• Episode 19: Small Acts of Rebellion with Heather Pridemore
    May 28 2024

    Join us on a transformative journey in this episode of SoulStirred as we sit down with Heather Pridmore, CEO and Founder of Pridemore Coaching, and the visionary behind artSPARK Creative Studio. Heather is a remarkable leader dedicated to empowering first-generation and rising professionals, blending over a decade of corporate experience with her expertise in leadership and communication. In this engaging conversation, Heather shares her path of professional development and creative exploration. She discusses the crucial role of self-advocacy, a skill she believes is foundational to success yet often overlooked by many from similar backgrounds. Heather also explores the dynamics of being multi-passionate, revealing how various stages of her life required her to sideline some interests, while at other times, the combination of her diverse passions propelled her forward.

    Connect with Heather:

    Instagram (@pridemorecoaching)

    Instagram (@artsparkcreativestudio)

    Join The 66-Day Gratitude Challenge!

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    Tell us how this episode impacted you! What do you hope we do more of? What requests do you want to share? Maybe you have show ideas for us?! Communicate with us at soulstirredpodcast@gmail.com

    Connect with us as we embark on this journey of growth and human experience together! Join our supportive community, share your stories, and subscribe to our weekly episodes.

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    49 mins
  • Episode 18: The Story of Us, Chapter 3 Part 1
    May 21 2024

    In episode 18 of SoulStirred, hosts Kasey Clark and Emily Garcia delve into the empowering idea that who we are is inherently perfect. They challenge the notion that we need to conform to expectations set by others and discuss how breaking free from these molds is not just possible but essential. Throughout the episode, Emily and Kasey share personal stories from their own lives, from childhood through adulthood, revealing moments when others’ words or actions shaped their self-perception. They explore how these experiences can linger, often carrying a lasting impact. Join us as we navigate through these deeply personal tales and uncover the ways in which we can reclaim our identity, affirm our self-worth, and embrace the unique story that each of us has to tell.

    Join The 66-Day Gratitude Challenge!

    Ready to know your body? Sign Up for Whoop & Get $50.00 off!

    Tell us how this episode impacted you! What do you hope we do more of? What requests do you want to share? Maybe you have a show idea for us?! Communicate with us at soulstirredpodcast@gmail.com

    Connect with us as we embark on this journey of growth and human experience together! Join our supportive community, share your stories, and subscribe to our weekly episodes.



    Sign up for Tribe Mind Body Wellness Newsletter: https://tribemindbody.com/contact/

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    44 mins
  • Episode 17: Light from Darkness
    May 14 2024

    Join us in this special episode of SoulStirred, where we dive into the timely and transformative theme of the solar eclipse—an opportunity for renewal, rest, and reflection. Recorded under the cosmic spectacle, hosts Kasey Clark and Emily Garcia unpack what it truly means to rest and how this can dramatically enrich our lives.

    Throughout the episode, we discuss the rejuvenating power of nature and the importance of tuning into our bodies to nurture our deepest needs while quieting our inner critic. By embracing our 'wise self,' we discover the light that emerges from life's darkest moments.

    Kasey and Emily share personal insights on how gratitude and reflection play crucial roles in transforming darkness into light. They provide listeners with practical advice on leveraging natural cycles of renewal to foster personal growth and well-being.

    Join us on this reflective journey to understand how embracing rest and gratitude can illuminate the path through the darkest times, leading us to a place of profound peace and light.

    Join The 66-Day Gratitude Challenge!

    Ready to know your body? Sign Up for Whoop & Get $50.00 off!

    Tell us how this episode impacted you! What do you hope we do more of? What requests do you want to share? Maybe you have show ideas for us?! Communicate with us at soulstirredpodcast@gmail.com

    Connect with us as we embark on this journey of growth and human experience together! Join our supportive community, share your stories, and subscribe to our weekly episodes.

    Sign up for Tribe Mind Body Wellness Newsletter: https://tribemindbody.com/contact/

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    27 mins
  • Episode 16: The Challenge of Momhood
    May 10 2024

    Dive into an honest and heartfelt discussion on the many facets of momhood in this episode of SoulStirred. Hosts Kasey Clark and Emily Garcia open up about their personal journeys through the highs and lows of becoming and being moms—from the challenges of pregnancy and navigating complex situations like divorce and custody, to finding their identities beyond maternal roles.

    In this episode, we also celebrate the diverse forms of maternal influence, recognizing that momhood comes in many shapes and sizes and impacts women’s lives in profound ways.

    Join Emily and Kasey as they share stories, advice, and reflections on the balancing act that is momhood, offering insights that resonate with anyone who’s experienced the joys and trials of raising children.

    Join The 66-Day Gratitude Challenge!

    Ready to know your body? Sign Up for Whoop & Get $50.00 off!

    Tell us how this episode impacted you! What do you hope we do more of? What requests do you want to share? Maybe you have show ideas for us?! Communicate with us at soulstirredpodcast@gmail.com

    Connect with us as we embark on this journey of growth and human experience together! Join our supportive community, share your stories, and subscribe to our weekly episodes.

    Sign up for Tribe Mind Body Wellness Newsletter: https://tribemindbody.com/contact/

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    48 mins
  • Episode 15: Unraveling Grief and Navigating Trauma After Losing a Parent, with Marie Jensen
    Apr 16 2024

    How do you honor the memory of a parent while holding space for the unresolved wounds of the past?

    In this episode of SoulStirred, we talk with Marie Jensen as she learns to navigate the intricate layers of grief and trauma following the loss of a parent. We delve into the complexities of loving a parent who failed to protect us as children, the irony of grieving someone who caused pain, and the loss of hope for resolution after their passing. Together, we explore the challenging process of reparenting ourselves as adult survivors of childhood trauma, breaking the cycle of generational abuse, and finding solace amidst the intersection of grief and trauma. Through candid conversations and heartfelt reflections, we embark on a journey of healing and understanding, shedding light on the profound complexities of mourning a parent while grappling with the lasting effects of childhood trauma.


    Tell us how this episode impacted you! What do you hope we do more of? What requests do you want to share? Maybe you have show ideas for us?! Communicate with us at soulstirredpodcast@gmail.com

    Connect with us as we embark on this journey of growth and human experience together! Join our supportive community, share your stories, and subscribe to our weekly episodes.



    Sign up for Tribe Mind Body Wellness Newsletter: https://tribemindbody.com/contact/

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    46 mins
  • Episode 14: From Law Enforcement to Mindfulness with Terry Clark, Part 2
    Apr 9 2024

    Welcome SoulStirred listeners!
    In today's episode, we continue our conversation with Terry Clark where we delve into the fascinating intersection of meditation, mindfulness, and psychedelics. Join us as Terry shares his wealth of knowledge on how these practices impact the brain, from incremental changes through meditation to the rapid transformative potential of psychedelics. Discover how psychedelics can degrade dysfunctional brain pathways and pave the way for healthier ones, and learn about the importance of set and setting in guiding these experiences. Terry also discusses his innovative business Above the Genes, focused on epigenetic testing and personalized interventions, highlighting the power of lifestyle choices in shaping our genetic expression.
    So sit back, relax, and prepare to embark on a journey of self-discovery and personal growth with us. Welcome, Terry!

    More about Terry Clark:
    Above the Genes

    Terry's A&E episode- highlighting his ATF career: https://www.tvinsider.com/1116845/ae-undercover-caught-on-tape-las-vegas-casinos-bombing-plot-jeffrey-tenpenny/

    Additional Info:
    Altered Traits: Science Reveals How Meditation Changes Your Mind, Brain, and Body
    by Daniel Goleman (Author), Richard J. Davidson (Author)
    Jon Kabat-Zinn: https://jonkabat-zinn.com/
    Tim Ferriss, the Man Who Put His Money Behind Psychedelic Medicine: link to article
    Johns Hopkins research on psychedelics: link to article


    Tell us how this episode impacted you! What do you hope we do more of? What requests do you want to share? Maybe you have show ideas for us?! Communicate with us at soulstirredpodcast@gmail.com

    Connect with us as we embark on this journey of growth and human experience together! Join our supportive community, share your stories, and subscribe to our weekly episodes.

    Sign up for Tribe Mind Body Wellness Newsletter: https://tribemindbody.com/contact

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    38 mins
  • Episode 13: From Law Enforcement to Mindfulness with Terry Clark, Part 1
    Apr 2 2024

    Today we have the pleasure of introducing Terry Clark, a remarkable individual with over three decades of experience in federal law enforcement and intelligence. Having navigated the high-stakes world of law enforcement, Terry now brings his wealth of knowledge to the realm of mindfulness and wellness coaching. Certified as a teacher of mindfulness-based stress reduction and an epigenetics human potential coach, Terry is on a mission to help individuals and teams optimize their functioning and reach their highest potential. Join us as we embark on a journey through Terry's career transition, exploring his insights into stress management, the flow state, and the profound impact of mindfulness. Stay tuned for part two of Terry's captivating story, where we delve even deeper into his inspiring journey and the transformative potential of mindfulness in navigating life's challenges.

    More about Terry Clark:
    Above the Genes

    Terry's A&E episode- highlighting his ATF career: https://www.tvinsider.com/1116845/ae-undercover-caught-on-tape-las-vegas-casinos-bombing-plot-jeffrey-tenpenny/


    Tell us how this episode impacted you! What do you hope we do more of? What requests do you want to share? Maybe you have show ideas for us?! Communicate with us at soulstirredpodcast@gmail.com

    Connect with us as we embark on this journey of growth and human experience together! Join our supportive community, share your stories, and subscribe to our weekly episodes.

    Sign up for Tribe Mind Body Wellness Newsletter: https://tribemindbody.com/contact


    Tell us how this episode impacted you! What do you hope we do more of? What requests do you want to share? Maybe you have show ideas for us?! Communicate with us at soulstirredpodcast@gmail.com

    Connect with us as we embark on this journey of growth and human experience together! Join our supportive community, share your stories, and subscribe to our weekly episodes.

    Sign up for Tribe Mind Body Wellness Newsletter: https://tribemindbody.com/contact/

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    41 mins
  • Episode 12: Living The Four Agreements with Kasey & Emily
    Mar 26 2024

    In today's episode, we explore Don Miguel Ruiz's "The Four Agreements." Join us as we delve into the first two agreements: "Be impeccable with your word" and "Don't take anything personally." Then, we'll discuss agreements three and four: "Don't make assumptions" and "Always do your best." Get ready for a soul-stirring journey as we uncover insights to empower your life. Let's dive in!

    The Four Agreements™ was published in 1997 and has sold over 15 million copies in the United States alone. It has been on the New York Times Bestselling list for over a decade. Everything we do is based on agreements we have made - agreements with ourselves, with other people, with God, and with life. But the most important agreements are the ones we make with ourselves.

    The Four Agreements are:

    1. Be Impeccable With Your Word.
    2. Don't Take Anything Personally.
    3. Don't Make Assumptions.
    4. Always Do Your Best



    Tell us how this episode impacted you! What do you hope we do more of? What requests do you want to share? Maybe you have show ideas for us?! Communicate with us at soulstirredpodcast@gmail.com

    Connect with us as we embark on this journey of growth and human experience together! Join our supportive community, share your stories, and subscribe to our weekly episodes.

    Sign up for Tribe Mind Body Wellness Newsletter: https://tribemindbody.com/contact/

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    53 mins