
  • A Message for Fathers
    Jun 11 2024

    Happy Father's day. It is a day to honor men who are fathers. Listen in as Steve and Keny discuss Father's day and the impact fathers have on the family.

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    33 mins
  • Mothering your inner child
    Jun 4 2024

    Mothers have been celebrated since the Greek time in the 16th century. Celebrating mothers is not just one day, but every day a mother is celebrated. However, Kenya discusses mothering your inner child. How do you love yourself? Listen to Kenya on loving yourself so your inner child can be seen and not abandoned or rejected. Kenya provides the tools to heal your inner child's wounds. Don't miss another episode and subscribe to future podcasts on one of our many platforms, including Podbean, YouTube, iTunes, Spotify, Amazon, and many others!

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    33 mins
  • Parental Alientation Syndrome Pt 3- The Hope
    May 28 2024

    Join Steve and Kenya as they conclude a three-part series on the devastating effects of Parental Alienation Syndrome (PAS). Steve shares his personal and emotional journey of fighting for his children, and the challenges he faced in the court process. He emphasizes that no parent should ever have to fight for the right to see their children. But amidst the struggle, Steve's love for his children remains unwavering, and he offers a message of hope to those who may be going through similar experiences. In this podcast, Steve shares his heart-wrenching story of navigating the complexities of PAS, and the steps he took to reclaim his relationship with his children. Kenya offers guidance on how to recognize the signs of PAS and what you can do to prevent it from happening in your own family. Listen in as Steve shares his story of resilience and hope, and discover ways to restore your relationship with your children. Don't miss another episode and subscribe to future podcasts on one of our many platforms, including Podbean, YouTube, iTunes, Spotify, Amazon, and many others!

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    33 mins
  • Parental Alientation The Cause Prt 2
    May 21 2024

    In this episode, Steve and Kenya continue their exploration of Parental Alienation Syndrome (PAS) by diving into its complex and multifaceted causes. PAS is a phenomenon that can occur in various family dynamics, and its causes are not limited to a single factor. Instead, it often arises from a combination of factors, making it a multidimensional issue that requires a comprehensive understanding and approach. Steve discusses his encounter with PAS and understands that complex family dynamics, such as blended families, divorced families, or families with a history of abuse, can increase the risk of PAS. By examining the factors contributing to PAS, we hope to gain a deeper understanding of this phenomenon and provide valuable insights and tools for those navigating this complex issue. Don't miss another episode and subscribe to future podcasts on one of our many platforms, including Podbean, YouTube, iTunes, Spotify, Amazon, and many others!

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    31 mins
  • Parental Alienation Syndrome _Children Trauma
    May 14 2024

    In this episode, Steve and Kenya delve into the often-overlooked topic of Parental Alienation Syndrome (PAS), a phenomenon that has a profound impact on children. Steve, who has personally experienced the effects of PAS, shares his own story and insights on how this syndrome can wreak havoc on children's lives. What is often overlooked is that PAS can have a transgenerational impact, affecting not just the children but also future generations. When children are alienated from one parent, they may struggle to form healthy attachments with their own partners and children in the future, perpetuating a cycle of trauma. The hosts emphasize that PAS is not about the warring parents, but about giving children the gift of having both parents who love and accept them. They encourage listeners to take action and support families affected by PAS, and promote a culture that values healthy relationships and empowers parents to prioritize their children's well-being. **Don't miss another episode and subscribe to future podcasts on one of our many platforms, including Podbean, YouTube, iTunes, Spotify, Amazon, and many others!

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    25 mins
  • Does It Matter?
    May 7 2024

    In today's podcast, Steve and Kenya continue discussing the art of listening with part two of their series. They explore how changing the ingredients can result in a different product. They pose the question: what if we make assumptions without genuinely listening? Could our perceived problems stem from our interpretation of the situation rather than the problem itself? They delve into whether it's possible to respect one another without compromising on truth and maintain self-respect without losing our sense of value. Does it matter? The hosts also address the notion of problem-solving and ponder if forcing opinions onto a situation is truly effective or if acceptance is a better approach. They also question if erasing history in an attempt to control the situation leads to a genuine resolution or merely creates more issues. Don't miss another episode and subscribe to future podcasts on one of our many platforms, including Podbean, YouTube, iTunes, Spotify, Amazon, Google Podcasts, and many others!

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    32 mins
  • More than Imagination
    Apr 30 2024

    In the latest podcast episode, Steve and Kenya dive into the idea of achieving the impossible. Are you letting others dictate who you are and preventing you from living a carefree life? Do you have a clear understanding of your goals and desires? It's common for adults to lose touch with their playful side, but ignoring our emotions and staying stagnant is a surefire way to insanity. Don't give up on yourself - figure out what you truly want and work towards becoming the person you aspire to be. Tune in to today's episode for tips on self-improvement and personal growth. Don't miss another episode and subscribe to future podcasts on one of our many platforms, including Podbean, YouTube, iTunes, Spotify, Amazon, and many others!

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    29 mins
  • The Art of Listening
    Apr 23 2024

    The practice of actively listening is the focus of Steve and Kenya's discussion over the past two weeks, delving into the toxicity of traditional masculinity and femininity. Despite the podcast being advertised, some comments veered off topic. Steve and Kenya chose to challenge those comments, leading to one person apologizing and correcting themselves. This podcast emphasizes the importance of truly listening. Are our responses too hasty, driven by a desire for comfort and safety? Some may be quick to react like grabbing fast food instead of savoring a home-cooked meal. Using a Facebook group post about a woman proposing to a man, Steve and Kenya encourage listeners to tune in and reflect on their own listening habits. The goal is to inspire listeners to embrace freedom of expression and truly engage with the content. Don't miss another episode and subscribe to future podcasts on one of our many platforms, including Podbean, YouTube, iTunes, Spotify, Amazon, Google Podcasts, and many others!

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    27 mins