
  • Scott Massey - Green Growth: Innovating with Vertical Farming
    Jun 3 2024

    In this episode of "Simply Business," we sit down with Scott Massey, co-founder and CEO of Anu, a trailblazing company at the forefront of controlled environment agriculture. Scott shares the inspiring story behind Anu's mission to democratize agricultural technology, making it simple and accessible for everyone to grow fresh produce right in their homes or communities.

    Throughout the discussion, Scott delves into the complexities and innovations of vertical farming and hydroponics. He explains how Anu's technologies are not just about food production but about creating sustainable, self-sufficient systems that empower individuals and enhance community resilience against environmental and economic challenges.

    Listeners will gain insight into Scott's entrepreneurial journey—from his academic days at Purdue University to turning a passion for efficient agricultural solutions into a thriving business. He opens up about the challenges and triumphs he has faced, the importance of community support, and the critical role of perseverance and adaptability in the startup world.

    This episode is a must-listen for anyone interested in the future of food, sustainability, or looking for motivation and tips on navigating the complexities of starting and growing a business. Join us on "Simply Business" to explore how innovative minds like Scott are redefining the boundaries of agriculture and entrepreneurship.

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    37 min
  • Shawn Veitz - On scaling and strategic growth
    May 21 2024

    In this episode of "Simply Business," we were joined by Shawn Veitz, Chief Revenue Officer of Tellennium. Shawn offered a fascinating glimpse into his journey from theological studies to leading sales in a tech-driven organization, underscoring the critical importance of honesty and integrity in business. As a company that specializes in managing complex corporate expenses, Tellenium leverages cutting-edge solutions to automate and optimize processes for large corporations.

    Shawn delved into the intricate challenges of scaling a business, particularly in an industry where growth must be carefully managed to maintain high-quality service standards. He shared insights on Tellenium’s strategic approach to scaling, which involves a meticulous balance between customer acquisition and maintaining operational excellence. With the company growing from 30 to 80 employees in just over three years, Shawn highlighted the importance of developing internal processes and integrating automation to support the growing demand without compromising service quality.

    Listeners will find Shawn's discussion on the use of AI in Tellenium’s operations particularly enlightening. The company utilizes AI to enhance their service delivery, from automating responses to RFPs to improving invoice management through smart technologies. This integration of technology not only streamlines operations but also ensures accuracy and efficiency, crucial for managing the scale of work Tellenium handles.

    For any business owner facing the pressures of scaling, this episode offers valuable perspectives on managing growth responsibly. Learn from Shawn’s experiences at Tellenium about how focusing on core competencies, embracing technology, and maintaining a customer-centric approach can pave the way for sustainable expansion.

    Find out more at www.tellennium.com.

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    22 min
  • Libby Gray - The Keys to a Modern Law Firm
    May 6 2024

    Join us for a compelling discussion with Elisabeth Gray, the managing partner at the newly founded Gray Ice Higdon PLLC. In this episode, Elisabeth offers an in-depth look into her journey through the legal landscape and the recent formation of her law firm, born out of a split from a long-established firm. With over 26 years of experience in commercial litigation, she provides valuable insights into the entrepreneurial aspects of starting a law firm, emphasizing the challenges and strategic decisions involved in building a firm from scratch.

    Elisabeth discusses the ethos of inclusivity and equality that Gray Ice Higdon champions, which is notably reflected in their office design. Every office is the same size, from partners to clerks, manifesting their commitment to an equitable workplace culture. This approach not only fosters a supportive environment but also aligns with the firm’s strategic intent to attract and retain the next generation of legal talent, who value equality and inclusivity.

    The conversation also delves into the legal complexities surrounding non-compete clauses, an area where Elisabeth has considerable expertise. She highlights the state-specific nature of non-compete enforcement and shares her thoughts on potential future changes in legislation. Additionally, she addresses the firm’s focus on maintaining core practice areas such as patent law, commercial litigation, and intellectual property, rather than expanding into other legal fields.

    This episode offers a rare glimpse into the challenges and rewards of leading a new law firm and adapting to the evolving demands of the legal profession. Elisabeth’s leadership philosophy and the firm’s dedication to a progressive workplace culture provide valuable lessons for professionals across all industries.

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    25 min
  • Megan WIlliams - Embracing Change and Leading Through Transition
    Apr 29 2024

    In this episode of the Simply Business podcast, we sit down with Megan Williams, the COO of Meritrust Wealth Management, who shares her inspiring journey through the ever-evolving landscape of financial services. From her unexpected start at Vanguard Group to spearheading innovative projects in financial technology, Megan discusses the pivotal moments that shaped her career and led her to her current role at a dynamic new firm.

    Megan offers a rare glimpse into the challenges and triumphs of leaving a large, established CPA firm to uphold the integrity and independence of her current team at Meritrust. She delves into the motivations behind this bold move, emphasizing the importance of aligning with core values and the desire to maintain client-first service amidst the pressures of potential corporate mergers.

    Throughout the interview, Megan’s passion for leadership and her embrace of change shine through. She candidly shares the difficulties of navigating a company through significant transitions, the strategic decisions involved, and the personal growth that comes from stepping into the unknown. Her story is a testament to the power of confident leadership and the importance of adaptability in today’s fast-paced business environment.

    Listeners will find valuable insights on the intersection of technology and personalized financial advice, and how these elements are reshaping the industry. Megan’s experiences also highlight the crucial role of team dynamics and client relationships in the success of a financial services firm.

    Join us for an enlightening discussion that not only charts the path of a financial leader but also provides actionable advice for professionals at any stage of their careers. Whether you’re a seasoned executive or a budding entrepreneur, Megan’s journey offers profound lessons on courage, change, and the relentless pursuit of one’s professional ethos.

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    23 min
  • Johnny Goode - On resilience and maintaining a positive mindset
    Apr 16 2024

    In this episode of "Simply Business," we take a deep dive with Johnny Goode, the president of MSP Manufacturing, exploring his unique transition from law enforcement and military service to leading a major player in the aerospace and defense manufacturing sector. Johnny's story is one of resilience and adaptability, traits that shone through during his time as a police officer and a member of the National Guard, which he believes prepared him for the challenges and responsibilities of corporate leadership.

    During the podcast, Johnny discusses the complexities of stepping into a leadership role during turbulent times, specifically highlighting MSP Manufacturing's pivotal moments during the COVID-19 pandemic. His strategic decision to diversify the company’s focus beyond aviation to ensure stability and growth showcases his forward-thinking approach. This shift not only stabilized the company during uncertain times but also set the stage for future expansion into new markets.

    Johnny’s commitment to fostering a positive corporate culture and his dedication to his team's well-being are palpable throughout the conversation. He shares candid insights about the pressures of leadership, emphasizing the importance of maintaining a resilient mindset and the balance between professional demands and personal life. For Johnny, the well-being of his employees and their families is as critical as the company’s bottom line.

    Listeners will find inspiration in Johnny's journey from public service to corporate leadership, his strategic insights, and his heartfelt advice to young entrepreneurs on resilience and the value of learning from failures. This interview not only sheds light on the inner workings of a manufacturing firm but also provides valuable lessons on leadership, adaptability, and the importance of maintaining a work-life balance.

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    21 min
  • Jeremy Shere - The Key to Success is "Product Market Fit"
    Apr 8 2024

    This week, we have the pleasure of featuring Jeremy Shere, the innovative founder behind Conversa, a pioneering B2B podcasting agency, and co-founder of Expert Content Pros, an innovative video marketing solution.

    In our conversation, Jeremy shares his journey from academia to entrepreneurship, weaving through his passion for leveraging conversations into valuable business tools. With ventures like Conversa, Expert Content Pros, and Endorsement Ninja, Jeremy is redefining how businesses engage through podcasting and video content.

    Jeremy shares one of the keys to his success, recognizing the need for what he calls "Product Market Fit". Listen to learn more about this critical factor for success.

    Tune in as we explore the simplicity behind complex business solutions and uncover the power of conversation in the digital age. Jeremy's story is a testament to the notion that sometimes, the answers we seek in business are simpler than we think, and they're often within our reach.

    Find out more about Jeremy at:

    - https://connversa.com/

    - https://expertcontentpros.com/

    - https://endorsementninja.com/

    You can reach Jeremy on Linked In.

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    34 min
  • John Rabold - You're only as good as the people you surround yourself with
    Apr 2 2024

    In this episode, I am joined by John Rabold, President and Chief Development Officer of Granite Management. He was recently named President of this entrepreneurial-minded organization.

    John shares the story of his rise as a leader in the real estate and property management firm. It is a compelling testament to the power of pursuing entrepreneurial dreams, transitioning from private equity to significantly growing a waste management company, and then spearheading expansion at Granite Management into new markets and sectors.

    John's insight is particularly striking: "The entrepreneurial dream is not just about seizing opportunities but creating them, even in industries you wouldn't expect to find yourself in. It's about the growth, the journey, and the impact you can make along the way."

    His focus on culture at Granite is inspiring to all leaders. They invest in their employees, show grace with mistakes, and truly want their team members to thrive.

    Dive into the episode for a deep dive into how an entrepreneurial mindset, coupled with a strategic vision, can lead to substantial growth and success across various industries.

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    22 min
  • Dee Dee Taylor - You Have to Believe in Yourself
    Mar 25 2024

    Dee Dee Taylor shares the emotional journey that led her to creating 502 Hemp in 2018. She’s incredibly knowledgeable of the industry and the political structure around it. She speaks about both technical and legal aspects of this topic.

    From hemp-based biofuels to legalization of Cannibas, we cover a variety of topics. We get a peak inside the legislative process and a variety of challenges she has taken on. She was proud to serve on the governor’s advisory board for medical marijuana.

    Starting a business is always difficult. Starting a retail business even a bigger challenge. She shares the challenges of taking on every aspect of the business in those first years. She finally recognized that she couldn’t do everything and faced the difficult decision of having to make choices. She talks about late nights and the great support she received from her husband to make this successful.

    She encourages new entrepreneurs to believe in themselves and to only go into business if you have a passion for what your doing.

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    24 min