• We asnwered your questions | أجبنا على أسالتكم
    Jun 12 2024

    👨🏼‍🏫Join our Conversation Courses for all levels, during the day and in the evening at

    Noah's Class!

    📚Follow us on social media for more lessons:

    📸 Instagram: Noah: noahs.class | Ahmad: rachi.german

    • 🇩🇪German courses with Noah: www.noahsclass.de
    • 📺 YouTube: Noah's Class Mail: Noah: noahs.class.info@gmail.com |Ahmad: ahmad.alrachi@gmail.com
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    22 mins
  • How did we learn German? | كيف تعلمنا اللغة الألمانية
    Jun 5 2024

    German Explained: Ahmed’s Journey of Learning German

    In this special fifth episode of 'German Explained,' hosts Ahmed and Noah exchange in Arabic as they share personal stories of how they learned German. Noah recounts starting his German language journey in Syria and how he progressed through immersion in a German environment after moving to Germany at a young age. Ahmed talks about his experience coming to Germany at 21, the importance of setting goals, and effective learning strategies. They discuss overcoming language learning plateaus, the role of a supportive environment, and practical tips for integrating into a new culture. This episode offers valuable insights and encouragement for Arabic speakers learning German.

    👨🏼‍🏫 Join our Conversation Courses for all levels, during the day and in the evening at Noah's Class!

    📚Follow us on social media for more lessons:

    Instagram: Noah: noahs.class | Ahmad: rachi.german

    • 🇩🇪 German courses with Noah: www.noahsclass.de
    • 📺 YouTube: Noah's Class Mail: Noah: noahs.class.info@gmail.com | Ahmad: ahmad.alrachi@gmail.com
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    50 mins
  • Upgrade your German: Verb-Nomen-Verbindungen
    May 28 2024

    📚 Supporting materials can be found on the website: www.noahsclass.de

    🎙️ Conversation courses coming soon!

    Mastering German Phrasal Verbs: Verb Nomen Verbindungen Explained 🇩🇪


    Welcome to the fourth episode of "German Explained." Today, we're diving into the fascinating world of Verb Nomen Verbindungen. Comparable to phrasal verbs in English, these combinations of verbs and nouns are crucial for advancing your language skills, especially in the workplace.

    What are Verb Nomen Verbindungen?

    Verb Nomen Verbindungen enhance your ability to express yourself fluently, pairing a noun with a verb to convey a specific meaning, often not translatable literally.

    Practical Examples at Work

    • Eine E Mail schreiben (to write an email) Ich muss heute noch eine wichtige E Mail an unsere Kunden schreiben.
    • Einen Bericht verfassen (to draft a report) Der Chef hat mich gebeten einen ausführlichen Bericht über das letzte Quartal zu verfassen.
    • Eine Präsentation vorbereiten und halten (to prepare and give a presentation) Die Präsentation muss ich nächste Woche halten.
    • Ein Meeting organisieren (to organize a meeting) Anna wird das nächste Team Meeting organisieren und ich werde an diesem Meeting teilnehmen."
    • Eine Entscheidung treffen (to make a decision) Wir müssen bis nächste Woche eine Entscheidung treffen.

    Further examples highlight the flexibility and importance of these expressions:

    • Ein Projekt abschließen (to complete a project) Nach sechs Monaten harter Arbeit haben wir das Projekt endlich abgeschlossen.
    • Eine Anfrage bearbeiten (to process an inquiry) Lisa wird die Anfrage des neuen Kunden bearbeiten.
    • Einen Anruf entgegennehmen (to answer a call) Paul musste während des Meetings mehrere Anrufe entgegennehmen.
    • Eine Pause machen (to take a break) Nach der Folge, machen wir eine Pause.

    Understanding and Using Modal Verbs

    Modal verbs like "müssen" (must) and "können" (can) simplify sentences because you don't have to conjugate the main verb anymore!

    • Wir müssen den Vertrag unterschreiben.
    • Ich konnte gestern alle meine Aufgaben rechtzeitig erledigen.

    Onboarding and Learning

    Useful phrases for newcomers in the professional world:

    • Einarbeiten (to onboard) Der neue Kollege muss sich einarbeiten, bevor wir ihm Aufgaben zuweisen.
    • Neuling
    • Über die Schulter schauen (to learn by observing sb. who is more experienced) Du kannst Thomas über die Schulter schauen und von ihm lernen.


    Have any questions or topics you’d like us to cover in future episodes?

    Feel free to write to us. We value your input and look forward to addressing your suggestions in the next episode.

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    13 mins
  • Präteritum oder Perfekt?
    May 21 2024

    The between the Perfect Tense and the Präteritum Tense in German, including when to use each tense, how to build sentences in the Perfect Tense, tips for choosing between Haben and Sein as auxiliary verbs, and tricks for predicting the form of verbs in the Präteritum Tense.

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    21 mins
  • Nadim, How did you learn German?
    May 15 2024

    Language Learning Journey: From Refugee to Psychologist in Germany

    In this third episode of 'German Explained,' Noah discusses with his brother, Nadim, about his unique and laid-back approach to learning German as refugees in Germany. Nadim shares his story of adapting to a new culture, learning the language through social interactions, and leveraging his extroverted personality. We explore the psychological aspects of language learning, including the role of gender in communication, and strategies for passing the DSH exam for university admission. Nadim also emphasizes the importance of emotional security, the effective use of resources, and the power of making mistakes for language acquisition. Furthermore, we discuss the impact of finding a purpose, the right kind of challenges, and maintaining a playful attitude in making friends and integrating into German society. The conversation concludes with advice for newcomers on socializing and seizing opportunities, underscoring the significance of attitude and effort in overcoming language barriers and successfully settling in a new country.

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    35 mins
  • Difference between Akkusativ and Dativ
    May 6 2024

    💭 Ahmad sees a logical approach that explains when to use which case

    The accusative case is used for the direct object, which is directly affected by the action of the verb. The dative case is used for the indirect object, which is indirectly affected by the action, typically representing the recipient or beneficiary of the action.

    💭 Noah advises his students to learn the Dativ verbs by heart since there aren't many.

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    12 mins