
  • 006 Choose to Shine - The Power of Our Emotions and Vulnerability
    Mar 5 2021

    In this new episode, I talk about the power of our emotions vulnerability and how to step into your powerful self by choosing to measure vulnerability as your exact measure of courage. You have the choice to show up and be seen. 

    If you struggle with having a stable sense of love and belonging, or slip up here and there, this episode is a good one for you. Be encouraged. We all have the ability to tap into our courage, sometimes we just give our power away to our insecurities, doubts, and fears. 

    Let's find your power today, and choose to shine!!

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    9 min
  • 005 Choose to Shine - The Power of Thought & Healing from Trauma
    Feb 25 2021

    In this podcast episode I talk about what actually takes place inside the brain of someone who has experienced trauma, and how that plays out in our thought patterns and constructs. I also talk about how to stop these patterns and how to take the step into the direction of change, and why that seems so hard to do. 

    Knowledge is power, and with knowledge comes understanding. When we understand how the brain works after a traumatizing event, then we can use that knowledge to gain power over our situations and circumstances. 

    You have the power to heal any and every part of yourself, so long as you armor yourself with knowledge and execute it with action. 

    If you know of someone who is living with PTSD, please share this podcast episode with them. I know had I been taught this information a decade ago, it would have really helped me heal a lot faster. 

    If this episode helped you, please hit me up at choosetoshinepodcast@gmail.com

    Voir plus Voir moins
    13 min
  • Choose to Shine - Guided Meditation - Self Love
    Feb 23 2021

    In this meditation I take you into a calming, peaceful state of awareness. In this state of awareness I help guide you into gratitude and focus on loving your body and all of it's everyday functions and how much your body does to take care of you. 

    I encourage each of you to take just 8 1/2 minutes of your day to close your eyes, focus on your breath, slow down your thoughts and give yourself the gift of inner clarity and love. 

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    9 min
  • 004 Choose to Shine - The Power of Detachment and Finding your Essence
    Feb 18 2021

    This podcast is dedicated to my son Tony. He is 18 years old, and we all remember the sheer smack in the face that life gives us as we venture into our adult life. The bills. The responsibility. The, "Oh my God, this is not what I expected," reality check. 

    In this podcast episode, I talk about the power of finding your inner essence, the treasure of what makes you, YOU! Your authenticity, and the power of detaching from other's opinions about what they think your life should look like. Life is meant to be fun. We are here to create our best life. Don't let other's expectations and limitations stop you from living a life of fulfillment. 

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    18 min
  • Choose to Shine - Guided Meditation - Body Scan
    Feb 14 2021

    Happy Valentines Day! A day of love, and in this podcast episode Anna takes you into a calming, peaceful moment of love, for yourself. A moment in time that is a gift from you to yourself. In this moment there is no past or future, there is only now. 

    Through a full body scan you will be guided to visualize a warm glowing light or energy that will envelope your entire being as you scan through each body part and release any built up tension. You will be guided to send thoughts of gratitude, love, and light to each part of your body. 

    Let me know what you thought of this meditation below in the comments. What other types of guided meditations would you enjoy listening to? 

    Look for new guided meditations released every Sunday morning.

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    13 min
  • 003 Choose to Shine - The Importance of Trust
    Feb 11 2021

    In this episode I answer a few questions that I have been asked since starting this new podcast. Questions about how I feel when I listen to myself, as well as what type of equipment I purchased and how long it took for me to get everything setup and ready to go for my first episode. 

    I also talk about the importance of trust, and living in a place of inner knowing and trusting that the Universe has your back. Trust in a key element to physical, spiritual, and mental well being and I explain how trust is a choice and how we can choose to trust in order to start manifesting our dreams and our heart's desires. 

    I would love any feedback that you have, or hear any stories you have to share about your journey in learning to trust again after trauma and restoring your trust after it has been broken. Feel free to leave a comment below or visit our instagram page @choosetoshinepodcast. 

    Voir plus Voir moins
    14 min
  • 002 Choose to Shine - Starting a Meditation Practice
    Feb 3 2021

    I talk about my journey from trauma to calming my energies through a new practice of meditation. I give 3 different ways to start your own meditation practice, as well as a shout out to a few of my friends who have supported me with much needed encouragement after my first episode. 

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    11 min
  • 001 Choose to Shine - I'm Starting a Podcast
    Jan 28 2021

    My very first episode of the Choose to Shine Podcast. Gotta start somewhere. In this episode I share my heart and express my vision for this podcast and how I came up with the idea of starting a podcast. 

    This was a learning experience. I had never recorded, nor edited a podcast before this, so it is all over the place. BUT, I learned a lot in this first episode. I am looking forward to fine tuning my process, as well as getting more comfortable speaking into the mic. 

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    8 min