• My Coaching Truths
    May 30 2024

    Episode 52:: My Coaching Truths

    Almost ten years ago I was sitting in a Nike conference room in NYC. I was asked about a job. Did I want it? I grabbed a legal pad and wrote down my coaching philosophy. I said if you want me then you need to want this too. A few months later those words I wrote were up on a wall in the old Nike 5th Ave store. They looked good up there. But it’s always been more important for those things to be out there on the roads and trails. On a wall they’re just words. And those truths are meant to be more than read. They are meant to be lived. Ten years down the road… I still got the paper I wrote those words on. And I still believe in what I wrote.

    This is episode is all about those truths. I hope you enjoy the show and I hope you listen while you are out there… on the roads… on the trails… on the tracks and treadmills… on all those starting lines… so those truths can be experienced off the wall.

    Coach Bennett

    Check out the Instagram post about the Truths by tapping here

    Be sure to send any and all questions and comments to the mailbag:

    Coach Bennett’s Podcast

    9220 SW Barbur Blvd STE 119, #322 Portland, Oregon 97219

    And if you need even more Coach Bennett in your life you can scratch that itch by subscribing to the Coach Bennett’s Newsletter.

    You can also listen to the Two Coach Bennetts Talking podcast on Apple Podcasts or on Spotify Podcasts

    Or you can follow on Instagram: @coachbennett

    TikTok: @CoachBennett

    Check out Coach Bennett on Cameo for any messages of inspiration or motivation or birthday wished or pep talk for you or friends or family or teammates: Coach Bennett

    Mastodon: @coachbennett

    Twitter: @BennettRun

    Threads: @CoachBennett

    Strava: Coach Bennett

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    40 mins
  • Episode 51: *50 Excuses To Run: Excuses #'s 26-50
    May 23 2024

    Episode 51: *50 Excuses To Run: Excuses #'s 26-50

    We are constantly inundated with excuses to NOT run. So, let's inundate ourselves with excuses TO RUN! In honor of 50 episodes I'm dropping a whole bunch of excuses to run. And by a whole bunch I mean 50 excuses! That's so many excuses that I needed to break this into two different episodes. And I tried my best to be efficient. 50 excuses is just too many excuses for one episode. That's why I needed to break these 50 excuses up into two different episodes. So, sit back and maybe even write a few of these down or write them all down. Believe me... if you run enough you're going to need access to some of these to help get you over the starting line.

    Cheers and thank you for listening!

    Coach Bennett

    PS: Make sure you also listen to Episode 50: 50 Excuses To Run: Excuse #'s 1-25

    Be sure to send any and all questions and comments to the mailbag:

    Coach Bennett’s Podcast

    Be sure to send any and all questions and comments to the mailbag:

    Coach Bennett’s Podcast

    9220 SW Barbur Blvd STE 119, #322 Portland, Oregon 97219

    And if you need even more Coach Bennett in your life you can scratch that itch by subscribing to the Coach Bennett’s Newsletter.

    You can also listen to the Two Coach Bennetts Talking podcast on Apple Podcasts or on Spotify Podcasts

    Or you can follow on Instagram: @coachbennett

    TikTok: @CoachBennett

    Check out Coach Bennett on Cameo for any messages of inspiration or motivation or birthday wished or pep talk for you or friends or family or teammates: Coach Bennett

    Mastodon: @coachbennett

    Twitter: @BennettRun

    Threads: @CoachBennett

    Strava: Coach Bennett

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    39 mins
  • Episode 50: *50 Excuses To Run: Excuses #'s 1-25
    May 16 2024

    Episode 50: *50 Excuses To Run: Excuses #'s 1-25

    We are constantly inundated with excuses to NOT run. So, let's inundate ourselves with excuses TO RUN! In honor of episode 50 (and 51) I'm dropping a whole bunch of excuses to run. And by a whole bunch I mean 50 excuses! That's so many excuses that I needed to break this into two different episodes. And I tried my best to be efficient. 50 excuses is just too many excuses for one episode. So, sit back and maybe even write a few of these down or write them all down. Believe me... if you run enough you're going to need access to some of these to help get you over the starting line.

    Cheers and thank you for listening!

    Coach Bennett

    PS: Be on the lookout for Episode 51: 50 Excuses To Run: Excuse #'s 26-50

    Be sure to send any and all questions and comments to the mailbag:

    Coach Bennett’s Podcast

    9220 SW Barbur Blvd STE 119, #322 Portland, Oregon 97219

    And if you need even more Coach Bennett in your life you can scratch that itch by subscribing to the Coach Bennett’s Newsletter.

    You can also listen to the Two Coach Bennetts Talking podcast on Apple Podcasts or on Spotify Podcasts

    Or you can follow on Instagram: @coachbennett

    TikTok: @CoachBennett

    Check out Coach Bennett on Cameo for any messages of inspiration or motivation or birthday wished or pep talk for you or friends or family or teammates: Coach Bennett

    Mastodon: @coachbennett

    Twitter: @BennettRun

    Threads: @CoachBennett

    Strava: Coach Bennett

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    44 mins
  • How To Run Consistently
    May 9 2024

    Episode 49. How To Run Consistently

    Consistency is key. Maybe the biggest key. What does it unlock? Well, just about everything. That's why we're talking about it! If you can run consistently then you can run more and if you can run more better than you can have more better runs and if you can have more better runs then you've got a really great chance at becoming a better runner! It makes sense. Believe me.

    Cheers and thank you for listening!
    Coach Bennett

    The Show
    Welcome and intro
    (8:17) Consistently doesn't mean constantly
    (13:30) Stop being a jerk
    (17:16) Mix things up
    (21:40) Stay healthy
    (27:37) Be stronger than the run you're doing
    (31:37) Do the run you can do...
    (33:50) Sometimes the best run is no run
    (36:20) Play running. Keep it fun.
    (39:23) Let your running be about more than running
    (42:53) Ask yourself this question

    Some neat links for runnerds:

    The Penn Relays (April 25-27)
    Doha Diamond League (May 10)
    The Prefontaine Classic (May 24-25)

    Be sure to send any and all questions and comments to the mailbag:

    Coach Bennett’s Podcast

    9220 SW Barbur Blvd STE 119, #322 Portland, Oregon 97219

    And if you need even more Coach Bennett in your life you can scratch that itch by subscribing to the Coach Bennett’s Newsletter.

    You can also listen to the Two Coach Bennetts Talking podcast on Apple Podcasts or on Spotify Podcasts

    Or you can follow on Instagram: @coachbennett

    TikTok: @CoachBennett

    Check out Coach Bennett on Cameo for any messages of inspiration or motivation or birthday wished or pep talk for you or friends or family or teammates: Coach Bennett

    Mastodon: @coachbennett

    Twitter: @BennettRun

    Threads: @CoachBennett

    Strava: Coach Bennett

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    49 mins
  • Personal Bests = You At Your Best
    May 2 2024

    Episode 48: Personal Bests = You At Your Best

    - I'm on Team PB's... you may be Team PR's. That's fine. In no way will that diminish your extreme enjoyment of this episode. In fact, I bet you consider this one of the all time best Coach Bennett's Podcast shows. Why? Well, because this topic is awesome! That's why! Personal bests are all about people at their best. Sure, that may mean fastest. That may mean farthest. That may mean highest. But it also means so much more. This episode starts with a discussion of the #PBX concept at the recent Twilight Relays here in Portland, Oregon and the extraordinary mindset shift that that T&F meet has introduced to the sport. Then the episode talks about how you can expand the definition of PB's so every day offers you the opportunity to be your best.

    Thank you for listening and enjoy the show!
    Coach Bennett

    Here's the link to the Coach Bennett's Newsletter entitled "Welcome Back to PBX" that I spoke about in episode 48.

    Be sure to send any and all questions and comments to the mailbag:

    Coach Bennett’s Podcast

    9220 SW Barbur Blvd STE 119, #322 Portland, Oregon 97219

    And if you need even more Coach Bennett in your life you can scratch that itch by subscribing to the Coach Bennett’s Newsletter.

    You can also listen to the Two Coach Bennetts Talking podcast on Apple Podcasts or on Spotify Podcasts

    Or you can follow on Instagram: @coachbennett

    TikTok: @CoachBennett

    Check out Coach Bennett on Cameo for any messages of inspiration or motivation or birthday wished or pep talk for you or friends or family or teammates: Coach Bennett

    Mastodon: @coachbennett

    Twitter: @BennettRun

    Threads: @CoachBennett

    Strava: Coach Bennett

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    40 mins
  • Easy Runs
    Apr 25 2024

    Episode 47: Easy Runs

    Why do I say what I say to you on an easy run? Why do I tell you to start easy? Why do I tell you to blame me for running slow? Why do I bring up effort before pace? What do I think about pace on an easy run? Why do I make you do system checks for your form and your breathing and your mindset? How do I coach the middle of an easy run? What about the end? Well, these are all great questions! How about I answer them and a few more? Let's do it!

    Go ahead and head out for an easy run or go for a hike or walk or just listen to this in traffic or on the train. Because this episode will benefit your easy runs whether you are on one of them or just getting ready for one in your future.

    Cheers and thank you for listening!
    Coach Bennett

    Be sure to send any and all questions and comments to the mailbag:

    Coach Bennett’s Podcast

    9220 SW Barbur Blvd STE 119, #322 Portland, Oregon 97219

    And if you need even more Coach Bennett in your life you can scratch that itch by subscribing to the Coach Bennett’s Newsletter.

    You can also listen to the Two Coach Bennetts Talking podcast on Apple Podcasts or on Spotify Podcasts

    Or you can follow on Instagram: @coachbennett

    TikTok: @CoachBennett

    Check out Coach Bennett on Cameo for any messages of inspiration or motivation or birthday wished or pep talk for you or friends or family or teammates: Coach Bennett

    Mastodon: @coachbennett

    Twitter: @BennettRun

    Threads: @CoachBennett

    Strava: Coach Bennett

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    36 mins
  • Stop That! Start This.
    Apr 18 2024

    Episode 46: Stop That! Start This.

    - We do so many things that slow us down or set us back. And we don't do so many things that would set us up to move ahead. So, let's stop that all that nonsense. And let's start this a better way. We'll go over golden oldies like sleep and hydration. We'll get (not so) new age with mindset and better risk taking. We'll hit a classic like idiotic training and so much more. Hope you enjoy... no... more than that... I hope you love this episode.

    Cheers and thank you for listening!
    Coach Bennett

    Be sure to send any and all questions and comments to the mailbag:

    Coach Bennett’s Podcast

    9220 SW Barbur Blvd STE 119, #322 Portland, Oregon 97219

    And if you need even more Coach Bennett in your life you can scratch that itch by subscribing to the Coach Bennett’s Newsletter.

    You can also listen to the Two Coach Bennetts Talking podcast on Apple Podcasts or on Spotify Podcasts

    Or you can follow on Instagram: @coachbennett

    TikTok: @CoachBennett

    Check out Coach Bennett on Cameo for any messages of inspiration or motivation or birthday wished or pep talk for you or friends or family or teammates: Coach Bennett

    Mastodon: @coachbennett

    Twitter: @BennettRun

    Threads: @CoachBennett

    Strava: Coach Bennett

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    45 mins
  • I’ve Got Questions For YOU!
    Apr 11 2024

    Episode 45: I’ve Got Questions For YOU!

    - That's right! We're flipping the script. I'm asking the questions and you are answering them. So, get ready to use that big brain of yours and ponder some sticklers and stumpers. This is a really fun episode. At least I think it is. And it's also some great training for your runs. A run should be a great conversation between your mind and body after all. And great conversations are often made up of questions and stories. This run will demand both... from you!

    I also think that you'll need (and want) to spend some time after the episode pondering and processing the questions I give you and the answers you give back. Especially since I ask you a bunch of followup questions to every main question I ask. Anyway, that's why I'm going to list out the main questions from the episode.

    So, here they are:

    Why do you want to run?
    Where is your favorite place to run?
    What time of year is your favorite time of year to run?
    Track or trails?
    What's the worst life advice you've ever been given?
    Who was/is the best teammate you've ever had?
    What's the hardest thing you've ever done?
    Do you dance differently when you are alone?
    If you were tasked with making one meal for people you cared about what would it be?
    If you could set one big goal for your running right now what would it be?
    Who in your life do you most believe needs an invitation to a starting line?

    Cheers and thank you for listening!

    Coach Bennett

    Be sure to send any and all questions and comments to the mailbag:

    Coach Bennett’s Podcast

    9220 SW Barbur Blvd STE 119, #322 Portland, Oregon 97219

    And if you need even more Coach Bennett in your life you can scratch that itch by subscribing to the Coach Bennett’s Newsletter.

    You can also listen to the Two Coach Bennetts Talking podcast on Apple Podcasts or on Spotify Podcasts

    Or you can follow on Instagram: @coachbennett

    TikTok: @CoachBennett

    Check out Coach Bennett on Cameo for any messages of inspiration or motivation or birthday wished or pep talk for you or friends or family or teammates: Coach Bennett

    Mastodon: @coachbennett

    Twitter: @BennettRun

    Threads: @CoachBennett

    Strava: Coach Bennett

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    32 mins