
  • Co-dependant Clients and Saviour Complexes in Coaching
    Jun 12 2024

    Navigating Codependency in Coaching Relationships

    In this episode, the hosts dive into the topic of codependent clients and coaches with saviour complexes.

    John and Angie share personal experiences, address the importance of setting healthy boundaries, and discuss the potential pitfalls of seeking or becoming a reliance centre for clients.

    They further explore how unhealthy dependencies can form, the need for coaches to empower rather than disempower, and the ethics involved in maintaining professional coaching relationships.

    Our hosts also emphasize the significance of self-awareness and continual personal development as essential elements in effective coaching.

    Do you have questions about coaching clients, coaching business or comments on the themes of The Coaching Clinic? Leave us a voicemail. It's free to do and if we like it, we might just feature you on the show. Go to https://speakpipe.com/thecoachingclinicpodcast

    00:00 Introduction: The Big Decision

    01:07 Discussing Codependent Clients

    01:21 Personal Experiences with Codependency

    03:24 The Savior Complex in Coaching

    04:05 Setting Boundaries with Clients

    05:32 The Role of NLP and Hypnosis

    06:46 Empowering Clients vs. Fixing Them

    15:58 Challenges with Difficult Clients

    18:00 The Importance of Healthy Boundaries

    29:14 Concluding Thoughts and Next Steps

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    31 min
  • Balancing Tough Love Coaching With Support: How direct should you be with clients?
    Jun 5 2024

    Navigating Tough Love and Direct Coaching

    In this episode, John and Angie delve into the nuances of responding to challenging feedback in a coaching context.

    They discuss the balance needed between being direct and maintaining a supportive environment, emphasizing the importance of permission-based and individualized coaching approaches.

    Through personal anecdotes, they explore the complexities of 'tough love,' the role of provocation in motivating clients, and the impact of different coaching styles based on client readiness.

    The conversation includes reflections on avoiding judgment, the importance of authenticity, and strategies for effective communication, whether in one-on-one or group coaching sessions.

    Remember, you can leave us a free voicemail with your questions or comments at https://speakpipe.com/thecoachingclinicpodcast.com and we might feature you on the show.

    00:00 Introduction and Icebreaker

    01:26 The Role of Tough Love in Coaching

    04:51 Balancing Directness and Support

    06:31 Challenges in Implementing Tough Love

    08:23 Client Reactions and Adjustments

    13:43 Evaluating Coaching Effectiveness

    16:33 Creating a Safe Space in Coaching

    17:31 The Importance of Real Talk

    18:09 Learning from Feedback

    20:13 The Power of Genuine Compliments

    21:52 Balancing Directness and Support

    23:45 Adapting Coaching Styles

    29:58 Group vs. One-to-One Coaching

    31:47 Wrapping Up and Listener Engagement

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    33 min
  • Mastering Discovery Calls for Coaches
    May 29 2024

    Mastering Discovery Calls: Building Trust and Assessing Client Fit

    In this episode, Angie and John delve into the intricacies of conducting successful discovery or triage calls with prospective clients.

    They discuss the importance of initial questionnaires to set the stage, the differences between discovery and triage calls, and share best practices for building rapport without coming off as too personal or salesy.

    They emphasize the significance of gauging client coachability, commitment, and ability to afford services. Additionally, they touch upon the pitfalls of offering payment plans and share their experiences with client follow-through and building trust.

    The episode wraps up with a teaser for the next topic: how to effectively challenge clients to ensure they’re taking actionable steps towards their goals.

    00:00 The Art of Landing a Client: A Candid Conversation

    01:08 Navigating Discovery Calls: Strategies and Insights

    01:46 Pre-Call Preparation: The Key to Effective Coaching

    04:06 The Dynamics of a Successful Discovery Call

    06:26 Understanding Client Needs and Coachability

    11:26 The Emotional Landscape of Coaching Calls

    12:52 Ethics and Techniques in Coaching

    16:25 Criteria for a Successful Coaching Relationship

    18:15 Navigating Sales and Pricing Strategies

    19:33 Addressing Payment Concerns and Strategies

    19:55 The Impact of Payment Plans on Program Integrity

    21:39 Exploring Client Commitment and Program Value

    29:51 The Importance of Trust in Coaching Relationships

    32:02 Reflecting on Personal Confidence and Client Satisfaction

    35:13 Looking Ahead: Challenges and Client Engagement

    Do you have a question or some feedback for John & Angie? You can leave us a free voicemail by going to https://speakpipe.com/thecoachingclinicpodcast and we might just feature you on the show.

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    37 min
  • Certifiably Confident: Exploring Coaching Certifications
    May 23 2024

    In this episode, John and Angie explore the topic of coaching certifications, discussing their personal journeys with obtaining certifications, their mixed feelings and experiences they have had, and the evolving landscape of coaching accreditation.

    They address the perceived value of certifications, the industry's movement towards regulation and standardization, and the importance of choosing certifications that genuinely enhance a coach's ability to serve their clients.

    Additionally, they examine the necessity of certifications for new coaches, the impact of big-name endorsements, and the importance of ethical practices and continuous learning in the coaching profession.

    The conversation also touches on the requirements of certain coaching companies and the significance of having an overarching, well-recognized certification, like those offered by the ICF or EMCC, as a foundation for a coaching career.

    Do you have questions or insights about coaching certifications that we didn't cover in the show? Or questions and other topics you'd like us to cover? Maybe you have some feedback about the show? Leave us a voicemail https://speakpipe.com/thecoachingclinicpodcast and we might just feature you on a future show.

    00:00 Opening Banter: Self-Awarded Coaching Certificates

    01:06 Diving Into the World of Coaching Certifications

    01:37 The Mixed Bag of Coaching Certifications

    04:31 Personal Journeys and the Value of Certifications

    06:43 The Evolution of Coaching and Certification Standards

    09:45 Reflecting on the Impact and Necessity of Certifications

    12:16 Navigating the Maze of Coaching Certifications

    27:54 The Final Verdict on Coaching Certifications

    28:59 Closing Thoughts and Future Episodes

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    30 min
  • Better Up or Better Off Alone: Is it better to work with a coaching company or to focus on your own coaching business?
    May 15 2024

    Navigating the Coaching Industry: Going Solo vs. Joining a Company

    In this podcast episode, Angie and John delve into the complexities of the coaching profession, specifically discussing the advantages and disadvantages of working independently versus under the umbrella of a coaching company like BetterUp.

    They share personal experiences and insights into the certification process, client acquisition, income expectations, and the potential limitations of non-compete clauses.

    The conversation also touches on the importance of doing thorough research before joining a coaching organization, the value of having a defined niche, and the prospects of building a successful coaching career either independently or as part of a coaching company.

    John and Angie encourage listeners to weigh the pros and cons carefully, considering the impact on their long-term career goals in the coaching industry.

    00:00 Opening Banter: A Playful Start

    01:11 Diving Into the World of Coaching: Solo vs. Company

    01:30 Exploring the Pros and Cons of Coaching Companies

    03:49 Certification and the Coaching Industry Standards

    09:27 The Financial Aspects of Coaching with a Company

    14:41 Personal Experiences and Insights on Coaching Careers

    16:03 Navigating the Coaching Company Landscape: Questions and Considerations

    33:17 Closing Thoughts and Listener Engagement

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    34 min
  • Coaching Beyond Perceptions of Success: What If Your Client Is More Successful Than You?
    May 8 2024

    Navigating the Challenges of Coaching Highly Successful Individuals

    In this episode, John and Angie, delve into the complexities and nuances of coaching individuals who may be perceived as more successful than the coach.

    They discuss their personal experiences, the evolution of their feelings of intimidation over time, and the importance of defining success.

    They explore the psychological aspects of coaching high achievers, including the potential for intimidation, and how to overcome it by focusing on the coaching skills and value you bring to the table, rather than on comparative success levels.

    Our hosts emphasize the universal challenges and objectives humans share, regardless of their level of success, and encourage coaches to maintain confidence in their ability to assist their client's achievements, growth and improvement.

    The conversation also touches on treating all clients with the same level of respect and commitment, while remaining open to continuous learning and improvement as a coach.

    00:00 Opening Banter and Introduction

    01:03 The Challenge of Coaching More Successful People

    02:36 Personal Experiences and Insights

    05:23 Overcoming Intimidation and Embracing Growth

    06:15 The Essence of Effective Coaching

    07:34 Real-Life Coaching Success Story

    15:52 Reflections and Future Conversations

    16:08 Closing Remarks and Invitation for Feedback

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    17 min
  • Risk Management in Coaching: The Role of Insurance
    May 1 2024

    The Importance of Professional Insurance for Coaches

    In this episode, hosts Angie and John discuss the various aspects and importance of having professional insurance for individuals working as coaches.

    Both hosts share their journeys and perspectives on insurance, highlighting why Angie chose to invest in it and why John did at one point but eventually saw it as less relevant for his coaching style.

    They explore the contingencies that insurance protects against, emphasizing incidental lawsuits, the unforeseen outcomes of coaching sessions, and the broader implications of not having insurance, such as potential personal financial risks from litigations.

    Additionally, they touch on the aspect of income protection insurance for self-employed coaches.

    The dialogue concludes with an encouragement for listeners to research and make an informed decision regarding professional insurance for peace of mind and legal protection.

    00:00 Opening Banter: The Insurance Inquiry Begins

    00:17 The Importance of Professional Insurance for Coaches

    01:31 Personal Experiences with Insurance: Angie's Perspective

    02:12 John's Journey: From NLP Coaching to Questioning Insurance Needs

    05:56 The Shift in Coaching Style and Insurance Needs

    09:48 Exploring the Legal Side of Coaching and Insurance

    19:22 The Unexpected Litigation Stories and Final Thoughts

    22:36 Closing Remarks and Encouragement to Research Insurance Options

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    24 min
  • Mastering Follow-Up: The Key to Creating Coaching Income
    Apr 24 2024

    Mastering Follow-Up in Your Coaching Business

    In this episode, John & Angie discuss the importance of follow-up in business, particularly within the coaching industry. They address common pitfalls such as poor or lack of follow-up, which many coaches suffer from due to fears and doubts, including imposter syndrome and the discomfort of sales conversations.

    Explore the root causes of these challenges, such as overthinking and fear of rejection, and how these fears can hinder business growth. Our hosts share their own struggles with follow-up and sales, emphasizing the shift in mindset required to overcome these issues. They suggest viewing sales not as a dreaded task but as providing opportunities and solutions to clients.

    John and Angie delve into practical solutions like adopting a business identity, utilizing Customer Relationship Management (CRM) tools for effective follow-up strategies, and the significance of consistent client outreach programs. They stress the importance of aligning one's identity with being a business owner, setting clear business goals, and the pivotal role of self-discipline in ensuring success.

    Both hosts advocate for understanding one's worth and charging accordingly, treating the coaching practice as a legitimate business rather than a hobby. The conversation concludes with a call to action for coaches to implement systems and processes for follow-up, ensuring they don't miss out on potential business opportunities due to inadequate client communication.

    00:00 Opening Banter: The Fortune's Location

    01:06 The Importance of Follow-Up in Business

    02:04 Overcoming Imposter Syndrome and Fear of Sales

    05:36 The Journey to Charging What You're Worth

    07:09 Embracing a Business Mindset and Identity Shift

    17:33 The Power of CRM Systems for Effective Follow-Up

    21:42 Choosing the Right CRM and Making It Work for You

    25:34 Conclusion: The Game Changer for Coaches

    Voir plus Voir moins
    27 min