
  • How to get more clients as an online coach
    Jun 7 2024

    What if you could turn your social media presence into a powerhouse personal brand that truly resonates with your audience? In this episode of the Unstoppable Mindset Podcast, I, Sean Michael Crane, will guide you through the essentials of crafting high-quality content that not only connects emotionally but also stands the test of time. We’ll dissect why many online coaches and entrepreneurs stumble despite having valuable expertise, emphasizing the critical need for authenticity and depth in your messaging. Get ready to learn proven strategies to create engaging content that ensures longevity and builds a compelling personal brand in the crowded digital space.

    Ever felt like your coaching or speaking business is stuck in first gear? Discover the concept of "unstoppable influence" tailored specifically for you! Addressing common hurdles like slow business growth and lack of momentum, I’ll share actionable steps to accelerate your success. Learn about the Influence Program, designed to turn your passion into a thriving business through organization, accountability, and effective systems. If you're eager to make a meaningful impact and transform your expertise into a viable venture, this episode is your roadmap to living the ultimate life you’ve always aspired to. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to take your business to the next level!

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    10 min
  • The first steps to change your life
    Jun 5 2024

    Ever wondered why you're not where you want to be in life? Today on the Unstoppable Mindset Podcast, I'm Sean Michael Crane, bringing you a transformative blueprint for turning your mindset into your greatest asset. From beautiful Santa Barbara, California, we explore the profound influence of mindset change on life trajectory. Through compelling personal stories and actionable steps, you'll learn how to identify and alter the habits, relationships, and job aspects that are holding you back. By writing down these crucial elements, not only will your understanding deepen, but you’ll also begin to reclaim control of your life. Remember, your current reality is shaped by your choices, not by external forces—embracing this truth is the first step towards creating the life you truly desire.

    In this episode, we delve into the power of awareness and how it can break the cycle of negative thoughts and actions. Through my own experiences with journaling and self-reflection during my time in prison, you'll discover how analyzing your thoughts and feelings can lead to significant life changes. We discuss the importance of changing daily habits to achieve different outcomes, emphasizing that internal transformation is key to attracting new opportunities and people into your life. This conversation aims to equip you with the tools to challenge your negative patterns, reprogram your brain, and take proactive steps towards a better future. Don’t forget to grab a notepad—today’s insights are ones you’ll want to remember and implement.

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    13 min
  • Love Yourself To LOVE The World
    May 27 2024

    From the depths of incarceration to the heights of personal triumph, I, Sean Michael Crane, am living proof that love and determination can redefine your life. Join me as I pull back the curtain on a transformative odyssey fueled by the remarkable power of self-love in the quest for fulfillment. My narrative is an open book, chronicling the leap from a confined existence to one where the sky's the limit, demonstrating the sheer force of rejecting mediocrity and fervently chasing down your dreams. In this episode, we'll unravel the threads of connection that bind us, strengthened by the very love that propels us forward. Through tales of family, the euphoria of fatherhood, and the influence of maternal love, discover the essence of nurturing bonds that feed our shared humanity.

    Navigating the daily tide of energy and attitudes, we dissect the magnetic allure of self-acceptance and the captivating aura that comes from a wellspring of positive vibes. As I recount the journey to shed past grievances and self-doubt, I reveal how embracing the best version of oneself can draw in the life you've envisioned, crafting a reality brimming with potential and promise. This discussion isn't merely about self-improvement; it's a testament to the electrifying impact of gratitude and love as cornerstones for not just surviving, but thriving. As we dissect the drive to be pillars of support and inspiration for our children amidst the rigors of life and the challenges of our era, I invite you to join me in channeling this powerful energy, advancing with unstoppable resolve and unwavering purpose.

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    9 min
  • What I Do When I Feel Like Giving Up
    May 24 2024

    I'll never forget the moment I realized the whispers of self-doubt could be silenced. Join me, Sean Crane, on a journey that goes beyond just overcoming negative thoughts—it's a quest to rise above and become the champion of your own story. Together, we'll journey through the realities of self-doubt and the negative energy that attempts to hold us back as we climb to greater heights. With candid revelations and game-changing strategies, this conversation is about assembling a team of unstoppable warriors who share your drive, and why mastering the basics is the foundation for any grand aspiration.

    The line between winners and those who fall short is drawn with the pen of perseverance. As we navigate the mental battlefield, I'll share the importance of facing negative thoughts head-on, pushing through adversity with nothing short of relentless effort, and staying the course to escape the clutches of regret over what could've been. We'll revisit the childhood dreams that once fueled our spirits and make the pivotal choice to chase our best selves, leaving behind laziness and excuses. This is your moment to embrace the challenge, step into the ring of your personal quest, and fight for the life you've always envisioned.

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    13 min
  • Why Can't You Commit
    May 22 2024

    Once, I stood at life's crossroads, where one path led to a future shrouded by the shadows of a negative past, while the other promised a journey towards light, guided by values and purpose. This episode charts my personal odyssey from a youth entangled in the thorns of adversity to finding my calling as a husband, father, and mentor. With raw honesty, I'll share how the transformation became possible—not just for me, but how it can ignite change in others. My tale is punctuated by a harrowing chapter of wrongful imprisonment, a crucible that taught me the true power of pain as a catalyst for profound self-discovery and redirection.

    We've all felt the yearning for a life that isn't dictated by the ticking clock of a nine-to-five job or the fleeting whims of pleasure. The narrative I weave today delves into the essence of making decisions that sculpt a better tomorrow. It's about cultivating health, acquiring new skills, and the allure of entrepreneurship as a means to command one's destiny. And amidst this pursuit of personal excellence, I pause to reflect on a touching interaction with my daughter—a stark reminder to treasure the fleeting moments with our loved ones. My story is a clarion call for you to set audacious goals and boldly declare them, as we collectively stride towards a life that's not only lived but wholeheartedly cherished.

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    13 min
  • Call Your Shot
    May 20 2024

    Imagine standing before the world, raw and unfiltered, declaring your deepest aspirations. That's the leap I took, transforming a life ensnared by addiction and the bars of a prison cell into one of purpose and achievement. As Sean Michael Crane, I've navigated the treacherous path from the shadows to the spotlight, now driven to inspire you to embrace your own truth. This episode isn't just a story; it's a battle cry for authenticity, daring you to align your actions with your ambitions and witness the unstoppable force you can become.

    This conversation delves into the moments that propelled me to rise above my circumstances and seize my dreams with unwavering conviction. I challenge you to shed the persona you've paraded before the world and unleash the powerhouse within. It's a journey of congruence, where your every word and deed maps the path to your dream existence. Join me, and together let's embark on the quest for a life brimming with intention and success—because the world is waiting for the unique brilliance only you can deliver.

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    6 min
  • Business Is A Sport
    May 17 2024

    Unlock your inner champion and elevate every facet of life with the relentless approach of an elite athlete. This episode of Unstoppable Mindset Podcast is a masterclass in life's most thrilling sport—your own unyielding pursuit of excellence. Join me, Sean Michael Crane, as I draw from the wisdom imparted at Victor Rancourt's event, and dissect the parallels between business and competitive sports. We're not just talking about winning in the boardroom; we're mapping out a strategy for triumphant relationships, parenting with purpose, and personal growth that doesn't know the meaning of 'off-season'.

    Embrace the thrill of transformation as we reveal how aligning with the driven 1% can revolutionize your life in a mere three years. From rags to riches, lethargy to vitality, this episode is a narrative of change, underscored by personal tales that celebrate the profound joy of living with unwavering intent. With the spirit of a coach and the heart of a competitor, I challenge you to redefine fulfillment beyond fleeting pleasures and weekend escapism. It's time to lace up, step out, and play the long game for lasting satisfaction and prosperity. Welcome to the arena where every day is game day, and you're always MVP.

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    10 min
  • How I Built Unstoppable
    May 15 2024

    Ever wanted to know the secret sauce behind crafting a top-tier personal development program? Buckle up as Sean Michael Crane shares his rollercoaster ride to success with the Unstoppable Coaching Program, tailored for men in the trades. From forging invaluable connections with the likes of Victor Rancor to mastering the art of leaving an indelible mark on your audience, this episode is your ticket to redefining greatness. I'll be pulling back the curtains on the strategies that have not only shaped my journey as a coach but have also solidified my brand's standing in the industry's echelons.

    This conversation isn't just about flexing your muscles in the fitness world; it's about becoming a transformative figure in the lives of those around you. I dive into the nitty-gritty of how authentic interactions at free speaking events and intentional relationship-building can catapult your network and influence. Whether you're in the gym coaching or on a plane strategizing your next follow-up, this episode is brimming with practical wisdom to grow your brand and outreach. Get ready to absorb the essence of what it takes to network, nurture, and flourish in the personal coaching realm, all while staying true to your unique voice and vision.

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    15 min