• Deborah Ager on "Psycho-Cybernetics"
    Aug 16 2022

    "Psycho-Cybernetics" is one of my personal favorite books, and when I first read it, the underlying idea hit me like a ton of bricks and made a huge impact on my mindset. 

    What if we thought of our subconscious as our own success mechanism? 

    For ghostwriter, book coach, and book editor Deborah Ager, this book came into her life at a time of great personal adversity, and it helped her take steps forward. In this episode, we talk about what we learned from the book and how we put its ideas into practice. 

    Three Things You’ll Learn In This Episode 

    Why clarifying our ideas is so important 

    You can have a really powerful idea and one that has a lot of potential, but if it’s buried within a book, even if it’s written very well, it can screw up that whole idea by making it confusing or diluting it. 

    The big takeaway from "Psycho-Cybernetics" 

    We’re all equipped with a mechanism in our subconscious we can use to direct to any outcome. It’s like a heat-seeking missile that can go in a positive or negative direction depending on the underlying beliefs that fuel it. 

    How to combat doubt and flesh out an idea  

    Whether you’re writing a book or starting a podcast, what holds people back from clarity is self-doubt that comes in the form of questions. Clarity is about getting the ideas out and realizing that they’re going to be messy at this stage, and that’s okay. 

    Guest Bio 

    Deborah Ager is a ghostwriter, book coach, book editor and host of The SOS Show. She helps ambitious entrepreneurs become authors of sales, leadership and personal development books. 

    For more information, head to https://www.radiantmedialabs.com/ and connect with her on LinkedIn.  

    Psycho-Cybernetics by Maxwell Maltz

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    27 mins
  • Gabriela Pulido on "Traction"
    Aug 2 2022

    “Traction” and its Entrepreneurial Operating System has had a huge impact on entrepreneurs of all types. Most of us are grappling with the question of turning our own unique way of solving problems into a system that has a strong selling proposition. 

    In this episode, consultant and founding partner at Scalto, Gabriela Pulido shares how this book helped her set and reinforce a new strategic direction for her business.

    Three Things You’ll Learn In This Episode 

    Working with a client vs. working for a client

    There’s two ways to bring a strategy to completion - dump it on the client and leave them to implement or draw the client into the process and work with them. The only way to really have their by-in is to allow them to participate and create the strategy with you. 

    Why entrepreneurs struggle to find their integrator 

    It’s rare to find someone that fits you like a puzzle and does the things you’re weak at  so you can just be the visionary and throw stuff over your shoulder to them as you’re running 100 miles per hour. 

    The right way to go about scaling

    If you’re drawn to scaling, it’s tempting to build things that are scalable first and sellable second, and skip over the most important part - whether the customer actually wants to buy it. It’s way better to figure out what the customer actually wants and what’s such a no-brainer that they will absolutely say yes to and then scale and systematize it. 

    Guest Bio 

    Gabriela Pulido is the founding partner at Scalto, an agency that helps financial firms navigate through the challenges of becoming truly scalable. Their focus is enabling firms to jump ahead of the competition by designing all aspects of a truly scalable business: the offering, the client experience, the brand and the communications and lead generation process. For more information head to https://www.scalto.com/. 

    “Traction: Get A Grip On Your Business” by Gino Wickman

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    23 mins
  • Christopher Lochhead on the Most Impactful Marketing Books of the Last 30 Years
    Jul 19 2022

    From an author’s perspective, there’s no greater achievement than having your ideas become so deeply ingrained and absorbed that people unconsciously implement them. If there are two books that have rightfully earned that status, it would be “The 22 Immutable Laws of Marketing” by Ries and Trout and “Crossing the Chasm” by Geoffrey Moore. 

    These books have made a life changing impact on a marketer I really respect, Christopher Lochhead, so much so that he believes any card-carrying marketer can’t consider themselves one without reading them. 

    In this episode, master of category design, bestselling author of Play Bigger and host of Follow Your Different, shares how these books have informed his thinking on marketing. 

    Three Things You’ll Learn In This Episode 

    How to turn ideas into unconscious competence

    Don’t just declare a new discipline or new way of thinking, codify it and introduce new frameworks and lenses so that people can take the framework and do something different with it.  

    Personal branding is the “modern entrepreneurial herpes” 

    The problem with personal branding is that it’s nothing more than a symptom of the “me disease” that plagues marketing today. In a world of influencers, it’s really easy to think your marketing’s about you, but the truth is no one cares about you outside of the component of you that’s illustrative of something they want. 

    How to Cross the Chasm 

    The most powerful marketing is word of mouth, but how do you scale it? By building momentum inside of an industry, and letting those verticals influence each other. If we throttle hard on certain demographics and even geographics, we won’t usually need as many people as we think to turn a category.

    Guest Bio 

    Christopher Lochhead is an entrepreneur, master of category design, #1 business podcaster, the 11-time #1 bestselling author of Play Bigger. He’s the host of Follow Your Different and Lochhead on Marketing, and he writes Category Pirates, a top 0.5% paid business newsletter on Substack. 

    To listen to the podcasts and subscribe to Category Pirates, head to https://lochhead.com/. 

    “The 22 Immutable Laws of Marketing” by Al Ries and Jack Trout

    “Crossing the Chasm” by Geoffrey Moore 

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    51 mins
  • Dan Mangena on "The Power of Now" by Eckhart Tolle
    Jul 5 2022

    Daniel Mangena stumbled upon his own success code while trying not to fail at ending his own life, and he has Eckhart Tolle’s "The Power of Now" to thank for it. Dark, but within it, we can learn just how naturally powerful human beings are at changing our own internal programming. 

    It doesn’t matter what we say we want, what matters is what we desire at our deepest unconscious level. 

    What happens when what we want to achieve isn’t in alignment with that internal programming? How do we get our unconscious minds on the side of our desires? 

    In this episode, Motivational Speaker, Best-Selling Author, Writer, Podcaster, Business and Life Coach, Dan shares how this book showed up in his life and how it almost-effortlessly completely changed the direction he was headed. 

    Three Things You’ll Learn In This Episode 

    How a faith-based background can affect our inner programming 

    Abundance is our natural state. We’re wired for success and achieving the goals we set out for ourselves, but very often religion beats that out of us and installs a belief that success is the result of ill-gotten gains. To correct this programming, we have to reconcile our beliefs with whatever success is, otherwise there’ll always be that internal conflict. 

    Why our results are predetermined (even before we take action)

    You’re never failing, losing or procrastinating, your unconscious mind is just moving you towards whatever you really want at a deeply unconscious level. You’re not broke, you’re just playing out the exact financial situation you’re aligned to internally. Our minds perfectly execute whatever images they get from us. When we’re not getting what we want, it’s because we’re giving them crappy images to begin with. 

    How to get your beliefs aligned with what you want

    Our input is what creates our programming from when we’re little, and it can be changed. The same method that built us can rebuild us, it just requires more effort because we now have analytical minds that will filter out those inputs to match the story that we have already. Our God-given gift is the ability to step in and have a say in what’s going on in our programming. 

    Guest Bio 

    Daniel Mangena is Motivational Speaker, Best-Selling Author, Writer, Podcaster, Business and Life Coach. His mission is to enable as many people as possible to live a life of abundance, joy and purpose. Through his various programs, materials and one-on-one coaching; he offers something for everyone. It doesn't matter if you're starting with nothing, or even if you have a lot of debt: Daniel can help.

    Whatever your dream life looks like - Daniel wants to empower you to move towards it with confidence and assuredness that it is inevitable. And it doesn't have to cost you a penny! His FREE resources, podcasts and blog articles, could just be the final pieces of the puzzle for you!

    For more information, visit https://dreamwithdan.com. 

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    32 mins
  • Daniel Botero on "$100M Offers" by Alex Hormozi
    Jun 21 2022

    We don’t get a lot of people on this show who come across a new book that massively impacted them right away, and changed how they’ll do business for the rest of their life. 

    For best selling author, host of top 1% podcast How to Land a Job, and founder of Mastering College to Career, Daniel Botero, "$100M Offers" by Alex Hormozi shifted the marketing of his program, and quadrupled his sales.  

    In this episode, he shares what he implemented and how it changed his approach to sales and marketing. 

    Three Things You’ll Learn In This Episode 

    Why creating a course becomes necessary

    If you’re in the coaching/consulting world, at some point you’ll run up to the decision of building out a course so you can have more of an impact. You can only have so much of an impact through speaking, individual or group coaching. 

    A great marketing mechanism vs. a great offer

    As course creators, we’re really proud of our programs and all the features and mechanisms we put into them, but it might not be what our clients care about. What could quadruple the results of our programs is stripping all those mechanics and focusing on what they care about. We need to sacrifice the things we want to talk about in order to talk about what they care about, which in Daniel’s case was removing the risk of signing up. 

    The huge coaching problem “$100M Offers” solves

    It’s really hard for people to niche down far enough and then figure out a method that can guarantee clients the results as long as they do their part.

    Guest Bio 

    Daniel Botero is a best selling author, host of top 1% podcast How to Land a Job, and the founder of Mastering College to Career. He ​​helps International STEM Students land their dream job and get sponsorship, without applying to 100s of companies. 

    To get in touch with Daniel connect with him on LinkedIn or send an email to daniel@masteringcollegetocareer.com. 

    Get $100M Offers: How To Make Offers So Good People Feel Stupid Saying by Alex Hormozi here.

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    26 mins
  • Jasmine Jonte on "Think & Grow Rich"
    Jun 7 2022

    “Think & Grow Rich” has been so impactful to this week’s guest that if she had to choose one book to grow her business, it would be this one. 

    Once you get past the old timey 1930s language, there’s so much entrepreneurs today can gain from applying the lessons and insights of this book. 

    How do we set a strong intention but have enough faith not to be too attached to the outcome? Does being 3 ft. from gold always mean we have to persist with one thing? 

    In this episode, founder and CEO of JJ Coaching & Consulting, a DFY Course Creation Agency, Jasmine Jonte shares how this book came into her life and how it changed her business. 

    Three Things You’ll Learn In This Episode 

    The role of faith and desire in achieving something

    Once we set an intention for something, we can’t be too attached because that means we’re lacking in faith. We have to develop a level of forgetfulness and let our subconscious do the rest. 

    The other side of “don’t quit before you’re 3 feet from gold”

    As entrepreneurs, we’re often too scared to let something go just in case we’re 3 ft. from gold. Oftentimes, the letting go is what allows us to find the gold mine, instead of persisting towards one specific outcome. 

    Develop a minimum viable course content

    Once the basics of your course are taken care of what holds people back from success and scaling is continuing to add things to it. At that stage, we have to start thinking about what you can cut, what resources you can add to shortcut it for them, how to add socialization and different ways to dispense the content. 

    Guest Bio 

    Jasmine Jonte is ​​an Integrator, Online Program Ghostwriter, mastermind facilitator and the founder of JJ Coaching & Consulting, a DFY Course Creation Agency. She keeps online coaches and consultants in their genius zone, and helps experts translate their knowledge into world-class courses from outline to upload.

    For more information, visit https://www.jasminejonte.com/ and follow @jasminejonte on Instagram. 

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    28 mins
  • Brian Bogert on "Mindset" by Carol Dweck
    May 31 2022

    When both a top coach and the head psychologist for The Navy Seals recommend a book, you know there’s something really impactful about it. That book is "Mindset" by Carol Dweck, and it truly gets to the heart of what makes us pull the throttle back on our own progress. 

    What is the difference between the fixed and growth mindset, and how does it show up in our businesses and our lives in general? 

    In this episode, passionate performance coach, motivational speaker, business strategist, top sales professional and philanthropic leader, Brian Bogert shares how he implemented the book’s breakthrough idea, and its timeless approach to mindset.  

    Three Things You’ll Learn In This Episode 

    The truth about performance 

    Most people think they are stuck for the wrong reasons in their lives - they put their lack of progress down to wrong tactics and strategies. What actually holds us back are the emotional triggers, behavioral patterns and environmental conditioning that make us our own bottleneck. 

    Fixed vs. growth mindset 

    The fixed mindset is that we’re born with a set of tools, abilities and skills that we’ll have to use for the rest of our lives, and that there’s no way to change them. In a growth mindset, we’re moldable - we evolve and progress overtime and and change the tools we’re working with. A fixed mindset focuses on outcomes, outward validation and an outcome we can’t control. Growth focuses on the process.  

    Detach and amplify 

    When you’re worried about the outcome, you take a step back from the process. By putting the intentional thought process around the actions we can control every single day, that drives toward the outcome we desire. 

    Guest Bio 

    Brian Bogert is a passionate performance coach, motivational speaker, business strategist, top sales professional and philanthropic leader who believes in helping growth-minded individuals achieve the best version of themselves: their most authentic selves. For more information, visit https://brianbogert.com/ and follow @bogertbrian on Instagram. 

    Brain is on a mission to reach 1 billion people through his content, get his free resources at http://nolimitsprelude.com/. 

    Mindset: The New Psychology of Success” by Carol Dweck

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    29 mins
  • Laura Jack on The Grief Recovery Handbook
    May 24 2022

    Most coaches start their journeys because they need the very thing they end up teaching others. For our guest, facing a shocking, tragic and life-altering loss led her down the path of helping other people through grief, and understanding it at a deeper level. 

    Life-changing books come into our lives when we really need them, and for Laura Jack, The Grief Recovery Handbook, showed up during this challenging time in her life and changed everything. 

    In this episode, the Compassionate Communication Coach, Trainer for The Grief Recovery Institute®, International Best Selling Author, Speaker, and Founder of The Compassion Codecademy™ talks about this journey, and how to deal with the grieving experiences in our lives (which are more common than we think). 

    Three Things You’ll Learn In This Episode 

    Be helpful and impactful 

    For heart-centered entrepreneurs, the challenge is showing up effectively without overcommitting, over-accepting and getting trapped by your own compassion and burning ourselves out in the process. 

    The most eye-opening and heart-opening definition of grief 

    Grief is the conflicting feelings that come at the end of or change in a familiar pattern of behavior. It doesn’t necessarily have to be associated with devastating experiences. Even the milestones in our lives are grieving experiences. We need to honor the feelings that come with these experiences because they are all valid.  

    Covid pulled the scab off grief

    Covid was a major awakening in our understanding of grief. It exposed a lot of the infected unresolved wounds we were ignoring because we were busy and distracted. When the pandemic hit, we didn’t have anywhere to hide from these feelings. 

    Guest Bio 

    Laura Jack is a Compassionate Communication Coach, Trainer for The Grief Recovery Institute®, International Best Selling Author, Speaker, and Founder of The Compassion Code Academy™, Laura provides in-depth training, both personally and professionally, for those who want to communicate compassionately while navigating challenging conversations and change or loss of any kind. Her mission is to create a culture of compassion, starting with self, by supporting people to move through their grief so they can rediscover their Light After Loss™ and turn their pain into purpose.

    For more information, follow @laurajackcoaching on Instagram. 


    The Grief Recovery Handbook: The Action Program for Moving Beyond Death, Divorce, and Other Losses including Health, Career, and Faith. 

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    32 mins