
  • The Future of AI in Entrepreneurship: Great Insights! - Peter Swain
    May 21 2024
    Join Coach Dan Gordon as he engages in an insightful conversation with Peter Swain, a master marketer turned AI expert. Peter shares his journey from launching the British version of Yelp to leading the ROI Mastermind. Discover the importance of embracing failure, leveraging AI for business growth, and why most entrepreneurs struggle to achieve greatness. Peter explains how past traumas affect decision-making and the key differences between successful and unsuccessful people.

    Tune in for actionable advice, inspiring lessons, and practical tips from Peter's 25-year digital marketing and AI career. Take advantage of this episode, packed with valuable insights for entrepreneurs!

    Five Badass Q&As
    Q1: What inspired you to write You Can Be Proud or Rich: 52 Life Lessons to Live By?

    A1: It came from talking to people about their dreams and the gap between reality and dreams. I wanted to help bridge that gap with practical life lessons.

    Q2: How can entrepreneurs develop the awareness to overcome their past traumas?
    A2: Reinforce positive patterns when things are going well, like practicing gratitude daily. This makes it easier to stay positive during tough times.

    Q3: Why do you believe most entrepreneurs shouldn't be entrepreneurs?
    A3: Most people are sold a dream that isn't true. The success rate is less than 1%, and the journey is often more complex and lonelier than expected.

    Q4: What is the most significant difference between successful and unsuccessful people?
    A4: Successful people challenge their patterns of previous behavior. They don't let past traumas dictate their decisions.

    Q5: How should entrepreneurs leverage AI to benefit their businesses?
    A5: Use AI to make or save money in practical ways. Join the ROI Mastermind to learn actionable strategies tailored for business owners.

    Five Badass Quotes
    1. Rewarding failure gives the impetus to carry on the journey of discovery.
    2. 85% of your decisions are based on previous behavior patterns.
    3. Most people are sold a dream that isn't true.
    4. Successful people challenge their patterns of previous behavior.
    5. Engineer your product before you engineer your sales process.
    Five Badass Takeaways
    1. Embrace failure as a step towards success.
    2. Practice gratitude daily to reinforce positive patterns.
    3. Most entrepreneurs fail because they are sold a dream that isn't true.
    4. Successful people challenge past traumas and patterns.
    5. Leverage AI to make or save money in your business.
    Contact Info Peter Swain's ROI Mastermind: Text Swain to 213-409-8366 for a free trial week.

    00:00 Introduction and Peter's Analogy of Failure
    01:30 Peter's Background and Book Introduction
    04:00 The Science Behind Our Behaviors
    06:45 Overcoming Past Traumas
    08:30 Why Most Entrepreneurs Fail
    11:00 The Reality of Being an Entrepreneur
    16:00 Innovating with AI
    20:00 How to Leverage AI in Business
    23:00 Final Thoughts and Call to Action

    For more badass episodes, check us out at For Badass Entrepreneurs ONLY! https://dangordonenterprise.com/badass.
    Voir plus Voir moins
    26 min
  • Rockstar illusionist shares his success secrets - Franz Harary
    May 14 2024
    Franz Harary, a grand illusionist and visionary, has revolutionized the world of magic with his incredible illusions. Franz shares his journey and the psychology behind his success, from creating the largest magic show in history to working with global superstars like Michael Jackson. Discover how he captivated millions, innovatively used technology in magic, and seized opportunities against all odds. Learn about his transition from stage illusions to architectural design and his advice for entrepreneurs facing challenges. This inspiring episode reveals the creative mind of one of entertainment's most influential figures. Join us for an unforgettable conversation with Franz Harary.

    Five Badass Q&As
    Q1: What was Franz Harary's reaction when someone said his ideas were impossible?
    A1: Anytime someone said, You can't do this, Franz's instant response was, I'm talking to the wrong guy.
    Q2: How did Franz start designing illusions for large audiences?
    A2: In high school, Franz created an illusion for the marching band where a person disappeared from the 50-yard line of a football game, which led to more opportunities.
    Q3: How did Franz get involved with Michael Jackson?
    A3: Franz sent a VHS tape of his magic to Michael Jackson's attorney after finding his contact info on TV, leading to a meeting and a job designing illusions for Jackson's tour.
    Q4: How does Franz describe the role of psychology in magic and business?
    A4: Franz believes that understanding and influencing how people think is crucial in creating illusions and convincing people to buy into his ideas.
    Q5: What drives Franz to keep innovating in his career?
    A5: Franz is motivated by the joy of creating something new and watching it impact people positively, which fuels his continuous pursuit of new markets and opportunities.

    Five Badass Quotes
    1. Anytime someone has told me, 'No, that's impossible,' my instant response is, 'I'm talking to the wrong guy.'
    2. I can control what they think. And if you can control how they feel, you can control what they see.
    3. Every once in a while, I got lucky. And the whole time, I play my trumpet and think of magic.
    4. The more success I attain, the greater the pressure becomes.
    5. Creating something that didn't exist before and seeing it help people is a massive reward.

    Five Badass Takeaways
    1. Persistently pursue your ideas, even when others doubt you.
    2. Understanding psychology is critical to both magic and business success.
    3. Always look for new opportunities and ways to reach your audience.
    4. The best innovations often come from solving personal challenges.
    5. Success increases pressure and drives continuous improvement and innovation.

    Contact Info
    Franz Harary's Website: https://franzharary.com/
    For more episodes, visit: https://dangordonenterprise.com/badass

    0:00 Introduction
    1:00 Franz Harary's background and accomplishments
    2:30 Early magic and marching band illusions
    5:00 The psychology of magic and success
    8:30 Franz's TikTok success
    10:00 Reaching Michael Jackson and other stars
    13:00 Challenges and strategies in magic and business
    15:00 Designing illusions for major artists
    19:00 Transition to architectural design and theme parks
    21:00 Advice for entrepreneurs
    24:00 The darker side of success
    30:00 Franz's final thoughts on innovation and legacy

    For more badass episodes, check us out at For Badass Entrepreneurs ONLY! https://dangordonenterprise.com/badass.
    Voir plus Voir moins
    29 min
  • From Garage to Greatness: Let's Build an Empire! - Mitch Russo
    Feb 24 2024
    In this episode, Mitch Russo shares his journey from founding TimeSlips in his garage to building an eight-figure business with Tony Robbins and Chet Holmes. Mitch emphasizes the crucial role of sales and the importance of creating a solid company culture. He discusses innovative approaches to business, the significance of persistence and adaptability, and how to turn setbacks into opportunities. Learn from Mitch's experiences scaling companies, building certification programs, and maintaining a vision that drives success. This episode presents valuable insights for entrepreneurs aiming to elevate their businesses.

    Five Badass Q&As
    Q1: How did you start TimeSlips with just $10,000?
    A1: I started TimeSlips in my garage with $10,000 in cash and only raised additional funds within a line of credit. It was challenging, but we focused on creating a revolutionary time-tracking software that filled a significant market gap.
    Q2: What role did sales play in your success?
    A2: Sales were foundational to my success. Learning how to sell is crucial, as it’s not just about selling products but also ideas and concepts. My sales experience generated substantial revenue, enabling us to reinvest in the business and grow.
    Q3: How did you build a successful certification program?
    A3: I built the certification program by recognizing the need for a structured and professional approach. We created a culture of ethics and professionalism, ensuring our certified professionals maintained high standards and represented the company well.
    Q4: How did you transition to working with Tony Robbins and Chet Holmes?
    A4: I transitioned by leveraging my relationship with Chet Holmes, who introduced me to Tony Robbins. Together, we built a successful coaching business, tripling the sales force and creating impactful programs.
    Q5: What advice do you have for entrepreneurs facing setbacks?
    A5: Embrace setbacks as learning opportunities. Be prepared for things to take longer and be more complicated than expected. Persistence, adaptability, and a willingness to pivot are vital to overcoming challenges and achieving success.

    Five Badass Quotes
    1. You can only create a culture with a vision.
    2. Sales is foundational to success; it's not just about selling products but ideas and concepts.
    3. Innovation often comes from outside an industry.
    4. If we had to pivot once, we’d probably have to pivot repeatedly.
    5. The only failure is having an experience that doesn’t turn out well and learning nothing from it.

    Five Badass Takeaways
    1. Vision and ethics are critical to building a solid company culture.
    2. Sales skills are essential for any entrepreneur's success.
    3. Innovation often requires looking at problems from a fresh perspective.
    4. Persistence and adaptability are crucial to overcoming business challenges.
    5. Building a supportive and self-correcting culture ensures long-term success.
    Part 6: Contact Info
    Contact Info
    Mitch Russo's book Coaching Elevation: Text MITCH to 213-409-8366.
    Mitch Russo's website: www.mitchrusso.com https://www.mitchrusso.com

    0:00 Creating a culture with vision and ethics
    1:00 Introduction to the podcast and guest Mitch Russo
    2:00 Mitch's journey with TimeSlips
    4:00 Importance of sales in entrepreneurship
    8:00 Transition to working with Tony Robbins and Chet Holmes
    10:00 Building certification programs and company culture
    15:00 Key takeaways and advice for entrepreneurs
    50:00 Closing and contact information

    For more badass episodes, check us out at For Badass Entrepreneurs ONLY! https://dangordonenterprise.com/badass
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    52 min
  • A badass woman shatters the glass ceiling - Jo-Anne MacDonald
    Feb 24 2024
    Join Coach Dan Gordon as he delves into an inspiring conversation with JoAnn Macdonald. They discuss the importance of resilience, accountability, and navigating the highs and lows of a career. JoAnn shares her journey, including how she faced challenges, embraced vulnerability, and found fulfillment by staying true to herself. This episode is a must-listen if you want to be empowered and motivated in your entrepreneurial journey.

    Five Badass Q&As
    Q1: How do you define resilience in your personal and professional life?
    A1: Resilience is about taking responsibility for both the good and the bad. It's about facing challenges head-on and not looking outside of oneself for solutions.
    Q2: What advice do you have for young women navigating male-dominated corporate environments?
    A2: Power dynamics can be tricky. Focus on your skills and contributions, seek mentors, and don't compare yourself to others. Stand on your achievements.
    Q3: How did you handle the personal and professional hurt when your contract wasn't renewed?
    A3: It took complete acceptance of the situation. I learned to appreciate the experience for what it was and not take it personally. Accepting the reality without judgment helped me move forward.
    Q4: What is your perspective on hope and its role in business?
    A4: Hope requires courage and vulnerability. It's important to maintain hope without becoming cynical. Hope drives positive actions and prevents paralysis by indecision.
    Q5: How do you approach balancing a solid presence in the workplace with avoiding being perceived as intimidating?
    A5: It’s important to be true to oneself. While feedback about being intimidating was challenging, I realized diminishing myself wasn't the answer. Genuine confidence and competence should not be compromised.

    Five Badass Quotes
    1. Resilience is taking accountability for both the good and bad.
    2. Hope takes courage and vulnerability; without it, you risk becoming cynical.
    3. Complete acceptance of any situation is critical to moving forward.
    4. Your skills and contributions should stand independently rather than in comparison to others.
    5. Genuine confidence and competence should always be maintained.

    Five Badass Takeaways
    1. Embrace accountability for your actions and outcomes.
    2. Maintain hope and courage to drive positive actions.
    3. Accept situations fully to move past personal and professional setbacks.
    4. Focus on your skills and contributions without comparing yourself to others.
    5. Genuine confidence and competence are vital; never diminish yourself.

    Contact Info
    Instagram: @Ms. Jo Jo McDonald
    Email: Jo Mack (J.O.M.A.C. at I.C.3.ca
    Text: 5066479393

    00:00 Introduction and Importance of Career Fulfillment
    01:00 Welcoming JoAnn Macdonald
    02:00 Accountability and Resilience
    04:00 The Role of Hope in Business
    06:00 Dealing with Career Challenges
    09:00 Leadership and Gender Dynamics
    14:00 Advice for Young Women in Corporate Environments
    18:00 The Importance of Hard Work and Engagement
    21:00 Personal Vision and Career Fulfillment
    26:00 The Balance of Power and Fairness
    31:00 Navigating Inappropriate Situations
    41:00 Conclusion and Contact Information

    For more badass episodes, check us out at For Badass Entrepreneurs ONLY! https://dangordonenterprise.com/badass.
    Voir plus Voir moins
    46 min
  • From Being Trafficked to Fighting Sex Trafficking- Sean Wheeler
    Feb 16 2024
    Join us in this powerful episode as we speak with Sean Wheeler, a survivor of sex trafficking who has transformed his harrowing experiences into a mission to help others. Sean shares his journey from being a victim to founding Starfish Ministries, an organization dedicated to fighting child sex trafficking and providing a voice for boys. Discover how Sean overcame unimaginable trauma, found forgiveness, and worked tirelessly to prevent others from experiencing the same fate. His story is about resilience, hope, and the relentless pursuit of justice. Tune in to learn the importance of facing our fears, asking for help, and using our past experiences to fuel positive change.

    Five Badass Q&As
    Q1: What is one thing you always tell people about forgiveness?
    A1: Don't spend your life waiting for an apology that will probably never come. Holding on to unforgiveness is like drinking poison and hoping the other person dies.
    Q2: How did your organization, Starfish Ministries, come to be?
    A2: I realized I had a story to tell and wasn't making much headway with existing organizations. So, I decided to start my foundation to fight child sex trafficking and provide a voice for boys.
    Q3: What was a turning point for you in your healing journey?
    A3: A counselor helped me understand that what happened to me was not my fault and that forgiveness was a way to free myself from the past.
    Q4: How do you handle public speaking about such a personal and emotional topic?
    A4: I often tear up when telling my story, but I see it as showing transparency. Sharing my story helps in my healing process and offers hope to others.
    Q5: What is your longterm goal for Starfish Ministries?
    A5: My goal is to build a facility in Colorado for people coming out of prison, offering them a comprehensive rehabilitation process to reintegrate into society.

    Five Badass Quotes
    1. Holding on to unforgiveness is like drinking poison and hoping the other person dies.
    2. A child can never consent; they can only comply.
    3. You can't wait till you get past something to begin. You begin, and in the doing, the healing happens.
    4. I build my foundation using the bricks that others throw at me.
    5. Forgiveness doesn't let them off the hook; it lets you off the hook.

    Five Badass Takeaways
    1. Forgiveness is crucial for personal healing.
    2. Asking for help is a decisive step towards recovery.
    3. Sharing personal stories can foster connection and support.
    4. Transforming trauma into a mission can bring about positive change.
    5. Perseverance and resilience are vital to overcoming life's challenges.

    Contact Info
    Sean Wheeler's organization: http://starfishcolorado.org
    Text STARFISH to 213.409.8366 to contribute

    00:00:00 Introduction to Sean Wheeler and his story
    00:01:00 Early life and initial trafficking experiences
    00:09:00 Teenage years and deciding to stop being a victim
    00:18:00 The process of healing and seeking help
    00:29:00 Founding Starfish Ministries and its impact
    00:42:00 Challenges and successes in the fight against trafficking
    00:54:00 Conclusion and call to action

    For more badass episodes, check us out at For Badass Entrepreneurs ONLY!
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    51 min
  • Can Generosity = Income? A Journey to Success - Josh Elledge
    Feb 16 2024
    In this episode, Josh Elledge of Up My Influence shares his journey from journalism in the Navy to becoming a top podcaster and business relationship expert. Learn how he overcame six business failures to build a thriving company and his innovative approach to leveraging podcasting for business development. Josh also discusses the importance of generosity and authentic relationship-building in achieving success. Tune in for invaluable insights and practical advice on growing your influence and income through podcasting.

    Five Badass Q&As
    Q1: What is your most critical lesson from your multiple business failures?
    A1: The most critical lesson is to keep going despite fear and doubt. Every failure is a stepping stone; history shows you'll not die from it. Just do it anyway.
    Q2: How did you leverage your journalism background in your entrepreneurial journey?
    A2: Adrian Cronauer taught me the importance of serving the audience with honesty and transparency. This principle guided my approach to business and media, emphasizing value and integrity.
    Q3: What differentiates your approach to PR and business development?
    A3: We focus on generosity first and business second. By building genuine relationships and serving others, we stand out and create lasting connections that lead to business success.
    Q4: How do you handle the initial fear of public speaking or taking bold actions?
    A4: I acknowledge the fear and do it anyway. It's about being honest and authentic with the audience, which helps to overcome the initial discomfort and build confidence over time.
    Q5: What advice do you have for someone looking to start a podcast for business development?
    A5: Focus on relationship building rather than transactional goals. Use the platform to spotlight others and build genuine connections. This approach creates valuable relationships and opens doors for business opportunities.

    Five Badass Quotes
    1. I get nervous every day, but I do it anyway because history has shown I'm probably not going to die.
    2. You take on a sacred obligation When you leverage a platform to serve audiences.
    3. Doing the right thing is often scary, lonely, and uncertain.
    4. Generosity first, business second.
    5. Your network is your net worth.

    Five Badass Takeaways
    1. Embrace fear and do it anyway; each failure is a learning opportunity.
    2. Honest and transparent communication builds trust and long-term success.
    3. Generosity in business leads to more robust, more genuine relationships.
    4. Consistent, high-level introductions are vital to growing your influence.
    5. Building relationships through podcasting creates lasting business opportunities.

    Contact Info
    Josh Elledge's website: www.upmyinfluence.com
    Text Josh to 213-409-8366 for a free resource
    Follow Josh on social media (Search Josh Elledge

    00:00:00 Overcoming daily fears
    00:01:00 Introduction to Josh Elledge
    00:02:00 Josh's journalism background and lessons learned
    00:03:00 Importance of doing the right thing
    00:04:00 Handling self-doubt and public speaking
    00:05:00 Josh's business failures and successes
    00:06:00 Building genuine business relationships
    00:07:00 Generosity first, business second
    00:08:00 Podcasting as a relationship-building tool
    00:09:00 Authenticity in sales and marketing
    00:10:00 The power of collaboration

    For more badass episodes, check us out at For Badass Entrepreneurs ONLY! https://dangordonenterprise.com/badass.
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    33 min
  • Building Real Connections & Impactful Communities - Jade Olivia
    Feb 16 2024
    In this episode of For Badass Entrepreneurs ONLY!, Coach Dan Gordon talks with Jade Olivia, a community engagement expert. Jade shares her top strategies for transforming your clients and customers into thriving communities. Discover the secrets to fostering genuine connections, encouraging interaction, and using data-driven methods to enhance engagement. Learn how to make your members feel seen, heard, and valued. Don’t miss this chance to elevate your community management skills!

    Five Badass Q&As
    Q1: What is people's most significant mistake when building a community?
    A1: Treating it like social media. Posting and hoping for engagement is not the same as fostering a true community.
    Q2: How should a business owner interact with their community?
    A2: Facilitate conversations among members rather than being the focal point. Introduce members to each other and encourage them to share their experiences.
    Q3: What’s the first step to take when someone joins your community?
    A3: Understand their journey and milestones. Track their progress and engage them based on their level and interests.
    Q4: How can you keep track of all the information about community members?
    A4: Use a data grid to track their mastery levels and unique categories. This helps in making strategic interactions and connecting members.
    Q5: How do you get your community to grow and bring in more people?
    A5: Happy members are natural promoters. Use urgency, exclusivity, and gamification to encourage them to invite others.

    Five Badass Quotes
    1. Stop treating your communities like social media.
    2. The best communities are about the members, not the leader.
    3. Create milestones for your community members’ journeys.
    4. Happy members are your best promoters.
    5. Make your members feel seen, heard, and valued.

    Five Badass Takeaways
    1. Treat your community differently from social media.
    2. Facilitate member interactions instead of being the leading voice.
    3. Track member progress using a data grid to engage them better.
    4. Use urgency, exclusivity, and gamification to grow your community.
    5. Focus on making members feel seen, heard, and valued.

    Contact Info
    Jade Olivia: jadeolivia. co https://jadeolivia.co
    Instagram: jadeolivia. co https://instagram.com/jadeolivia.co
    Facebook: jadeolivia. co https://facebook.com/jadeolivia.co
    Coach Dan Gordon: Text GAP to 213.409.8366 for a free book.

    00:00:00 Introduction by Coach Dan Gordon
    00:01:00 Jade’s community engagement tips
    00:04:00 Differences between social media and community
    00:07:00 Member interaction strategies
    00:10:00 Mapping member progress
    00:14:00 Data tracking for engagement
    00:19:00 Growing your community
    00:24:00 Seen, heard, and valued approach
    00:28:00 Contact and further resources

    For more badass episodes, check us out at For Badass Entrepreneurs ONLY! https://dangordonenterprise.com/badass.
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    21 min
  • How to Thrive with the Right Business Coach - Darlene Hawley
    Feb 16 2024
    Join Coach Dan Gordon and guest Darlene Hawley, a speaker, podcast host, business coach, and communication expert. Darlene shares invaluable insights on finding and leveraging the right coach, identifying market gaps, and using free resources to succeed. Learn how to get the most value out of coaching relationships, avoid scammy coaches, and engage effectively with content creators. This episode is packed with practical advice for ambitious entrepreneurs looking to make a significant impact. Tune in for a transformative discussion to help you take your business to the next level.

    Five Badass Q&As
    Q1: What is the key to becoming an expert in your field?
    A1: Identify what you're good at and where there's a gap in the market. Fill that space and get good at it; you're more sought after as an expert.
    Q2: What should people look for in a coach?
    A2: Look for a coach who asks deep questions and finetunes their approach to fit your needs. Avoid those who make big promises based on limited success stories.
    Q3: How can clients get more value out of their coaching sessions?
    A3: Communicate openly with your coach, give feedback on your sessions, and work together to find creative ways to achieve your goals.
    Q4: What are some alternatives to hiring a coach?
    A4: Use free resources like podcasts, blogs, and webinars. Engage with content from people you connect with and attend free seminars and workshops.
    Q5: What should clients do if they need to get value from their coach?
    A5: Talk honestly with your coach about your needs and expectations. Consider finding a new coach if the coach blames you without offering solutions.

    Five Badass Quotes
    1. You don't need to have this big broad umbrella and help everybody.
    2. Identify what you're good at and fill that market gap.
    3. Having that conversation is essential to get the value you need.
    4. Find people whose content you connect with and devour it.
    5. Avoid coaches who make big promises based on limited success stories.

    Five Badass Takeaways
    1. Identify and excel in your niche to become a sought-after expert.
    2. Communicate openly with your coach to maximize the value of your sessions.
    3. Use free resources and content to support your growth before hiring a coach.
    4. Be wary of coaches who promise unrealistic results based on limited success stories.
    5. Ensure your coach tailors their approach to your unique needs and goals.

    Contact Info
    Darlene Hawley: http://darlenehawley.com
    Coach Dan Gordon: Text “goodcoach” to 213-409-8366

    00:00 Intro
    00:01 Guest Introduction
    00:02 Favorite Podcasts
    00:03 Avoiding Scammy Coaches
    00:05 Getting Value from Coaching
    00:07 Free Resources for Entrepreneurs
    00:09 Engaging with Content Creators
    00:12 Networking Tips
    00:15 Genuine Interest in Others
    00:17 What to Look for in a Coach
    00:24 Closing Remarks and Contact Info

    For more badass episodes, check us out at For Badass Entrepreneurs ONLY! https://dangordonenterprise.com/badass
    Voir plus Voir moins
    27 min