
  • Recognizing and Addressing Narcissism in Family and Relationships #23
    May 16 2024

    This conversation explores the topic of narcissism and narcissistic abuse. The host discusses the different types of narcissism, including vulnerable narcissism and grandiose narcissism. They explain how narcissists seek control and manipulate others, often taking advantage of the love and trust they receive. The conversation also touches on the impact of narcissistic abuse on children and spouses, as well as the symptoms of complex PTSD that can arise from such relationships. The host emphasizes the importance of recognizing and acknowledging narcissistic behavior in order to begin the healing process.Keywordsnarcissism, narcissistic abuse, vulnerable narcissism, grandiose narcissism, control, manipulation, love, trust, impact, complex PTSD, healingTakeaways

    • Narcissism is not just about being self-centered or vain; it involves seeking control and manipulating others.
    • Narcissistic abuse can have a significant impact on children and spouses, leading to complex PTSD and various emotional and behavioral symptoms.
    • Recognizing and acknowledging narcissistic behavior is crucial for healing and breaking the cycle of abuse.
    • Therapy and support from professionals who understand narcissistic abuse can be helpful in the healing process.
    • "We need to get the word out about narcissism, narcissistic abuse."
      • "Narcissism is about control and doing anything for control over other people."
      • "Gaslighting is just a way to make you feel like you're freaking nuts."


      00:00Introduction and Importance of Discussing Narcissism

      04:02The Impact of Narcissistic Abuse on Children and Spouses

      07:42Recognizing and Addressing Gaslighting

      13:30Breaking the Cycle of Narcissistic Abuse

      26:00Conclusion and Encouragement to Face the Truth

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    22 min
  • How Yoga and Meditation can Change Your Life #22
    Apr 16 2024

    Yoga, mindfulness, and meditation can greatly help stress, anxiety and stress. It is something that should be done daily. In this podcast, Rick discusses the benefits of a daily practice and how it changes your life.

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    15 min
  • Narcissistic Abuse
    Mar 24 2024

    I am a social worker and veteran with a passion for helping others on their healing journey. In this episode of Warriors Respite, we'll dive deep into the world of narcissistic abuse and toxic relationships, exploring the telltale signs of a narcissist, the impact of narcissistic parenting on children, and the steps to take to break free from the cycle of abuse. Drawing from my own experiences and insights, I'll share valuable knowledge and tools to help you or a loved one overcome the challenges of narcissistic abuse and create a healthier, happier future. Join me as we navigate the path to healing and rebuilding a life of confidence and resilience.

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    18 min
  • Veteran Talks Alternatives to Spankings
    Mar 14 2024

    Last episode I talked about why I don't like spanking. I'm sure if a lot of people listened, they might of not liked it. People protect spanking their kids. They rationalize it even though there is no scientific evidence behind the act of spanking, and the idea of inflicting pain on any other human in this world is illegal except your child. Just seems odd to me. So if I'm going to tell you it's a good idea not to spank your child, I'm going to present to you alternatives, just like I'd do with my child.

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    24 min
  • Veteran Talks About Why He's Against Spanking
    Mar 13 2024

    I'm going to explain why I'm against spanking. People hold onto spanking like it's the word of God. I'm sorry but I flat out disagree. You just don't hit people you love. In this podcast I explain why.

    I'm a veteran and Social Worker. In future episodes I will talk about alternatives to spanking.

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    22 min
  • Veteran and Social Worker Discusses US Airstrikes and Bitconned #17
    Feb 5 2024

    Rick rants about how disgusted he is by American war machine and justice/court system. That's it... that's the summary.

    Links to Rick's socials, pods, blogs and vlogs: https://linktr.ee/warriorsrespitetherapy

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    34 min
  • Social Worker and Veteran’s Take on American Nightmare (The Gone Girl Case) #13
    Feb 1 2024
    Find all my links here---> https://linktr.ee/warriorsrespitetherapy In this conversation, Rick discusses the Gone Girl case that occurred in 2015 and highlights the failures of the police and the justice system. The case involves Quinn's account of a group of intruders kidnapping his girlfriend Denise, but the police immediately suspect Quinn and emotionally abuse him during interrogation. Denise is later dropped off at her childhood home, but the police accuse her of making up the story. The media compares the case to the movie Gone Girl, further victimizing Denise. Denise reveals the horrifying details of her captivity and sexual assault. The kidnapper admits to kidnapping the wrong woman and sexually assaulting Denise. The police fail to investigate other incidents and dismiss Denise's claims. The FBI eventually intervenes and realizes the police had it wrong. Rick emphasizes the impact of sexual abuse and personal experiences, criticizes the injustice and victim-blaming, and calls for accountability and reform in law enforcement.Takeaways The Gone Girl case highlights the failures of the police and the justice system in handling cases of sexual assault and kidnapping. Victims of sexual assault often face disbelief, victim-blaming, and emotional abuse from law enforcement and the media. The media's portrayal of cases can further victimize and harm survivors, perpetuating harmful stereotypes and biases. There is a need for improved training, accountability, and reform within law enforcement to ensure proper investigation and support for survivors.
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    26 min
  • Social Worker and Veteran Talks Casey Anthony Story and Parent’s Lie Detector Test #14
    Feb 1 2024
    This conversation discusses the Casey Anthony trial and its recent updates. It covers the timeline of events, the discovery of Kaylee's remains, Casey Anthony's murder trial, the verdict and sentencing, life after the trial, a new documentary and allegations, assessing the allegations, lie detector tests, Casey Anthony's net worth, and lessons learned. The conversation concludes by addressing the backlash and the need to move on from the case. The Casey Anthony trial and its aftermath continue to generate public interest and controversy. The timeline of events surrounding the disappearance and death of Kaylee Anthony is discussed, including the discovery of her remains. The details of Casey Anthony's murder trial, including the defense's claims and the prosecution's evidence, are examined. The verdict and sentencing of Casey Anthony, as well as her life after the trial, are explored. The recent documentary and allegations made by Casey Anthony are analyzed, along with the importance of assessing the credibility of these claims. The use of lie detector tests and their limitations in determining the truth are discussed. Casey Anthony's net worth and the lessons that can be learned from this case are considered. The conversation concludes by addressing the backlash surrounding the case and the need to move on from it.
    Voir plus Voir moins
    36 min