
  • What is the state of the global vegan scene in food & fashion?
    May 29 2024
    What’s the state of the vegan scene, globally, when it comes to food and fashion? It’s a big question and here to tackle it are two leaders in the field. Carolyn Scott-Hamilton is the founder and host of the Healthy Voyager, a hit vegan cooking show that’s now streaming on UnchainedTV here: https://watch.unchainedtv.com/healthy-voyager-s-global-kitchen-w-carolyn-scott-hamilton Carolyn is also the author of the bestseller: The Healthy Voyager's Global Kitchen. And, when it comes to fashion, there’s nobody more au courant than Jonathan Ohayon, the author of the brand new book: The Fashion Industry Doesn’t Want You To Read This Book, Unveiling Hidden Truths: A Guide to Ethical and Sustainable Fashion Choices. The book is now on sale at Amazon. It’s printed only when ordered and also available on kindle to prevent using unnecessary resources. Jonathan will talk about the skyrocketing popularity of vegan leather and sustainable alt-fabrics! It’s a fascinating conversation as the future of our planet depends upon convincing people to evolve when it comes to food and fashion. Visit: https://fakemovement.com/ to learn more.
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    1 hr
  • Why This Film Festival Really Rocks!
    May 22 2024
    Do you love animals? Have you made a vegan/animal rights film, PSA or a social media reel you think is life-changing? The International Vegan Film Festival (IVFF) is a pioneering event in the vegan movement, celebrating the intersection of art and advocacy. And, it’s taking new submissions NOW at: https://theivff.com. UnchainedTV is thrilled to be collaborating with IVFF to stream films from the festival at: https://watch.unchainedtv.com/international-vegan-film-festival And, breaking news, IVFF has a new Executive Director, Emma Schwarz, who will reveal her vision for the future of IVFF. Emma is an award-winning filmmaker herself, who is also the Co-Founder of Veganography, a film production and media company that specializes in 3D animation. And, Mark Middleton, the director/producer of Not a Nugget, a touching film about a rescued chicken, now streaming on UnchainedTV, also joins us to talk about why he submitted his film to IVFF and vegan advocacy in movies. Join us for this fascinating discussion.
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    1 hr
  • Help Save India's Elephants!
    May 15 2024
    There's a war on elephants in India and one woman is on a mission to stop it and protect every last elephant threatened by man’s inhumanity. Sangita Iyer is the producer of Gods in Shackles, a must-watch, award-winning film now streaming for free on UnchainedTV here: https://watch.unchainedtv.com/videos/gods-in-shackles This movie shows how India’s religious and cultural ceremonies are torture for elephants captured from the wild and forced to participate, enduring beatings and other forms of abuse. Sangita will reveal her plans for liberating temple elephants by creating robotic elephants that can be used in their place. Sangita also has a working plan to stop elephants from being killed by trains, using a high-tech warning system. Ditto for preventing elephants from falling into any of India’s many wells. Of course, she’s urging tourists NOT to take elephant rides. You can become a part of these solutions by donating to her various projects at Voices for Asian Elephants: https://www.vfaes.org/ - Now, meet the superhero working relentlessly to save India’s elephants!
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    1 hr
  • Help Save India's Elephants!
    May 8 2024
    There's a war on elephants in India and one woman is on a mission to stop it and protect every last elephant threatened by man’s inhumanity. Sangita Iyer is the producer of Gods in Shackles, a must-watch, award-winning film now streaming for free on UnchainedTV here: https://watch.unchainedtv.com/videos/gods-in-shackles This movie shows how India’s religious and cultural ceremonies are torture for elephants captured from the wild and forced to participate, enduring beatings and other forms of abuse. Sangita will reveal her plans for liberating temple elephants by creating robotic elephants that can be used in their place. Sangita also has a working plan to stop elephants from being killed by trains, using a high-tech warning system. Ditto for preventing elephants from falling into any of India’s many wells. Of course, she’s urging tourists NOT to take elephant rides. You can become a part of these solutions by donating to her various projects at Voices for Asian Elephants: https://www.vfaes.org/ - Now, meet the superhero working relentlessly to save India’s elephants!
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    1 hr
  • Passing Laws to Save Animals!
    May 1 2024
    Meet the woman who’s changing the world for millions of animals by passing laws to stop animal abuse. Judie Mancuso is the Founder/President of Social Compassion in Legislation, which has sponsored over 60 bills with 25 landmark pieces of legislation for animals signed into law. Her organization has helped to eliminate the sale of animal-tested cosmetics, crack down on puppy mills, allowed dogs access to restaurant patios, made it illegal to leave dogs unattended in hot cars and so much more. But, Judie needs YOUR HELP. She cannot do it alone. Calls, emails and support letters are crucial to her life-saving bills becoming law. So, YOU can join the team by watching this interview, with Judie and SCIL’s Director of Legislative Affairs, Nick Sackett, learning about the bills she’s fighting for right now and, then, visiting https://socialcompassioninlegislation.org/ to sign up and get involved.
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    1 hr
  • Meet The Ultimate Vegan Business Insider!
    Apr 24 2024
    Meet Jody Rasch, a man of many talents, who went from being a banker to an investor in vegan enterprises and a supporter of many animal organizations including Woodstock Farm Sanctuary and Rowdy Girl Sanctuary. He’s also become an accomplished visual artist and a novelist. The Silver Forest is the first in a series of books. He says this novel began as a thought experiment. We’ll find out what that means. Rasch is also a partner at Beyond Impact Advisors, which facilitates investment in vegan and cruelty-free products, many of them very cutting-edge. He’s considered to be a pioneer alternative protein investor. So, where is the vegan and alt-protein movement right now and where’s it headed? This ultimate insider will help us figure that out with UnchainedTV’s Jane Velez-Mitchell.
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    1 hr
  • Will Huge Animal Factories Be Banned?
    Apr 17 2024
    Will some of California’s biggest factory farms be shut down? A groundbreaking ballot measure to ban massive animal factories, aka CAFOs, Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations, will be decided by Sonoma County, California voters this November! Will this spread across the nation? UnchainedTV’s Jane Velez-Mitchell speaks with leaders of The Coalition to End Factory Farming which collected over 37,000 signatures, easily qualifying for the ballot, including: Samantha Faye, Coalition to End Factory Farming, Sarah Van Mangtem, co-founder of Farm Animal, Climate and Environmental Stewards of Sonoma County and Cassie King, Direct Action Everywhere’s Communications Lead.
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    1 hr
  • Encore: Hey Adidas: Kangaroos Are NOT Shoes!
    Apr 10 2024
    Kangaroos Are NOT Shoes: That’s the message hundreds of activists sent to Adidas, in a global day of action at the height of the holiday shopping season. Marching into Adidas stores, across the United States, Canada, Europe & Australia, animal activists demanded Adidas stop its involvement in the largest mass slaughter of terrestrial wildlife in the world. Led by Australia’s Animal Justice Party,Their Turn, the Center for a Humane Economy & supported by dozens of other organizations, including UnchainedTV, the message is clear: Kangaroos are not shoes. Adidas has, so far, refused to join Puma, Nike, Diadora and other brands that have kicked kangaroo leather to the curb. Now, Australian Member of Parliament Emma Hurst, Center for Humane Economy’s Jennifer Skiff, Animal Justice Party’s Louise Ward & TheirTurn.Net's Donny Moss reveal their strategy for ending kangaroo slaughter to UnchainedTV’s Jane Velez-Mitchell! Adidas is invited on any time to respond.
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    1 hr