
  • #059: REAL TALK FRIDAY SERIES: Rev Dr. Tiffani Milne interview with Thor Challgren
    May 17 2024

    In a new series, REAL TALK FRIDAYS, we feature an interview with a minister from Global Truth Center. In this episode, Thor Challgren interviews Rev. Dr. Tiffani Milne.

    Contact Thor Challgren - thorchallgren.com
    IG: @thorchallgren

    You can reach Dr. James at https://www.jamesmellon.org/

    Check out Dr. James Mellon's book, The 5 Questions, here on Amazon.

    Learn more about Global Truth Center at https://www.globaltruthcenter.org

    You can watch Dr. James' live weekly messages on Sunday at 10a PT at https://www.globaltruthcenter.org/sunday-livestream

    Your generous contribution makes this show possible: https://www.globaltruthcenter.org/donate

    You can also find Dr. James' weekly messages on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@globaltruthcenter

    Voir plus Voir moins
    46 min
  • #058: REAL TALK FRIDAY SERIES: Dr. Liza Marquez interview with Thor Challgren
    May 10 2024

    In a new series, REAL TALK FRIDAYS, we feature an interview with a minister from Global Truth Center. In this episode, Thor Challgren interviews Dr. Liza Marquez.

    Contact Dr. Liza Marquez - official.lizamarquez@gmail.com
    IG: @marquezministry

    Contact Thor Challgren - thorchallgren.com
    IG: @thorchallgren

    You can reach Dr. James at https://www.jamesmellon.org/

    Check out Dr. James Mellon's book, The 5 Questions, here on Amazon.

    Learn more about Global Truth Center at https://www.globaltruthcenter.org

    You can watch Dr. James' live weekly messages on Sunday at 10a PT at https://www.globaltruthcenter.org/sunday-livestream

    Your generous contribution makes this show possible: https://www.globaltruthcenter.org/donate

    You can also find Dr. James' weekly messages on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@globaltruthcenter

    Voir plus Voir moins
    47 min
  • #057: REAL TALK FRIDAY SERIES: Dr. James Mellon interview with Thor Challgren
    May 3 2024

    In a new series, REAL TALK FRIDAYS, we feature an interview with a minister from Global Truth Center. In this first episode, Thor Challgren interviews Dr. James Mellon.

    You can reach Dr. James at https://www.jamesmellon.org/

    Check out Dr. James Mellon's book, The 5 Questions, here on Amazon.

    Learn more about Global Truth Center at https://www.globaltruthcenter.org

    You can watch Dr. James' live weekly messages on Sunday at 10a PT at https://www.globaltruthcenter.org/sunday-livestream

    Your generous contribution makes this show possible: https://www.globaltruthcenter.org/donate

    You can also find Dr. James' weekly messages on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@globaltruthcenter

    Voir plus Voir moins
    42 min
  • #056: Looking Up: Cultivating Mindfulness, Positivity, and Inspiring Choices in Everyday Life
    Apr 30 2024

    Have you ever caught yourself lost in thought, only to realize you were reinforcing old prejudices instead of truly observing the world around you? Our latest episode takes a philosophical deep-dive into the landscapes of our attention, exploring how the simple act of being mindful about where we direct our gaze can redefine our reality. We lean on the wisdom of great thinkers like William James and draw from quantum physics to explain why you might not be stuck with the perspectives that hold you back from experiencing a more vibrant, conscious life. From the courtroom drama surrounding an ex-president to the personal triumphs of individuals like Eric through transformative 9D breath work, we traverse a spectrum of scenarios that call upon us to choose positivity over judgment, and intuition over worn-out narratives.

    Imagine the power of a positive outlook, a lesson brought home by Dr. Karen's heartening endorsement from none other than Jane Goodall. Embracing the beauty of the mountains over the glare of the computer screen is not just a metaphor but a daily practice we delve into. Our conversation is peppered with the joyous simplicity of Winnie the Pooh's philosophies and the enduring wisdom imparted by Herm Albright and Zig Ziglar, reminding us that inspiration, much like positivity, needs daily nurturing. Join us as we laugh, reflect, and most importantly, make the choice to 'look up'—to find joy in the repetitive moments, to bask in the light of simple pleasures, and to let that inner spark shine unabated in every corner of our lives.

    You can reach Dr. James at https://www.jamesmellon.org/

    Check out Dr. James Mellon's book, The 5 Questions, here on Amazon.

    Learn more about Global Truth Center at https://www.globaltruthcenter.org

    You can watch Dr. James' live weekly messages on Sunday at 10a PT at https://www.globaltruthcenter.org/sunday-livestream

    Your generous contribution makes this show possible: https://www.globaltruthcenter.org/donate

    You can also find Dr. James' weekly messages on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@globaltruthcenter

    Voir plus Voir moins
    22 min
  • #055: Unmasking the Hero Within: A Journey from the Shadows to Our Soaring Potential
    Apr 16 2024

    Recall a time when you felt like an outsider, misunderstood or underestimated—like a Clark Kent among your peers. This episode is for those who have ever dared to believe in the superhero within, as I walk you through the poignant moments of my own life where the shadows of being bullied gave way to light. From the empowering wisdom of Christopher Reeve to the personal victories that speak volumes about our hidden strengths, we tackle the transformation from feeling insignificant to realizing the boundless potential we each hold. Join the conversation with Lisa, Stan, Virginia, and Cal, and let's collectively pull the metaphorical cape from its hangers and wear our identities with pride.

    Our narrative threads together inspiring anecdotes and lessons from my journey alongside the legendary resilience of Christopher Reeve. This isn't just about finding your inner Superman; it's about unmasking the hero you've been all along. Through the echoes of Ralph Waldo Emerson's words on character, we contemplate what it means to let the universe express itself through us, unfettered by fear or judgment. So, whether you're listening in for the first time, or you're here every week like Diane, ready to uncover your inner hero, this is your call to rise—because within you lies the courage and spirit to soar beyond the skies.

    You can reach Dr. James at https://www.jamesmellon.org/

    Check out Dr. James Mellon's book, The 5 Questions, here on Amazon.

    Learn more about Global Truth Center at https://www.globaltruthcenter.org

    You can watch Dr. James' live weekly messages on Sunday at 10a PT at https://www.globaltruthcenter.org/sunday-livestream

    Your generous contribution makes this show possible: https://www.globaltruthcenter.org/donate

    You can also find Dr. James' weekly messages on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@globaltruthcenter

    Voir plus Voir moins
    25 min
  • #054: Igniting Passion: The Transformative Power of Fire in the Belly and Living with Inspiration
    Apr 9 2024

    Discover the searing truth of "fire in the belly" as we unravel the essence of inspiration in our latest podcast episode. Joined by guests Karen and Bear, we navigate through the sparks that light up our deepest drives and the power of starting now to manifest our dreams. With Karen's electric anticipation for her book launch, we delve into what it truly means to be inspired and how this energy can be channeled into realizing personal achievements that matter more than mere monetary success. Ernest Holmes' wisdom guides us as we dissect the profound impact of passion-fueled commitment in both our personal projects and professional pursuits.

    We contemplate how inspiration can be a subtle yet pervasive force in our daily interactions, fostering unity and love with each step. The fire in our bellies is not only about achieving great things but igniting a beacon that can inspire those around us. Our discussion ventures beyond the surface, exploring the deep-seated responsibility to live with intensity and purpose, a philosophy that can profoundly influence every facet of our existence.

    You can reach Dr. James at https://www.jamesmellon.org/

    Check out Dr. James Mellon's book, The 5 Questions, here on Amazon.

    Learn more about Global Truth Center at https://www.globaltruthcenter.org

    You can watch Dr. James' live weekly messages on Sunday at 10a PT at https://www.globaltruthcenter.org/sunday-livestream

    Your generous contribution makes this show possible: https://www.globaltruthcenter.org/donate

    You can also find Dr. James' weekly messages on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@globaltruthcenter

    Voir plus Voir moins
    29 min
  • #053: Rediscovering Inner Peace in the Easter Narrative
    Apr 2 2024

    Picture the scene: as a child, huddled under the covers, grappling with the fear of a less-than-stellar report card on the same day the world contemplates Jesus' crucifixion. This week, I invite you to join me on an intimate journey through Easter's rich tapestry, intertwining personal stories with the universal search for meaning in its observance. From Palm Sunday's jubilant crowds to the somber reflection of Good Friday, we cross the spectrum of human emotion, seeking solace in the narrative of betrayal and redemption. Alongside, we delve into the healing power of belief, mirrored in the biblical tale of a single touch of Jesus' garment, and consider the evolving practices like the Stations of the Cross that continue to shape our spiritual experiences.

    Then, stepping into the spotlight, I recount the moment a youthful portrayal of Jesus in "Gethsemane" led to an unexpected revelation about self-love and forgiveness. It's here, in the heart of the Easter story, where we find a metaphor for our own journey towards self-discovery and acceptance. We wrestle with the challenges of fully embracing who we are—even in our imperfections—inspired by Jesus' ultimate act of compassion. As we reflect on these lessons, we're reminded of the beauty inherent in forgiving ourselves, a poignant message that resonates beyond the final chords of a musical and into the core of our being. Join us as we explore the deep connections between the Easter narrative and the transformative power of forgiveness and self-acceptance.

    You can reach Dr. James at https://www.jamesmellon.org/

    Check out Dr. James Mellon's book, The 5 Questions, here on Amazon.

    Learn more about Global Truth Center at https://www.globaltruthcenter.org

    You can watch Dr. James' live weekly messages on Sunday at 10a PT at https://www.globaltruthcenter.org/sunday-livestream

    Your generous contribution makes this show possible: https://www.globaltruthcenter.org/donate

    You can also find Dr. James' weekly messages on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@globaltruthcenter

    Voir plus Voir moins
    25 min
  • #052: Embracing Authenticity: Rediscovering the Self and Letting Go of Labels
    Mar 26 2024

    Have you ever caught yourself performing for the world, donning a mask that bears little resemblance to the person within? Join me and the insightful Karen as we embark on a vulnerable exploration of authenticity, breaking down the barriers of societal expectations, and standing unabashedly in the light of our true selves. This episode isn't just a conversation; it's an invitation to laugh at our slip-ups, embrace our inherent essence, and live with the kind of integrity that Ernest Holmes and Ralph Waldo Emerson waxed poetic about.

    Picture this: You're at a crossroads, choosing between the well-worn path of labels and the road less traveled, where your identity is fluid and free from the confines of titles. This is where our journey takes us, as we discuss the art of self-reintroduction and the freedom that comes with trusting life's perfect unfolding. We're not just musing about philosophical ideals; we're providing actionable insights to elevate your consciousness and authenticity no matter where life takes you.

    We wrap up the episode by challenging you to tap into your 'greatness on demand.' It's about acknowledging our mistakes, yes, but also realizing our potential for excellence that exists beyond the occasional stumble. Integrity isn't just a buzzword here; it's about full acceptance of who we are and the choices we've made, keeping us grounded and present. Let's leave behind what holds us back and affirm our self-worth together. After all, our paths toward personal fulfillment should be celebrated, and this episode is the celebration you've been waiting for.

    You can reach Dr. James at https://www.jamesmellon.org/

    Check out Dr. James Mellon's book, The 5 Questions, here on Amazon.

    Learn more about Global Truth Center at https://www.globaltruthcenter.org

    You can watch Dr. James' live weekly messages on Sunday at 10a PT at https://www.globaltruthcenter.org/sunday-livestream

    Your generous contribution makes this show possible: https://www.globaltruthcenter.org/donate

    You can also find Dr. James' weekly messages on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@globaltruthcenter

    Voir plus Voir moins
    28 min