• Connection to the Cosmos with Dawn McLaughlin
    Jun 4 2024

    Dawn McLaughlin is a writer, Reiki Master-Teacher, vibrational sound healer, astrologer, and yoga and meditation teacher. She is the author of Everyday Reiki and Spirit Allies & Healing Guides, and she enjoys nothing more than sharing Reiki with others. For more, visit Intuitive-Hearts.com

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    31 mins
  • Connection to the Cosmos with Viviane Chauvet
    May 28 2024

    Viviane Chauvet is an Arcturian Ambassador, Intergalactic Teacher, Published Author, International Speaker, Creator of the Arcturian Healing Arts Program and Arcturian Energy Matrix Healing®, Founder of the Universal Arcturian Online Community, CEO of Infinite Healing From The Stars LLC, Host of the Infinite Star Connections Podcast and the new radio show “Arcturian Conversations.” Renowned for her advanced healing services, Viviane has conducted thousands of evolutionary sessions worldwide in the past 12 years.

    Viviane is featured in the multi-award-winning j3FILM documentary “Extraordinary: The Revelation” and will be featured in an upcoming documentary based on Craig Campobasso’s book “The Extraterrestrial Species Almanac.” Viviane’s collaborative bestselling book series, "Wisdom of the Silver Sisters – Guiding Grace," "Golden Wisdom of Love, Legends & Legacies," and “The Imaginist” is also available on Amazon. She has a teaching channel on the Conscious Awakening Network (CAN) to inspire people to embody their highest potential.

    For information on Viviane’s services, meditations, and program, visit our website:https://www.infinitehealingfromthestars.com/.

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    59 mins
  • Connection to the Cosmos with Nancy Thames
    May 21 2024

    Nancy Thames, a former Department of Defense employee and a lifelong contactee of extraterrestrial beings, has emerged as a significant voice in the realm of alien disclosure and spiritual awakening. Her journey, marked by personal struggles, transformed profoundly through her continuous extraterrestrial encounters. These experiences, initially suppressed, were eventually embraced as Nancy began to understand their purpose in her life and for humanity. She has come to the decisive conclusion: it is Time for Disclosure. Her dedication to this cosmic narrative propelled her to create timefordisclosure.com, a platform advocating for open dialogue about extraterrestrial interactions and the greater implications for humanity. Here, she shares her personal encounters, insights gleaned from beings across dimensions, and her perspective on what these interactions mean for human evolution. Nancy's work underscores a collective call to awakening. She stresses that experiences often labeled as "abductions" are, in her understanding, enlightened contacts, part of a broader, benevolent interaction with extraterrestrial entities aiming to usher humanity into a new era of cosmic participation. This mission, conveyed through her writing and community engagement, is driven by a philosophy of unity, spiritual evolution, and the pursuit of truth, extending an invitation to all of humanity to acknowledge and embrace our place within the larger galactic framework.

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    53 mins
  • Connection to the Cosmos with Joey George
    May 14 2024

    Joey George, also known as, "The UFO Magnet," is a lifelong Experiencer. His encounters with the Unexplained cover the full Spectrum of the Paranormal, from UFOs to Spirits and Cryptids. Joey has the ability to attract UFOs/UAP's at will, using only the power of his mind! He has logged thousands of hours of independent field research and study over the course of his commitment to the field of Ufology. As a result of his dedication, he has compiled one of, if not THE broadest array of simply mind bending photo and video captures pertaining to the Paranormal! The UFO Magnet has captivated the world with his clips of real life fairies, shape-shifting spacecraft, Spirit orbs, and even talking geese!

    Joey has managed to gain the attention of several agencies including MUFON, within which he has worked closely with State Directors & F.I.'s to further examine certain aspects of UAP phenomena, including the integration of different species of birds, & the roles they seem to play concerning this phenomenon. Mr. George is also the Reporting witness of a MUFON Case which was ultimately closed as an "UNKNOWN UAV." This was his very first "officially reported" UFO sighting, involving a low flying triangular craft, of which he caught a startling photo as it flew eerily overhead near Tulsa, OK. Resulting from this feverish amount of activity, the researcher has, unsurprisingly, found himself in the cross-hairs of some 'less friendly' organizations, seemingly similar in nature to the infamous M.I.B. The mysterious group known for silencing the voices of witnesses by ANY means necessary.



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    49 mins
  • Connection to the Cosmos with Kacie Aileen Knight
    May 7 2024

    Kacie Aileen Knight is a spiritual teacher, mentor, author and speaker, and founder of Luminous Evolution- A revolutionary movement that is all about blending personal, spiritual and business development for lightworkers, healers, coaches and practitioners so they can share their magic with the world!

    Kacie has almost 20 years of transformational coaching and facilitation experience, and has created her own incredible energy work modality that helps to restore people to their divine essence and activate their soul gifts. She loves empowering people and helping them embody their magic in her private mentorship, digital courses, certifications, oracle cards and more!

    Connect with her & find your Free Soul Embodiment Activation Mediation @ www.joyevolution.com

    Free Luminous Evolution Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/654867292622851

    FB Business Page: https://www.facebook.com/theluminousevolution

    IG www.instagram.com/theluminousevolution

    Tik Tok @theluminousevolution

    Youtube: https://bit.ly/34qMxd7

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    41 mins
  • Connection to the Cosmos with Nicole Harp
    Apr 30 2024

    Nicole Harp is a lifelong artist and designer, holding a degree from Virginia Commonwealth University, in design. Her career as an accomplished abstract painter is balanced by her deep compassion and strong connection to spirit. Nicole's ability to envision and paint the souls of individuals, animals, and even energy has garnered her recognition as an award-winning artist. Her journey with art and psychic abilities has led her to a profound understanding of the transformative power of creativity and connection to the spiritual realm. Nicole's intuitive approach to art and her keen insights into the energetic essence of her subjects have left a lasting impact on those who have experienced her soul paintings.

    As an animal communicator, Nicole provides consultations for all animal species and communicates with animals in spirit as well as living. She validates by revealing personal details specific to your animal. This meaningful information authenticates the connection to your companion. She communicates and answers questions regarding personality traits, behavior, likes, dislikes, health, soul’s purpose and much more. Any question goes!



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    48 mins
  • Connection to the Cosmos with Jiulio Consiglio
    Apr 23 2024

    Following several personal adversities, Jiulio Consiglio - while in his early thirties, experienced an unfathomable and life altering spiritual transformation that resulted in the transcendence of the conditioned mind. His writings and teachings focus on the transformative power of inner stillness, psychic abilities development, and the mind-body-spirit connection. He is the author of Challenge Your Thoughts, The Healing Frequency, Open Your Third Eye, Cosmic Contact, Finding Your Calm, and his next book, Your Inner Healer, releases early 2025.

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    44 mins
  • Connection to the Cosmos with Carlene Saelg
    Apr 16 2024

    Carlene Saelg is a renowned Galactic Shaman, owner of Interstellar Chats Podcast and Lightwave Energy Master on a mission to expand others into their divine potential through the power of energy and consciousness.

    Carlene's 24-year journey into energy healing began when she experienced a profound spiritual awakening that led into the study of various healing modalities, including Reiki, sound healing, crystal therapy, and shamanism. It wasn’t enough. And she knew it. Over time, as she attempted to integrate these practices into her life and leadership, she realized there was something more lingering just outside of her perception. It was through her quest for answers and discovering her cosmic connections that she developed her signature three-level activation course, Lightwave Mastery Activations.

    As a Galactic Shaman, Carlene works with higher dimensional beings and ancient earth wisdom to first help her clients release old patterns and limiting beliefs in order to connect to their divine purpose and then unlock their original potential and accelerate their evolution into becoming an impactful and influential Galactic Human. As a Lightwave Energy Master, Carlene has the ability to channel high-frequency energy that can activate a client’s dormant biological blueprint. She uses this to facilitate deep transformation which allows new levels of healing and awareness in both her direct contacts and those they know and love.

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    51 mins