
  • The PT Show - Spotlight on Shaun Pascal
    Jul 22 2021

    The PT Show - Spotlight on Shaun Pascal 

    Detective Shaun Pascal comes from a family background of policing and is cited as having policing in his DNA. 

    Joining the Metropolitan Police Service in September 2004. On joining the Met, he quickly passed his Detective exams to move on to specialist crimes. Taking control of crimes scenes and being a Police liaison Officer for liaising with families.

    At Hendon Police, Training School awarded the hardest working recruit. Awarded four service commendations.

    He is also an avid campaigner in the fight against racism in society, and a man who is not frightened to place his head above the parapet, especially when it comes to knowing right from wrong.

    Moreover, he is the co-owner of Black Wall St Media, a social media platform bringing you news of common interest in order to maintain unity as a family, community and race of people, in order to inspire and build our community.



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    The PT Show

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    1 h et 20 min
  • The PT Show - Spotlight on Shaun Wallace (The Chaser)
    Jul 15 2021

    The PT Show - Spotlight on Shaun Wallace (The Chaser)

    On our show today we have a man who is a Barrister, Author, Lecturer, Columnist, he is a quizzer and of course Mastermind champion 5th December 2004, the first Black person to win the coveted title, and he is our favourite Chaser on popular TV show the Chase.

    Check out Shaun’s autobiography now – ‘Chasing the Dream’ available at all good book shops, or order online.

    Follow Shaun on Twitter

    www.peterandtosh.com for all our latest podcasts. 
    The PT Show

    Voir plus Voir moins
    1 h et 16 min
  • The PT Show - Spotlight on Sigourney Bell PHD
    Jul 14 2021

    The PT Show - Spotlight on Sigourney Bell PHD

    Sigourney Bell is a 2 year PhD candidate at the University of Cambridge; Ms Bell researches a rare paediatric brain tumour and is testing novel compounds to develop new therapies. 

    Prior to starting her PhD research, Sigourney completed a BSc in Human Physiology with Industrial year with honours at the University of Leeds, achieving a 2.1. During her time at Leeds, she developed an interest in neuroscience after doing a voluntary lab placement. She went on to win the Jennifer Rowles Summer studentship to investigate novel therapies for neurodegenerative disorders affecting the spinal cord.

    Currently, little is understood about the specific subtype she studies as most patients with such tumours are incurable. She aims to develop a new chemotherapy drug to treat these children to give them a greater chance of living a full, healthy and happy life.

    Sigourney Bell is the co-founder of Black in Cancer, promoting Black excellence in research and medicine and educating the community about early diagnosis and advocacy. Sigourney is a first-generation academic and now well on her way in her PhD from the five-year journey since graduating from university.

    Sigourney is a fellow ACRC member and Forbes 30 under 30 honouree.

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    1 h et 4 min
  • Mandy Tucker Coaching - Uni to Universe Episode 1
    Jul 11 2021

    Mandy Tucker Coaching - Uni to Universe Episode 1

    Mandy Tucker will shine the light on a variety of subjects that will help you navigate your career decisions. explore with Mandy to gain insights into industry trends, leadership topics and how to align your career to your values and passions.



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    12 min
  • The PT Show - Spotlight on Dr Nira Chamberlain
    Jul 9 2021

    The PT Show - Spotlight on Dr Nira Chamberlain 

    On our show today we have a man who is the president of the Institute of Mathematics, he was named as one of the UKs top 100 scientists, and shortly after in 2015 he was the first Black mathematician to be listed in the ‘Who’s who’ since the books inception in 1849.

    In 2018 was the Winner of the Big Internet Math Off title – World’s Most Interesting Mathematician. 

    Dr Nira Chamberlain was the highest new entrant in the 2018 PowerList in at Number 5 This is the first time a mathematician has made into the Top 100 Britain’s most influential people of African and African-Caribbean Heritage.

    Contact details




    Voir plus Voir moins
    55 min
  • Mandy Tucker Coaching - Uni to Universe
    Jun 20 2021


    Graduated and need clarity on your next career move? This PODCAST is for you!

    Then join me, Mandy Tucker; where I shine a light on the various topics that will help you navigate your career decisions. Explore with me to gain insights into industry trends, leadership topics and how to align your career to your values and passions.

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    15 min
  • The PT Show - Spotlight on Dr Patrick Vernon OBE
    Jun 16 2021

    The PT Show - Spotlight on Dr Patrick Vernon OBE

    On our show today we have a former member of the Labour and the Coalition Government Ministerial Advisory for Mental Health. He was a former councillor in Hackney between 2006 to 2014 and was appointed by Jeremy Corbyn as Race Equalities Adviser to the Shadow Equalities Ministerial team between 2015 to 2017. He is also founder of Every Generation Media and 100 Great Black Britons, which develops education programmes, publications and films on cultural heritage and family history. Our guest is a passionate campaigner for racial justice and social equality, and a key community voice on Race, Mental Health & Well-Being for minority communities. He has played a pivotal part in campaigning for justice for the Windrush generation. 

    He took the government to task for the slow accountability towards compensation for the Windrush generation and his current petition to amend the workings of the scheme has been signed by the prominent names including Thandie Newton and Lenny Henry.

    The work of Dr Patrick Vernon Continues


    Website www.patrickvernon.org.uk

    Twitter @ppvernon 

    LinkedIn PartickVernonOBE


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    1 h et 12 min
  • The PT Show - Spotlight on Lord Herman Ouseley
    Jun 2 2021

    The PT Show - Spotlight on Lord Herman Ouseley

    Our Spotlight On series will shine the light on notable achievers and individuals of merit, doers, and movers and shakers in their field.

    On our show today we have a man whose impressive career spanned thirty years in local government. He was the first Black Race Equality Adviser in Local government in London Borough of Lambeth in 1978. The first Black Policy Advisor for Ethnic Minorities with the Greater London Council in 1981. The first Black Chief Executive in a local authority in England with the former Inner London Education Authority in 1988, and then as CEO of the London Borough of Lambeth in 1990, after which he became the first Black Executive Chairman of the former Commission for Racial Equality.

    In 1993 he started the ‘Let’s Kick Racism Out of Football campaign’ which later developed into ‘Kick It Out’ in 1997 in which he served as the chair for 25 years. He was elevated to the peerage as Lord in 2001.

    He is truly a beacon for social justice, and a champion of causes which relate to providing opportunities for disadvantaged communities and eliminating inequalities and injustices.


    Voir plus Voir moins
    1 h et 26 min