• EP 72 : Goa, Grub aur Pyaar (Part 01)
    Jun 16 2024
    Today's story revolves around the beauty of Goa, delicious food, and a heartfelt encounter. Nisha, a 28-year-old advertising professional from Delhi, decides to take a break from her hectic work life and heads to Goa. Overwhelmed by work and stress, she receives a small globe and a note from her boss, Shantanu, encouraging her to explore the world. Captivated by the allure of Goa's stunning beaches, coconut trees, and delectable seafood, Nisha embarks on a journey of self-discovery and relaxation. Immersed in the serene atmosphere, she finds renewed energy and peace, rekindling the beautiful moments of her life. Listen Only on Audio Pitara.
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    11 mins
  • EP 72 : Goa, Grub aur Pyaar (Part 01)
    Jun 15 2024
    Today's story revolves around the beauty of Goa, delicious food, and a heartfelt encounter. Nisha, a 28-year-old advertising professional from Delhi, decides to take a break from her hectic work life and heads to Goa. Overwhelmed by work and stress, she receives a small globe and a note from her boss, Shantanu, encouraging her to explore the world. Captivated by the allure of Goa's stunning beaches, coconut trees, and delectable seafood, Nisha embarks on a journey of self-discovery and relaxation. Immersed in the serene atmosphere, she finds renewed energy and peace, rekindling the beautiful moments of her life. Listen Only on Audio Pitara.
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    11 mins
  • EP 71 : Dosti vs. Dating (Part 04)
    Jun 14 2024
    In the fourth part, we saw Ranveer stuck between Sana and Aarohi. Sana felt neglected, and his friendship with Aarohi was fading. Ranveer couldn’t sleep, torn between focusing on dating or saving his old friendship. The next morning, he called Aarohi, but she was busy. Later, he decided to visit her, but found her house locked. Confused and anxious, days passed with no contact from either girl. One evening, a surprise encounter with Aarohi at a café offered a chance to mend things. What will Ranveer do next? Tune in to find out! Listen Only on Audio Pitara.
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    18 mins
  • EP 70 : Dosti vs. Dating (Part 03)
    Jun 12 2024
    In the third part, Ranveer realised he unintentionally made Aarohi feel lonely. He wanted to apologise but couldn't find the words. After hanging up, he felt he might have made a big mistake. A few days later, Ranveer tried calling Aarohi, but she was unreachable. He messaged her new roommate, who told him Aarohi was out. Finally, Aarohi called back, and though she sounded distant, she agreed to meet him eventually. Meanwhile, Aarohi started spending more time with her roommate, Nisha. Ranveer, conflicted between his feelings for Aarohi and his relationship with Sana, faced tough decisions ahead. Listen Only on Audio Pitara.
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    15 mins
  • EP 69 : Dosti vs. Dating (Part 02)
    Jun 11 2024
    In the last part, we heard how Ranveer started enjoying Sana's company more and how it made Aarohi uneasy since he was spending less time with her. In this episode, Ranveer tells Aarohi he wants to take Sana on a date, making Aarohi feel even more uneasy. Despite her feelings, she wishes him well. Ranveer takes Sana on a memorable date, but Aarohi feels left out. As Ranveer gets busier, their friendship faces new challenges. Will their bond survive this change? Stay tuned to find out! Listen only on Audio Pitara.
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    15 mins
  • EP 68 : Dosti vs. Dating (Part 01)
    Jun 10 2024
    Hey friends, welcome to Dil Se Dil Tak! I'm Khushi. Today's story is all about "Dosti vs. Dating." Set in the bustling city of Mumbai, it follows childhood friends Aarohi and Ranveer, both 23. They've been inseparable since school, sharing countless memories. From learning to ride a bike to tackling maths homework, their bond is unbreakable. But now, as they step into adulthood, their friendship faces new challenges. Ranveer feels left out seeing others date, while Aarohi reassures him about their unique bond. Join us to see how their story unfolds! Listen Only on Audio Pitara.
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    14 mins
  • EP 67 : DMs se Pyaar: First Slide, Right Swipe (Part 06)
    Jun 9 2024
    Anjali's journey as a renowned travel photographer has taken her to the most captivating corners of the world, from London to New York. Yet, despite her success, she feels a creative void. Seeking inspiration, she revisits the Himalayas, where her passion first sparked. There, Anjali reconnects with old memories and meets new faces, rediscovering the beauty in simplicity. An old woman’s tale reminds her to see the world from different perspectives. Anjali returns home with a fresh vision, capturing her hometown’s charm in a new series. Rediscover the magic with Anjali. Listen Only on Audio Pitara.
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    11 mins
  • EP 66 : DMs se Pyaar: First Slide, Right Swipe (Part 05)
    Jun 8 2024
    Anjali's solo travel photography trip is off to an exciting start! In "DMs se Pyaar: First Slide, Right Swipe (Part 5)," she heads to the vibrant city of Rio de Janeiro. From the lively Copacabana Beach to the majestic Christ the Redeemer, Anjali captures Rio's essence through her lens. She meets a local photographer who shows her hidden gems, making her trip even more memorable. Anjali's adventure in Rio is a blend of beautiful photos and cultural immersion, making her eager for more. Ready for the journey? Listen only on Audio Pitara!
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    12 mins