
  • What is THAT Conference w/ Clark Sell
    Jun 13 2024

    This week we had the pleasure of sitting down with Clark Sell, the creator of THAT Conference to discuss the importance of community among developers, and different relationships that you can have with your community. We also discussed at length the who, what, where, when, and why of THAT Conference - diving into Clark's inspiration when creating THAT, what the event is all about, and what the speaking landscape is like there. We even talked a little bit about Clark himself and what he used to do before THAT.

    Get 10% off Wisconsin 2024 tickets with promo code: HTMLALLTHETHINGS

    Show Notes: https://www.htmlallthethings.com/podcasts/what-is-that-conference-w-clark-sell

    Learn with Scrimba: https://scrimba.com/links/htmlallthethings

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    59 min
  • Is JavaScript Really That Bad?
    Jun 11 2024

    JavaScript has seen its fair share of insults and critiques over the years, with some developers outright refusing to touch it and other skirting around the edges by relying heavily on the server-side of things (ie PHP). Love it or hate it, JavaScript is what the web runs on and it's been that way since 1995. Vanilla JavaScript runs in the client's browser, bringing interactivity to user interfaces, while keeping the server out of calculations and computations. With the introduction of Node.js, JavaScript escapes the client-side, and moves it's way into the backend scene. With such a versatile language, why does JavaScript get so much hate? Is JavaScript really that bad?

    Show Notes: https://www.htmlallthethings.com/podcasts/is-javascript-really-that-bad

    Learn with Scrimba: https://scrimba.com/links/htmlallthethings

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    58 min
  • Our Website Creation Process 2024
    Jun 4 2024

    Creating a website is not a one-size-fits-all scenario, as projects can vary wildly in complexity and amount of work needed. Over the years we have come up with a process that defines a clear structure while providing enough flexibility to accomodate most web development projects for small to medium businesses. The process helps keep development on-track, payments flowing, mitigates working with clients that aren't serious about their project.

    Show Notes: https://www.htmlallthethings.com/podcasts/our-website-creation-process-2024

    Learn with Scrimba: https://scrimba.com/?ref=htmlallthethings

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    56 min
  • Time Saving Tips for Front-End Developers
    May 28 2024

    Sometimes web development deadlines can come up faster than expected, or even worse, your workload may overwhelm the amount of time you have left until a deliverable is due. When this happens, it's easy to panic, procrastinate, or even quit altogether. Thankfully, development has a lot of wiggle room in how tasks are performed and can typically be worked on anywhere (in office, at home, on-the-go). This week, Matt and Mike discussed how to save time when you're working on your website's UI, more specifically, Matt reflected on a recent busy week where he pulled out all the stops on time saving while doing front-end development.

    Show Notes: https://www.htmlallthethings.com/podcasts/time-saving-tips-for-front-end-developers

    Learn with Scrimba: https://scrimba.com/?ref=htmlallthethings

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    1 h et 2 min
  • Will AI Replace Us? w/ The Creator of TabNine and Supermaven Jacob Jackson
    May 23 2024

    This week we had the pleasure of sitting down with Jacob Jackson, the creator of TabNine and Supermaven to discuss AI as a whole. It's no surprise that LLMs are taking over most of the current chatter in the tech world, but their rapid rise in popularity has also led to a rapid rise in concern. Many people believe that AI is coming for our jobs, working to replace human developers and other workers. On the other side of the fence, people are using AI to boost their productivity both at work and at home. Developers seem to be getting a great deal of this productivity boost with the creation of tools like Supermaven that can help speed up coding. If you've ever had any questions or doubt surrounding AI, or LLMs in general, then you're not going to want to miss this episode.

    Show Notes: https://www.htmlallthethings.com/podcasts/will-ai-replace-us-w-the-creator-of-tabnine-and-supermaven-jacob-jackson

    Learn with Scrimba: https://scrimba.com/?ref=htmlallthethings

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    43 min
  • Things I Wish I Knew Before Becoming a Web Developer
    May 21 2024

    Web development is a multifaceted field that demands the integration of numerous technical skills for success. Given its complexity, it's common to encounter various pitfalls while navigating the terrain. In this episode, Mike divulges a list of insights he wishes he had known before embarking on a career in web development—advice that could have spared him time and frustration. This includes mastering your tools to fully leverage them (such as AI), recognizing the importance of completing projects, the advantages of engaging with a community, and many other valuable tips.

    Show Notes: https://www.htmlallthethings.com/podcasts/things-i-wish-i-knew-before-becoming-a-web-developer

    Learn with Scrimba: https://scrimba.com/?ref=htmlallthethings

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    1 h et 8 min
  • How to Build a Website Quickly
    May 14 2024

    What should you do when you need to build a website quickly? While Matt and Mike often say that you should take the time to create a website that you're happy with and will last a long time, sometimes your situation demands that the job be done quickly. In this episode the guys discussed how to build a website quickly using not just ready-made solutions like no-code tools and templates, but also productivity drivers such as hiring out developers while you and your team work on content at the same time.

    Show Notes: https://www.htmlallthethings.com/podcasts/how-to-build-a-website-quickly

    Learn with Scrimba: https://scrimba.com/?ref=htmlallthethings

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    54 min
  • Lessons I've Learned from Managing A Team of Developers
    May 7 2024

    Transitioning from coding to management can be a career goal for some, and a dreaded pathway for others. In his recent work experience, Mike has been managing a team of developers while continuing to code a bit himself. In this episode, Mike shares his recent experiences and enlightens us with some of the lessons he's learned along the way. While managing a team of developers may seem easy for those at a senior development level, it's easy to forget that the code is not the only thing you have to worry about, the human element becomes a factor that can make or break a team's productivity and effectiveness.

    Show Notes: https://www.htmlallthethings.com/podcasts/lessons-ive-learned-from-managing-a-team-of-developers

    Learn with Scrimba: https://scrimba.com/?ref=htmlallthethings

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    1 h et 14 min