• Martial Arts: Session 13
    Apr 8 2013
    Martial arts are found in every culture and in our country alone there are an estimated 10,000,000 active practitioners at any one time. A physical art, it also brings emotional and psychological benefits. Whether for self defense, conditioning, or beauty, the arts bring more than just physical well being. Most of us come to it hoping that it will lead us to power and often it does. But the female roles and the male roles are different. Males need to find control of their emotions in battle. Women need to find their voice and their way of being a Warrior and being Woman. And Sensei. We all hoped to find one who, like Yoda, could lead us inside to find our power. But the skills of being a sensei are many and require training in many fields. For forty years we have taught physical and maturational skills in the dojo. Join us for a discussion of the way to power through the martial arts and beyond.
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    59 mins
  • Mental Health and Addiction: Session 12
    Apr 1 2013
    A child is born and the parents dream. They grow, dream their life for themselves, but just as they are ready to launch, something goes terribly wrong and dreams die. A diagnosis such as bipolar or schizophrenia turns dreams into nightmares. Or things have gone well when a harsh blow so severe that life goes to pieces. What are mental illnesses anyway? Are they genetic or environmental? And what of addiction? More importantly, how does the person and their family find the way to health? Where is the power in all of this? And how does one find it when life seems to have come apart at the seams? There are no sure fire answers, but there are approaches, different models, and hope . Join us for an honest look at tragedies that touch all of us in some way.
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    58 mins
  • The Manager as Leader: Session 11
    Mar 25 2013
    It is a big jump from worker to manager. Maintaining work goals, planning for the near future, and putting out fires, the manager stands with both feet planted in the present. But the jump from manager to leader is even greater. They must be a manager, but now they stand with one foot in the present and one in the future. They do not just plan for the future, they envision it. They enliven the dream of the organization and paint the picture of what could be to those who follow them. They create new leaders and prepare them to take on the mantle of power. They usually move up fast because they train those under them to be able to take their spot once they have gone to the next level. Managers may know of their power, but leaders develop it in themselves and others and see creating other powerful people as one of their most important tasks.
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    55 mins
  • Men of Steel and Velvet: Session 10
    Mar 18 2013
    Men are supposed to start with steel and then learn the velvet side. Gender roles are changing but we have no models on how to become this man of steel and velvet. Be strong, but not too strong. Be gentle, but don’t be a wimp. We know of the harm of rape to a woman’s body and psyche. But men are raped in just being men. Sudden danger? We are expected to put our life on the line for home, family, or even strangers. Injury, paralysis, mutilation, death? We don’t talk of this expected sacrifice of men’s bodies as devaluing and the damage to their psyches isn’t even discussed. Damage to men is hidden by using heroic terms. But what of those who can’t be or weren’t the hero. How do they survive? And what was the cost to those who did play the hero? For men being the hero is a requirement and woe unto those who fail. Join Don and he talks about his journey through this struggle and listen as Jane comments on it as his life partner.
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    57 mins
  • Women of Velvet and Steel: Session 9
    Mar 11 2013
    It has been said that to succeed in a man’s world that women need to assert their masculine side. It won’t work. What a woman must do, is to focus her feminine style of power into a task that is her calling. A woman has the potential for deep power, but she must access it in her way. To reach for a man’s power in a man’s way, is to invite not only failure, but damage to others in the world. Velvet and steel is the path to power for women. Soft, caring, relational, and living an ethic of care will bring power to a woman, whose very core is tempered steel. Without the steel she is weak. It is a balancing act. Are you defined by your roles or do you define them? How do you find your sexual power when the only choices in our culture have been Madonna or Whore? And how do you find your voice? Join Jane as she tells the story of her journey to power. And listen as Don shares his observations as her partner in this life.
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    59 mins
  • Sexuality: Session 8
    Mar 4 2013
    Did you know that sexual arousal and fear cause the same brain and body responses? Or that the “fight or flight syndrome” is also the sex syndrome? So is it any wonder that many men and women fear each other’s power? Or that both genders list confidence as the greatest turn on? There is a dance with the brain and the endocrine system that can induce altered states more quickly, but just as deep as any religious experience. In our spiritual guidance and sex therapy practice many came because they found a sexual response in the midst of a deep religious or mystical experience. And just as many came because the spiritual and the mystical broke into a sexual encounter in unexpected ways. And they were puzzled, scared, and yet, wanting more. Find your balance of power within your sexual self and within your relationship, and find a place where sex, religion, and spirituality come together to find the God deep within.
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    58 mins
  • Disabilities and Power: Session 7
    Feb 25 2013
    It is not true that you can become anything you put your mind to. All of us have limitations in some area. The question is to use those areas that you cannot succeed in as guides to find your areas of strength. What areas give you joy? What gives you peace? But what of areas of talent are blocked from your using them? How do you transform those heartbreaks into something richer? We come into the world with expectations of others and then develop them ourselves. But what do we do when they can no longer be reached? What is the difference between strength and weakness? Or is there one? And what does our body, developed through the fires of evolution, really need to be able to do in a Modern world? Tune in to find the alchemy of turning perceived weakness into true power.
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    59 mins
  • Warriors and Warrior-Priests: Session 6
    Feb 18 2013
    In a world of peace none of us would need to be a warrior, fighting to protect ourselves, home, or family. But what do we do while waiting for peace to come? In order to consider our options in an imperfect world, we must first look at how we use terms of conflict. What is the difference between use of force and violence? Is being a warrior in a specific setting the same as being a Warrior? And do all Warriors serve in the realm of physical conflict? And why has the concept of the Warrior-Priest begun to show up more than before in history? If you long for peace, but do not want to be a victim, join us for a session that will provide a realistic view that will provide solid footing in a world where peace is not yet.
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    55 mins