve into the critical role of the nervous system and the fight-or-flight response in mental health, highlighting the potential for change through neuroplasticity. Chad emphasizes the importance of scientific validation and shares the effectiveness of Supermind's approach based on real data. He concludes by offering three practical exercises for mental health: programming sleep, journaling, and starting a meditation practice.

    Tune in for a deep dive into the cutting-edge intersection of technology and mental health, and discover strategies to combat burnout and enhance your brain function.


    • Neuroplasticity is the brain's ability to change itself, and it occurs throughout our lives.
    • Meditation and mindfulness can have profound effects on mental health and well-being.
    • Supermind uses technology and biofeedback to help individuals retrain their brains and improve mental health.
    • Childhood trauma can have long-lasting effects on mental health, and addressing it is crucial for healing. The subconscious mind plays a crucial role in personal growth and can be accessed and reprogrammed through techniques like hypnotherapy.
    • Understanding the nervous system and the fight or flight response can help in managing anxiety and performance issues.
    • While mental health issues may not be completely cured, they can be effectively managed and overcome with the right tools and support.
    • Recognizing signs of mental health issues and prioritizing self-care are essential for maintaining mental well-being.
    • Three key exercises for mental health include programming sleep, journaling to clear the mind, and starting a meditation practice.

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    47 mins
  • 003 Rising Above Burnout: Unveiling Success Secrets w/ Cory Oliver
    May 13 2024

    Meet Cory Oliver, movie star, singer and founder of Beverly Hills Balm. In her conversation with Aria Johnson, they dive deep into Corey's path to success, revealing the lessons she's learned along the way.

    From resilience to relentless determination, Aria and Cory discuss what it means to persevere in adversity. They cover essential themes such as the need for rest, overcoming self-doubt, and seizing unexpected opportunities, all while highlighting Cory's belief in resilience.

    Throughout the episode, Cory shares insights about the importance of a strong support network and the transformative power of believing in oneself. They address the challenges of work-life balance and the critical need for self-care in a busy life.

    As Cory reflects on her regrets and victories, listeners are encouraged to learn from her experiences and embrace intuition and self-discovery. The episode ends with Cory's inspiring message to follow dreams with tenacity.

    In this enriching discussion, Aria and Cory highlight the importance of goal-setting and how gratitude fosters resilience. They stress the value of genuine connections and protecting oneself from distractions in the quest for fulfillment. By sharing their personal stories and offering practical advice, Aria and Cory provide listeners with the tools to navigate life's challenges with grace and resilience.


    • Writing down goals increases the likelihood of achieving them.
    • Protecting friendships and relationships is essential for personal growth and success.
    • Consider the source when facing negativity or efforts to undermine relationships.
    • Practicing gratitude and self-care helps maintain a positive mindset.
    • Even in a busy schedule, there's always a way to prioritize well-being and chase goals.

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    37 mins
  • 002 Motherhood burnout: Invisible labor & entitled kids w/ Sam Kelly
    May 13 2024

    In this episode, Aria Johnson interviews Sam Kelly, a therapist turned feminist coach for mothers, about getting kids to help around the house without nagging them.

    Sam shares her secret sauce, which involves shifting the narrative around household responsibilities and empowering children to be proactive contributors. She emphasizes the importance of teaching kids to notice what needs to be done and providing age-appropriate cleaning skills. Sam also discusses the significance of having conversations with children about bigger concepts like patriarchal messaging and burnout. The episode concludes with a call to share Sam's message with every parent.

    This conversation explores the challenges of motherhood burnout and the impact of the patriarchal society on women's mental load. It emphasizes the need for support and the importance of asking for help. The conversation also delves into the role of men in household responsibilities and the concept of equality and empowerment in motherhood. It highlights the emotional labor of motherhood and its impact on women's health.

    The conversation provides strategies for teaching children household responsibilities and shares the personal journey and transformation of the speaker. It concludes with information about the course and additional techniques for dealing with resistance from teens.


    • Shifting the responsibility of household tasks from the mother to the entire family is crucial for preventing burnout and creating an equitable partnership.
    • Teaching kids to notice what needs to be done and providing age-appropriate cleaning skills empowers them to be proactive contributors in the home.
    • Having conversations with children about bigger concepts like patriarchal messaging and burnout helps them understand their role in breaking the cycle of motherhood burnout.
    • Spreading the message of empowering kids to help around the house without nagging is essential for creating a more equitable and balanced society. Motherhood burnout is not the fault of individual women, but a result of the patriarchal society and the expectations placed on them.
    • Asking for help and seeking support is crucial in breaking the cycle of motherhood burnout.
    • Men should take an active role in household responsibilities to create equality and alleviate the mental load on women.
    • Empowerment in motherhood comes from recognizing and addressing the emotional labor involved.
    • Teaching children household responsibilities from a young age can help alleviate the mental load on mothers.
    • Change and transformation are possible with the right tools and mindset.

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    38 mins