
  • September - The new New Years
    Aug 31 2023

    Happy September 1st!! 
    It has been a while but I’m back and excited to get back at it!  

    September is my favourite time of the year.  It feels like a new beginning to get at the things you’ve been wanting to do.  

    On today's episode we talk about where I’ve been and some goals for this new year!!!  Let’s start it off strong!

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    11 mins
  • Steps to Success
    Feb 26 2023

    I'm sharing five things I did to level up my life, and five  things I am starting to implement into my daily routine to keep growing into the person I want to become! 

    Have you ever noticed that once you did some certain things and added them to your routine or life, that you started to see things in your life change?

    I love hearing what other people are doing!!  So let me know what you do, or if you are going to also take some of the same steps I did and which ones you chose to try!


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    10 mins
  • Celebrating the Small Wins
    Feb 16 2023

    It's so important to celebrate all of your wins, even the small ones.  I had an a-ha moment in the shower the other day and I wanted to share it with you guys.  My surgery reminded me to start celebrating the little wins so I’m passing my reminder onto you guys!! Enjoy and remember to celebrate all the wins - big and small - because you are amazing!  And remember, the small wins are what lead you to the big wins. 

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    8 mins
  • My One Year Sober Journey
    Feb 9 2023

    I wanted to come on and share my four reasons for why I gave up the booze for a year, and my experience with alcohol. 

    When I was starting out my journey it helped me to know that other people out there were going through the same thing.  

    I don’t know who needs to hear this but I felt the nudge to make a podcast on it so here it is.  Enjoy! 

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    25 mins
  • Those decisions that start the domino affect
    Jan 22 2023

    I may have fan girled just a little in this episode but hear her out!!  Do you guys ever look back at a decision you made and think, "Damn.  If I never did that one thing, I don’t know where I would be right now -  either in day to day life, with your business, fitness or relationships?" 

    Well, that decision for me was when I decided to sign up for a course and make the very first big investment in myself.  If you guys haven’t heard of Kathrin Zenkina at Manifestation Babe go check her out!!  Signing up for her course was the beginning of my domino effect into my business Celebrate Your Energy. 

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    14 mins
  • How’s your January going so far?
    Jan 13 2023

    Jenn is popping on with a quick episode just to remind you that it's okay if you’re feeling like January had a bit of a slower start than you were hoping.  And she’s sharing a few things she’s doing that is helping her in her slower season. 

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    9 mins
  • Let's talk fear
    Jan 4 2023

    Welcome to the very first episode of Celebrate your Energy! 

    Let’s talk fear because, my goodness, I was so scared to start this podcast. So I thought why not talk about fear for the very first episode. I’ve decided to make 2023 my year to kick the fear I have for a lot of things, including starting this podcast. Last year I did a few things that absolutely scared the hackins out of me but that feeling of just doing it “after you realize you aren’t going to die” was pretty incredible.

    The power of pushing through a fear -  The thought that once was "this is difficult or impossible" now turns into "if I can do that what else could I do that’s been holding me back?"

    The hope is for us to experience a life that we thought was just a dream or to experience that which we thought was never possible for us.  For us to grow, it is almost mandatory that we try something outside our comfort zone, to teach our mind and body that it is okay to try something new.  I’m so excited to see what this year will bring if I don’t let unfounded fear control me.

     Celebrate Your Energy is now on instagram https://instagram.com/celebrateyourenergy?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=

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    14 mins