
  • 052: Social Selling with Adam Urbanski
    Aug 20 2023
    Have you observed an increase in people sending poorly crafted cold pitches via Direct Messages lately? This not only discourages potential clients but also casts a negative light on your business and branding. In this episode of Next Level Influence, Samantha Riley and Melanie Benson speak with Adam Urbanski and delve into the art of elevating your social selling strategies. Drawing on his proficiency in developing Strategic Marketing Plans and nurturing the expansion of service-based selling enterprises, Adam provides insights so you can enhance your approach. Adam shares his insights on how to effectively leverage social platforms to organically market your business. He steers clear of excessive self-promotion and instead concentrates on consistent enhancements in key areas: your profile, messaging, content creation, and the demonstration of your expertise. Join us for this valuable and high energy conversation where we explore ways to constantly provide value to clients and excel in the art of social selling.
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    43 min
  • 051: Your 7-Figure Mindset
    Aug 13 2023
    Achieving beyond your wildest dreams is an incredible accomplishment. It shows the strength of your determination and your refusal to accept limitations on your potential. Continuing the thread from our previous episode, “Is Playing Safe in Business Keeping You Small?”, we explore some ways you can pivot your thinking so you can accelerate your business results and show up at the next level. In this episode of Next Level Influence, Samantha Riley and Melanie Benson talk about the key pillars to achieve more impact and income. While business owners might think that growth is painful, reaching the next level can actually be an exciting adventure filled with valuable insights that you can use to move your business forward. If you want to have a greater impact and more revenue, you need to be willing to play outside your comfort zone and adopt strategies that can help you realise your unlimited potential and purpose. Discover how these pillars can lead you to expand your influence which will bring new opportunities and unprecedented growth.
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    16 min
  • 050: Is Playing Safe in Business Keeping You Small?
    Aug 6 2023
    Entrepreneurs are likely to face significant moments in their lives when they have to make crucial choices. These decisions can either lead them to greater success or keep them in their comfort zones. In this episode of Next Level Influence, Melanie Benson and Samantha Riley chat about the pitfalls of playing safe in business. It is said that in the world of business, fortune will always favour the brave and this entails breaking through things that hold us back and keeping a lid on our potential. Staying in what’s familiar may minimise risks but opting to always play safe can have far-reaching consequences that hinder an entrepreneur's visibility, thought leadership, and potential results. Discover the impact of playing it safe on your progress and learn how to avoid its traps, so you can embrace new opportunities and reach new heights. Don't miss this episode to learn more!
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    29 min
  • 049: Removing vs. Adding for Growth
    Jul 30 2023
    As a business owner, you know that new trends and ideas can bring growth opportunities. But it’s important to note that for long-term success, embrace the "less is more" mindset. Cut out the unnecessary and focus on what truly matters. In this episode of Next Level Influence, Samantha Riley and Melanie Benson talk about why less is more, and the business advantage of removing vs adding so you can identify and streamline your needle movers. In the dynamic business arena, it’s easy to get caught thinking we need to add new products, services or tactics when we’re not getting the results we want. But rather than chasing every shiny new thing, what would happen in your business if you were more intentional about what to let go of, and prioritized what was going to move the needle? Throughout this episode, Samantha and Melanie explore their personal practices and practical strategies for self-mastery, uncover the power of simplicity in business, and the impact of letting go of unnecessary complexity.
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    30 min
  • 048: AI Ethics and Thought Leadership: Empowering Entrepreneurs in the Digital Era with Heather Pearce Campbell
    Jul 23 2023
    Picking up where we left off from last week’s episode 047: AI Solutions To Boost Business Success, we dive deeper into the AI rabbit hole and focus on the dark side of AI, what business owners can do to protect their assets, and how to use it responsibly. In this episode of Next Level Influence, Melanie Benson and Samantha Riley discuss AI ethics and thought leadership: empowering entrepreneurs in the digital era with Heather Pearce Campbell. Heather is an Attorney and Legal Coach who provides legal education and support and brand protection to information-based businesses AI is labelled as the ultimate game changer since it enhances productivity and efficiency across all business areas. However, we’re also seeing counterarguments about how AI risks our information and a growing concern about data privacy and security. Heather provides valuable insights into the immense capabilities of AI and the responsibility of business owners to make informed decisions. This empowers entrepreneurs about the types of information that can be fed to AI platforms, help them navigate the complexities of the digital business landscape, and preserve their thought leadership.
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    41 min
  • 047: AI Solutions To Boost Business Success
    Jul 16 2023
    It’s only halfway through 2023 and yet we’ve seen tremendous growth in Artificial Intelligence (AI). And the AI market is expected to reach an astonishing $407 billion by 2027. There seems to be no stopping AI so how can business owners leverage this technology to be their strategic ally to unparalleled growth and success? In this episode of Next Level Influence Samantha Riley and Melanie Benson speak with Deborah Cole aka Coach Deb, Deirdre Tshien, and Alicia Lyttle. These three global leaders in their industries have been leveraging AI to create and deliver valuable content. They elaborate on how to effectively use AI to your advantage and although the possibilities with AI are endless, the crucial thing is to know how to use these tools well. It is important to note that despite the many benefits and business potential that can arise through using AI, embracing it fully should come with caution and thoughts about responsibilities. Using it in a good way and combining it with human components creates a winning formula for business success. AI strategies can be tailored specifically to business owners and being able to understand how to leverage them effectively can help you stay ahead of the competition, make a meaningful impact, expand influence, and drive business growth.
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    47 min
  • 046: The Impact Of Ambition Fatigue On Business Performance
    Jul 9 2023
    We often applaud business owners for their unyielding ambition that drives progress and takes their companies to great heights. But when you're constantly chasing after your goals without a break, something called "ambition fatigue" can sneak up on you. It's like a threat that not only affects your business performance but also takes a toll on your personal well-being. In this episode of Next Level Influence, Melanie Benson and Samantha Riley share their ideas on the impact of ambition fatigue on business performance. It’s typical to experience business turbulence regardless of the industry you’re in. These events lead to contemplating what you really want in business. This frustration can create a narrative that questions your ability to operate a business. Instead of constantly hitting your head against the wall and dwelling on diminished motivation, you can look for guidance that sets you on an aligned path and learning opportunities. It is crucial for business owners to recognise the importance of a well-balanced approach; where one can reset and plug back into the business. Uncover how you can reframe ambition fatigue and disappointments into something that can showcase business growth and performance when you tune into this episode.
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    30 min
  • 045: Leveraging Social Proof To Establish Credibility
    Jul 2 2023
    Establishing credibility is more crucial than ever before. Whether you're a business trying to attract customers or an individual seeking to gain influence, credibility is the foundation upon which trust is built. In this episode of Next Level Influence, Samantha Riley and Melanie Benson delve into the power of case studies and testimonials as effective marketing tools. They explore the differences between the two, discuss their advantages, and provide practical tips on how to use them to showcase your products or services. Case studies and testimonials are indispensable marketing assets that can significantly boost your business's credibility and attract new customers. By understanding the differences between the two and implementing effective strategies for structuring and presenting them, you can leverage their power to showcase your products or services, build trust, and drive growth. If you’re ready to leverage social proof and build credibility, this episode is for you.
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    27 min