• How Annuities Are Taxed
    Jun 13 2024

    In this episode of the ATLAS Annuity Podcast, Marty Becker unravels the complexities of annuity taxation. Learn about the different types of money—non-qualified, qualified, and Roth—and their unique tax implications when invested in annuities. Discover strategies like 1035 exchanges and Roth conversions to optimize your tax planning. Whether you're funding annuities with after-tax dollars or retirement accounts, this episode provides essential insights to help you make informed decisions for a secure financial future.

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    14 mins
  • The Truth About Nationwide New Heights Annuity
    Jun 6 2024

    In this episode of the ATLAS Annuity Podcast, Marty Becker dives into a critical topic that often confuses many retirees: the Nationwide New Heights Annuity. With so much hype and numerous hypothetical illustrations floating around, it's easy to get lost in the promises of high returns. Marty is here to cut through the noise and provide a clear, realistic understanding of this popular annuity product.

    In this episode, you'll learn:

    • Breaking Down Hypothetical Illustrations: Discover why the high indexing rates and non-guaranteed returns presented in sales pitches should be viewed with caution.
    • Realistic Returns and Guarantees: Marty explains the importance of focusing on the guaranteed aspects of the annuity, offering a detailed example of what realistic returns look like compared to optimistic projections.
    • Understanding the Income Rider: Learn about the key features of the income rider, including the 1.1 percent expense, 30 percent bonus, and 8 percent compounding roll-up, and how these impact your future income.
    • Evaluating a More Realistic Outlook: Explore a more attainable return rate and its implications for your guaranteed income and overall financial planning.

    Deciding on the best income strategy for retirement can be complex. This episode breaks down the critical factors you need to consider, ensuring you make informed decisions that provide financial stability and peace of mind.

    Don't miss this insightful episode if you want to ensure your retirement income strategy is robust and reliable!

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    20 mins
  • Annuities vs. Alternative Retirement Income Strategies
    May 30 2024

    00:40 Annuities must be compared to alternative investments to assess income strategy.

    02:05 No other investment guarantees lifetime income like annuities.

    03:35 To match annuity income with alternative investment, a high return rate is needed.

    05:00 Actuary tables show high chances of living long, impacting income strategies.

    06:12 High return rates needed for alternative investments to match annuity income until age 90.

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    9 mins
  • Fidelity Annuities Vs. Atlas Annuity Strategy
    May 17 2024

    00:29 Big brokerage houses like Wells Fargo and Fidelity offer limited options for annuities, mainly variable annuities. 01:52 Fidelity is a top seller of annuities, but having access to only a few companies limits options for clients. 03:24 Fidelity offers limited annuity options, while the market has around 200 different companies with various products. 05:29 Immediate annuities like SPIA and deferred income annuities (DIA) have limitations in terms of start date flexibility. 07:29 Using strategy can enhance annuity benefits, such as getting higher income by splitting funds between different annuities. 10:26 ️ Small differences in annuity strategies can lead to significant variations in long-term income outcomes. 13:58 Funding an annuity versus using a strategy can result in notable differences in the amount of guaranteed income.

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    16 mins
  • Annuity Bonus Rates Alone Don't Matter
    May 2 2024

    Bonuses are often touted in bold print, designed to grab your attention and make a particular annuity product seem irresistible. But here’s what you really need to know: a bonus is just one element of the overall annuity equation. It contributes to the initial value of your investment but does not necessarily predict the long-term benefits you will receive.

    The actual effectiveness of an annuity should be measured by how it performs across all three critical factors: the bonus, the roll-up rate, and the payout rate. For instance, a high bonus might look appealing on paper, but if it's paired with lower roll-up and payout rates, the initial boost it provides could be quickly overshadowed by less substantial income growth over time.

    Furthermore, bonuses can often be misleading because they may come with strings attached—like longer deferral periods or lower payout rates—that might not be immediately apparent. This is why it's crucial to evaluate an annuity based on the collective impact of all terms, not just the flashiest numbers.

    Ultimately, the goal is to secure the highest guaranteed income for your retirement, and this often requires looking past the hype of large bonuses to consider how every component of an annuity contributes to your financial security. By focusing on the overall performance and guarantees of an annuity, rather than being swayed by attractive upfront incentives, you can make more informed and effective investment decisions.

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    14 mins
  • How To Use Annuities as Life Insurance
    Apr 26 2024

    Today, we're going to look at how to use annuities as life insurance. Many people approach retirement or estate planning with some misconceptions about how best to secure their financial legacy. Like most, I was initially introduced to this field through a whole life insurance policy, which is often misunderstood much like annuities. However, after gaining a deeper understanding of its true value, I was convinced of its merits.

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    17 mins
  • Beware of Dinner Seminar Annuities
    Apr 19 2024

    By gaining a deeper understanding of different annuity options and recognizing the pitfalls of overly optimistic financial projections, retirees can make decisions that protect their financial future. It’s essential for them to evaluate how different annuities perform under various market conditions to choose the best fit for their specific needs. This episode highlights why personalized financial advice is indispensable, steering retirees away from generic solutions that might not align with their unique situations, thus ensuring they maintain financial security and peace of mind.

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    1 min
  • Analyzing Discretionary Liquidity in Retirement
    Apr 12 2024

    Misconceptions about discretionary liquidity in retirement funds is a topic that, while crucial, often goes unmentioned.

    Today's topic is a continuation of the last several weeks where we've been going through these retirement planning mistakes, with a special focus on one that is particularly interesting: the belief that you have liquidity in your retirement portfolio when you really don't.

    See the full newsletter here: https://atlasfinancialinc.com/discretionary-liquidity-in-retirement/

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    16 mins