
  • 071: Mental Health & Art - Update Episode
    Jun 8 2021

    Join Roben-Marie and Sandi as we catch up on the past 6 months in our creative lives. Then we discuss the relationship between art and mental health.

    - Social Sabbaticals
    - Creating Content vs. Creating Art
    - #TrashyTuesday
    - creating without expectation vs. productivity mindset
    - walking away from the table vs. a finishing mindset
    - connecting with other creatives

    - Colorlogue with Sandi Keene & Rae Missigman
    - Maker's Tech U with Roben-Marie Smith
    - Perfectly Imperfect with Lorna Crane (the class with the handmade brushes)

    Maker's Tech U

    Sandi Keene:
    Popup Art Classes

    Voir plus Voir moins
    43 min
  • 070: How to Make a Difference in Your Community
    Dec 10 2020

     In this episode of the Creatives Get Real podcast, Sandi & Roben-Marie take a look at the ways to impact your community.

    - First, find your community and be present!
    - Post! It does not matter where you are in your journey - you are inspiring someone just be posting
    - Join in conversations
    - Support and encourage everyone not matter if they have 3 followers or 100K - they need your support
    - Do scary things - join a challenge, comment, ask for a collaboration, post WIPs
    - Show up for each other - buy from small businesses, share posts, talk about the class, product, tutorial you saw or purchased that was important to  you.  Help build audiences.
    - Handle problems with grace
    - Do not COPY!! Be inspired by and give credit.
    -  Start a group, mastermind, challenge etc.  Work together

    Thank you for listening! We appreciate every comment and our wonderful community! 

    Maker's Tech U

    Sandi Keene:
    Popup Art Classes

    Voir plus Voir moins
    23 min
  • 069: The Basics of Selling Your Products for Success
    Dec 3 2020

    In this episode of the Creatives Get Real podcast, Roben-Marie and Sandi are talking about selling products for beginners.

    You made journals, greeting cards, or art pouch and someone wants to buy it. Hey, I could sell these! Ummm, how?

    • Will you be selling on Instagram? How does that work?
    • Sell on your website - how does that work?
    • Listen to episode 34 - Tips for Pricing Your Products
    • Keep great records
    • Shipping woes
    • Store up all the time or open/close approach?
    • Is that how you want to spend your time?


    034: Tips for Pricing Your Products

    Maker's Tech U

    Sandi Keene:
    Popup Art Classes

    Voir plus Voir moins
    32 min
  • 068: Mailing Lists and Why They Are VITAL
    Nov 19 2020

    Do you have an email list? In this episode of the Creatives Get Real podcast, Roben-Marie and Sandi share chatting about mailing lists: what are they and why they are vital.

    - Why are they vital?

    - How do you get one?

    - Sign up bonuses that work

    - How to treat your email list like VIPs

    - How often should you send out emails?

    - Should I start today?  Nope, yesterday!

    Roben-Marie recommends and uses Flodesk for email marketing!

    Maker's Tech U

    Sandi Keene:
    Popup Art Classes

    Voir plus Voir moins
    29 min
  • 067: Podcasting - All the Cool Kids are Doing it So Should You?
    Nov 12 2020

    Thinking about hosting your own podcast?  In this episode of the Creatives Get Real podcast, Roben-Marie and Sandi share things to consider to see if it is right for you.

    -what is your theme/subject?
    - are you going it alone?
    - will you be booking guests each week?
    - do you have the technical skills to create one?
    - What equipment do you need?
    - how often will you do it?

    Sandi & Roben-Marie talk about their own experiences podcasting. 

    - What did they love?
    - What did they not like?
    - What surprised them?

    We mentioned Garage Band, Audacity, Trello, & Canva.

    Podcasts Mentioned:
    009: 24 Hour Rule
    010: Box of Transparency

    Maker's Tech U

    Sandi Keene:
    Popup Art Classes

    Voir plus Voir moins
    31 min
  • 066: Goal Setting: Its importance and the Process
    Nov 5 2020

    Roben-Marie and Sandi talk about the importance of evaluating your current business and schedule to see if it meets your current needs.

    •List all the things you are doing now
    •Evaluate how you are feeling about your schedule - are you over-committed? under committed? just right?
    •Are you happy with the progress you are making? Are your efforts resulting in the progress you desire?
    •Does anything need to change?
    •Are you HAPPY with the way you are spending your time?
    •Have you scheduled in time for yourself and playful exploration? Not doing so is the road to burn-out.
    •Is there something you would love to do if you had the courage?

    End with our leaving date.

    Maker's Tech U

    Sandi Keene:
    Popup Art Classes

    Voir plus Voir moins
    36 min
  • 065: Mastermind Groups Defined and How They Can Help You in Your Creative Journey
    Oct 29 2020

    In this episode of the Creatives Get Real podcast, Sandi & Roben-Marie discuss their experience with Mastermind groups.

    • what is a MasterMind group?
    • how does it work?
    • what is the difference between paid and free?
    • how do I know if I should be in one?
    • how do I start one?

    Maker's Tech U

    Sandi Keene:
    Popup Art Classes

    Voir plus Voir moins
    26 min
  • 064: Ten Art Studio Upgrades That Have Had the Most Impact
    Oct 22 2020

    In this episode, Roben-Marie and Sandi discuss the studio upgrades that have made the biggest impact on their creative lives.

    Roben-Marie's Upgrades:
    •Using dressers to organize items by type that I don’t want or need to see.
    •Investing in pretty bowls, mugs, tins, boxes, etc. in which to organize my art supplies.  Being surrounded by my supplies in a “pretty” way inspires me and feels special.
    •Using white light bulbs for existing ceiling lights and investing in light boxes to brighten the room for not only working but for filming.
    •Reworking my space from time-to-time so that it works for me.  Changing things up and moving things around so it better fits the way I create as I change.
    •Two large trash cans (tall basket/metal on wheels), multiple extension cords and a bench instead of a chair.

    Sandi's upgrades

    - Creating the studio that represents the artist that I am today
    - Creating stations for the mediums/techniques I use most
    - Making my studio match my creative style (need no clutter? do it!)
    - Adding more lighting! Make sure I have enough lighting and take full advantage of natural light available.
    - Find a space. Honor that you are a creative and this is important to you overall happiness.

    Maker's Tech U

    Sandi Keene:
    Popup Art Classes

    Voir plus Voir moins
    20 min