
  • Distractions as An Entrepreneur
    Feb 15 2022

    The excitement of wanting to start your own business is a high that is often met with a reality check once you actually start putting the logistical pieces together, and formulate what the heck it means to execute on the business vision that you have. Do you find yourself spending WAY too much time playing around in Canva trying to find the perfect logo and color for your business? Do you find yourself signing up for and investing in one course after another, telling yourself how valuable this will be to your business, when in reality, you might be stalling?

    In this week's episode of the No-Fluff Business podcast, we are going to get really honest about what is holding you back from growing your business, and peel away the layers of distractions you might be engaging in that are inadvertently sabotaging your growth and progress. By knowing the questions you should be asking yourself every day to grow your business, and knowing how to spot those pesky distraction tactics, you will be laser-focused on what really matters to bring your entrepreneurial dreams to life.

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    16 min
  • The Best Entrepreneurial Quotes to Take Your First Step In Business and Keep You Motivated As An Entrepreneur
    Feb 8 2022

    So often in life, and in business, our willingness to work through challenges and obstacles comes down to what we tell ourselves each day. As an entrepreneur especially, the thoughts that we have can often mean the difference between success and stalling. Again. Having a collection of quotes at your fingertips will help you be resilient and confident in the face of inevitable setbacks, and will help you to stay focused on the larger vision that you have for your business.

    On this week's episode of the No-Fluff Business podcast, I am sharing my favorite entrepreneurial quotes to help inspire, motivate, and keep you moving forward on your entrepreneurial journey. Take some notes, write your favorites down, and make them a part of your daily thought process so that you too start to cultivate the kind of resilience that being an entrepreneur requires, and know that you have all the tools you need to be successful!

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    18 min
  • Top Books to Read As An Entrepreneur
    Feb 1 2022

    Want to know how you can really fast-track your entrepreneurial motivation, and cultivate a powerful mindset? READING! Yes friends, some of the greatest lessons I've learned and mindset shifts I've had have come through the power of books, and I truly believe that readers are leaders! A common theme among many of the world's top entrepreneurs is their commitment to reading and evolving their perspectives and mindsets around not only business, but psychology and self-awareness.

    This week, on the No-Fluff Business Podcast, I'm diving deep into my top 9 favorite books, and I can't wait to share these gems with you! From being ok (and even excited) about taking imperfect action, to limiting belief systems, to understanding how success is rooted in stillness, this is a run-down of my favorites, and I know that you will get immense value from these, and be able to put the real-life practices and beliefs into your own business and mindset!

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    17 min
  • Why Would People Pay Me As a Total Beginner?
    Jan 25 2022

    Many people who may be interested in ads management worry that no one will pay them as a beginner. The truth is - being a beginner can be an asset and in this week's episode, we're going to talk about exactly why.

    As an ads manager, you're meeting and talking with prospective clients on the phone, meaning you are having meaningful discussions on identifying their needs, what they're looking for, and hopefully finding tangible ways that you can help resolve those pain-points.

    In this week's episode of the No-Fluff Business podcast, we go into detail about what makes the ads business different in terms of being able to bypass the usual impostor syndrome that comes with demonstrating social proof, experience, and a proven track record. By recognizing that your strengths are a key way of how you sell yourself, and by HELPING clients versus selling to them, you are demonstrating the value that you bring, and it won't matter how long you've been doing this, or what your case studies look like.

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    8 min
  • What Are the Best and Worst Online Businesses to Start?
    Jan 18 2022

    It's no secret that the online space is HOT right now! It seems like every day, you're bombarded with new offers and promises that if you start this or that business, all your problems will be solved, and you can finally experience that easy life while collecting passive income in your sleep. It's tempting to think that these shiny promises are the answer you've been searching for, but it's important to really take a look at what these businesses actually are, and if they're actually sustainable or not. 

    Drop-shipping. Bookkeeping. Copywriting. Coaching. Social Media Management. Virtual Assistant. No doubt these business ventures have come on your radar, and you may have even dabbled in imagining your dream life in one of these areas. In this week's episode of the No-Fluff Business Show, we are breaking down why these gigs are not what they seem, and how you can critically assess the pitfalls of these businesses in terms of actual return, and long-term viability. 

    There are a lot of wolves in sheep's clothing, and I want to help you make sense of all the fluff so that you can stay focused and invest your time, money, and passion into something that will actually work and help you live the life that you want for yourself!

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    16 min
  • Isn't Advertising Really Saturated?
    Jan 11 2022

    While it's tempting to think that it's far too late in the game to become a Facebook ads manager, it's simply not true! In fact, the busier the platform gets, the hardware the ads get, the MORE companies need to hire ads managers. In fact, with the change in how the world does business, increased digitization of goods and services, and the ease of business in the online space, advertising has never been more in demand. Did you know that there are 31.7 MILLION small businesses in the United States alone on Facebook? This is a staggering number that equates to limitless capacity and potential for those looking to be ads managers.

    In this week's episode of The No-Fluff Business Show, we are going to dig deep about how competition in this niche is truly irrelevant, plus, why there has never been a better time to be in the online ads business! Let's dig in now...

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    6 min
  • What To Do When You're Losing Motivation as An Entrepreneur
    Jan 4 2022

    The thing about being your own boss is...you call the shots and you have to show up! There's nobody that's going to come in and remind you to do something, or hold you accountable for your goals; that's on you. Which is both scary and empowering! Because your success ultimately depends on YOU, it's beyond important to be crystal-clear about your motivations and vision for being an entrepreneur, so that you are able to really show up each day, and not become victim to flagging motivation...

    On this week's episode of The No-Fluff Business podcast, we are diving into the important and honestly foundational questions that you need to be asking yourself at the outset of starting your business. Digging deep now will help you to combat those days when you just.don't.feel.like.it. Being 100% clear on what motivates you, what does your future vision look like, and why you want to embrace the entrepreneurial life will seriously mean the difference between continued momentum and success, or another failed idea and investment.

    Let's get clear on your why so that you can build the practical steps towards bringing the motivation to your business day in and day out!

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    15 min
  • How To Scale Your Ads Agency Fast
    Dec 28 2021
    12 min