• EP 24. Awaken and Strengthen Your Heart
    May 27 2024

    Recently, I had the profound honor of leading a prayer session focused on addressing the matters of our hearts—an intimate moment with God I am eager to share with you.

    As I prepared for this time of prayer, God reminded me that we are called to guard our hearts and that God desires to resurrect, restore, and heal our hearts like they have never been broken before.

    Can you imagine that?

    A heart that beats like it’s never been broken, bruised or mishandled?

    Maybe your heart feels a little... lost.

    Maybe it's chasing its own desires, a bit wayward.

    Maybe it carries past wounds, feeling tender.

    Or maybe it's just plain weary from the everyday hustle.

    Even with good intentions, life can pull us away from the center.

    There's a path back to wholeness. Consider this an invitation to agree with the God of the impossible and to have your heart refreshed.

    In this episode, I’ll cover 5 conditions of the heart:

    • Wayward: Following our own desires instead of God's will.

    • Wounded: Carrying past hurts and emotional pain.

    • Weary: Exhausted and lacking strength or motivation.

    • Wandering: Lost and searching for meaning or purpose.

    • Loss of Wonder: No longer feeling awe or amazement at God's creation.

    THIS is a beautiful journey of awakening and strengthening of your heart, and guess who's walking it with you every step of the way?

    Yes… you KNOW – God!

    Today look within and ask yourself: what is the condition of my heart?

    But also know that you don’t need to journey through this alone. Click here to book a call with me to unpack your heart's condition and explore the next steps for your Significant Life.

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    1 hr
  • EP 23. Why Women Who Lead Join MSLJ
    May 20 2024

    I see so many high-achieving women feeling isolated despite their success. They're constantly providing solutions but often lack a safe space to share their own challenges and get support.

    That's why I created the Significant Life community (MSLJ), a space for women leaders to connect and be truly seen.

    In this episode, I talk about how:

    • A community is a safe, sacred, and life-giving space where women feel understood and supported. They don't feel like they have to prove themselves or dim their light. The MSLJ community uplifts and celebrates them for who they are.

    • High-performing women are used to being the ones with the answers and holding others accountable. This community provides a structured and supportive environment for them to be held accountable and stay true to their commitments and goals.

    • This community helps women go on a journey of self-discovery. They learn to see themselves beyond their roles and responsibilities and develop a strong sense of self-worth and identity.

    Ready to talk about this and learn more? Click here to book a call, and let’s get you into the MSLJ community!

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    28 mins
  • EP 22. Your Secrets Aren’t Keeping You Safe
    May 15 2024

    This is for the ones who feel stuck despite all you've accomplished.

    I'm your coach, Janice Anderson, and I'm here to tell you: that keeping secrets might be the very thing holding you back.

    Let me be clear: you're not alone.

    I see it all the time.

    But here's the thing – I used to be that woman too.

    Stuck in a picture-perfect marriage that was slowly sucking the life out of me. But there I was, clinging to secrecy, afraid to admit the truth, even to myself.

    And you know what?

    That secrecy kept me trapped, unable to get the help I needed to move forward.

    Secrets isolate you.

    Listen and learn:

    • Why keeping secrets holds you back: Discover how hidden struggles can prevent you from reaching your full potential.

    • The power of vulnerability: Learn how sharing your truth can lead to deeper connections and greater support.

    • Breaking free from isolation: This episode will show you how to move past feeling alone and connect with a supportive community.

    • Finding safe spaces to heal: We'll explore how to identify trustworthy confidantes and create a safe space for growth.

    So, are you ready to ditch the secrets and step into your full power? Click here to schedule a call and learn more about finding your community. It’s time to get unstuck.

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    27 mins
  • EP 21. Why Pushing Through is Actually Slowing You Down
    May 5 2024

    Did you know that 80% of people who ‘push through’ challenges end up feeling burnt out?

    There has to be a better way, right?

    Here’s the thing: I used to be all about pushing through.

    Head down, gotta keep going, no matter what.

    But I realized that this mentality can actually backfire. It’s like playing basketball with a set plan, completely ignoring what’s happening on the court!

    Instead, I’ve come to believe in the power of “pulling up.”

    What does that mean?

    It’s about hitting the brakes, taking a breath, and really assessing the situation. This pause allows you to see new possibilities and adjust your course.

    There was a time when I felt completely stuck in my business. Pushing through wasn’t working. So, I “pulled up.” I sought guidance, reflected on my goals, and explored different options.

    It made all the difference.

    I was able to see a clearer path forward and make much better decisions.

    Ready to “Pull Up” Too?

    If you’re facing a transition period and feel stuck, I know the struggle is real. Click here to schedule a call so we can discuss how to help you navigate those challenges and find the opportunities that might be hidden right in front of you.

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    22 mins
  • EP 20. Before You Plan, Do This
    Jan 24 2023
    What if you don’t have to get overwhelmed by the new year? It’s easy to feel the pressure of having to reinvent ourselves and add more to our growing pile of things we need to get done so that we can reach success. I want to talk to you about another way to create a plan that you will actually stick to, rather than drop a few months in. On this episode of My Significant Life, I talk about:
    • Why it’s important to take a step back in order to move forward
    • How a new perspective on approaching the new year will create possibilities instead of roadblocks
    • How to effectively sort through your memories so that you gain clarity on your next steps this season
    • The quote that reinforced the importance of community when it comes to matters of the heart
    Check out my FREE resource where I help you discover the deep questions so that you can discover what’s the best thing for your heart. Click here to learn more: MySignificantLife.org/plan
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    26 mins
  • EP 19. Stress Requires Recovery
    Jan 23 2023
    Recovery is a skill. It doesn’t just happen; it’s a skill that must be learned and developed. One of the most important aspects of recovery is understanding the needs of your body, your mind, and your heart. Check in with yourself. Ask, what do YOU need right now? What do you need to disconnect from in order to find some much-deserved peace? Then, as you discover what that means to you, that’s when you can create a plan to use your time more intentionally. In this episode of the Significant Podcast, tune in to discover:
    • Why recovery is considered an essential skill
    • What you actually need to do in order to develop your skill of recovery and make it last
    • Why neglecting your recovery comes with a cost
    I’d love for you to join me on a 90-day intensive, where we work together to bounce back after a season of setbacks. Those who’ve joined have come out the other side with greater resilience. Click here to learn more: ISurvivedNowWhat.com
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    26 mins
  • Ep 18. How To Re-Enter With Ease
    24 mins
  • Ep 17. 4 Keys to Navigate the Holidays From a Place of Peace
    Jan 2 2023
    Peace comes from within, but first we need to invite it in. The holiday season can be so chaotic with everything we’ve got going on around us…that doesn’t even include the struggles we personally face from moment to moment. It’s easy to lose ourselves in all of life’s pressures – whether it’s pressure we’ve put on ourselves or pressures induced by our community or culture. In this episode of the Significant Podcast, tune in to discover:
    • 4 essential tips to navigate this holidays from a place of peace
    • The scripture that tells us why we need to look after our own hearts
    • What you need to do right after you invite God’s peace in
    👉🏾 “GIRL, Get Your Life Back!” is NOW AVAILABLE for replay! 🎉 In this FREE webinar, we explore how you can come back from a season of setbacks. Catch it again here!
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    34 mins