
  • If the caravans a-rocking don't come a-knockin!!!
    May 23 2024

    Ah yes we all remember the above, well certainly Chris does, as it's one of his bi-weekly jokes. Hopefully, the only thing that's bi about him., unless you know differently of course.

    Anyway, this is the story that more married people than ever apparently are using a caravan to have an 'illicit' relationship. Well all three of us had more than enough to say on the subject, not only that, we thought it was entertaining enough to warrant one of our short Podcasts. Let us know if you agree and of course, if you are one of the participating couples invite us around to your caravan to discuss it we will bring our recording eqpt and maybe make a show of it, whilst you two make a show of it.

    If you know what we mean.

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    11 mins
  • The used to say Big Brother is watching YOU.
    Apr 30 2024

    They don't anymore as it seems a vast majority of people are watching Big Brother. Well as you will find when you listen in, we wondered if we should apply, what with our chiselled good looks, fantastic physical fitness, and honed bodies (whilst most people appearing on Big Brother seem to believe their bodies are temples) in point of fact we believe ours are more like 'sheds', and who doesn't like a good shed!

    Interviews are currently taking place for the next series and John thought it was high time we applied. One suggestion is that maybe we could feature on the show Big Mother after all without a mother you wouldn't have a brother meaning you would be in the market for a Father for which we 3 are qualified and ready to roll.

    Bring on the contract we are ready to sign up.

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    15 mins
  • Are you sick of work or sick off work?
    Apr 22 2024

    We are a bit 'old school' regarding work and sickness. Whereas if you read certain papers now, more and more people are taking time off work due to stress. Now in no way are we saying that stress is good for you or that it does not exist, but there comes a time when overall we must start to question certain people's motives for using the term, as a way of getting time off work.

    As we discussed on the Podcast, at times we have all experienced problems/issues at or with work, however, see if you agree with us that there are likely two sides to the discussion.

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    19 mins
  • Where on earth is my cravat?
    Apr 4 2024

    Do yourself a favour take a look around and notice how people appear to be 'dressed down' rather than dressed up. It seems that COVID-19 (such a long time ago now) took everyone's sense of style and decided that nowadays you don't need to spend time in front of a mirror before leaving home in the morning. It also appears that the fact that trainers are now called sports shoes, and cost the price of a small country's GDP, people are hoodwinked into thinking they look smart when worn with a suit or something other than sportswear.

    Well, we don't think they look the part and suggest we all start wearing a cravat and possibly a silk jacket or smoking jacket along with a nice pair of brogues.

    Join the Old Gits revolution and change the world for the better.

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    11 mins
  • Whats constitutes Adultery
    Apr 4 2024

    Ah yes, that made your ears prick up!

    On this subject as long as that was the only thing that did, we should be alright. On the show, we discussed an article that detailed how many different ways there are now where you could be classed as committing adultery. Being as we are three very wholesome 'luvved up' passionate 'liars' it appealed to us.

    Incidentally, we are only kidding about the above of course we aren't all 'luvved up' After all David & John have been married so long that they are awaiting their long service medals.

    Let us know what you think of this bite-sized show.

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    12 mins
  • Old Gits and Hits July 2020
    Jul 16 2020

    Chris, David, & John, as usual sometimes serious, sometimes risque, always a laugh somewhere, usually when you least expect it always worth a listen and thats for sure. 

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    54 mins
  • Did we get an Oscar?
    Mar 12 2024

    Well, it seems if we did someone forgot to invite us to the ceremony.

    We most definitely deserve an award of sorts, although to be fair over the years we have been awarded lots of accolades. Mind you nothing is as highly regarded as an Oscar. As we say here why or why do the so-called 'luvvies' have to thank everyone who they have ever met in their life for the award?

    I mean David tells the story of appearing alongside an A-lister in a movie who politely told him to F off. It was in jest but did she mention it when she won an award, you are right no she didn't.

    Anyway, time for our medication whilst you listen to our ramblings. Nurse!!!

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    13 mins