• Episdoe 20: How To Tell If You Are A Burnt Out Service Based Entrepreneur
    May 29 2024

    Episode 20: How To Tell If You Are A Burnt Out Service Based Entrepreneur

    We hear the term "burnout" all the time. Just think about it, how many times do you hear entrepreneurs and people in our lives say "I'm burnt out"? I'm willing to bet more often than not

    But what does burn out actually mean? How do you actually know if you're burnt out or not? Does it have to be 10/10 burnout where your symptoms are severe for you to be considered burnout or are there other milder signs and symptoms that might indicate you're actually burnt out early on?

    If you've been wondering this, than this episode is for you because I am explaining the spectrum of burnout and the signs and symptoms that indicate whether or not you are a burnt out service based entrepreneur or not.


    • What the spectrum of burnout is
    • What signs and symptoms indicate whether or not you are a burnt out service based entrepreneur or not
    • How you can learn the brain based tools to help you eliminate burnout

    Have questions or want to see how you can eliminate your burnout? Book a free call where we can discuss what you're going through and create an individualized plan made just for you

    Have a question that you want answered on the show? Send us a text!

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    20 mins
  • Episode 19: Why Productivity Hacks Are The Problem
    May 22 2024

    Episode 19: Why Productivity Hacks Are The Problem

    Productivity hacks are the problem

    And I get why you might think they aren't, most of the gurus out there swear by productivity hacks they've used to help them have less stress and more time

    But let me ask you this, if all it took to get your time back was to implement productivity hacks, then why are there entrepreneurs who still don't have time? Wouldn't everyone be productive if all it took was the right strategy?

    That's because productivity hacks aren't what makes you productive

    And today I'm revealing what actually makes you productive with your time and why productivity hacks might actually be part of the reason you're stuck in burnout


    • The #1 reason why productivity hacks fall short in being successful
    • Why productivity hacks promote burnout
    • What you actually need to address in order to be more productive with your time

    Have a question that you want answered on the show? Send us a text!

    Connect with me on social: Facebook or Instagram!

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    13 mins
  • Episode 18: The Biggest Life Lesson School Never Taught Me
    May 15 2024

    Episode 18: The Biggest Life Lesson School Never Taught Me

    We've all most likely received the lesson from our parents and teachers at some point that the purpose of school is to teach us the skills and education necessary to achieve success. Am I right?

    But what if I told you that school actually missed the mark and forgot to teach us the most vital lesson that anyone needs to ACTUALLY be successful?

    Tune in to today's episode to learn what that life lesson is that school never taught us and how you can begin to implement it into your journey towards success in your business

    By the end of this episode you'll have learned:

    • The biggest life lesson that when learned could help you accelerate your success in your business
    • How to begin implementing this lesson into your life and business

    Want to chat or have questions? Send me a DM on IG @dr.reanamulcahy

    Have a question that you want answered on the show? Send us a text!

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    27 mins
  • Episode 17: The Worst Business Advice You Could Receive As A Service Based Entrepreneur
    May 8 2024

    Episode 17: The Worst Business Advice You Could Receive As A Service Based Entrepreneur

    Have you ever received business advice that business is just HARD and that you just need to accept this because it is the way it is?

    And because you've accepted this as the norm, you've embraced that business takes sacrifice which has led to you being ok with long hours constantly working in your business

    If this is you then this is the perfect episode for you because I am debunking the myth that business has to be hard and a sacrifice and showing you how it can be easier, effortless, and fun


    • Why the advice that business is hard is the worst advice you could receive as a service based entrepreneur
    • How this piece of advice is causing more harm than good
    • What you can do instead to make running a business effortless and fun

    Have a question that you want answered on the show? Send us a text!

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    Discover more ways I can support you in breaking the burnout cycle.
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    17 mins
  • Episode 16 | Why Most Service Based Entrepreneurs Experience Burnout
    May 1 2024

    When was the last time you took the results of your clients personally?

    As a service-based entrepreneur who cares deeply for the people you support, it can be challenging not to become too invested in the success of your clients, but without healthy boundaries, burnout is inevitable.

    Tune into today’s episode to discover how to shift from running yourself into the ground for your clients to effectively leading and guiding them.


    • The reason burnout is so common among service-based entrepreneurs
    • Why you need to let go of unrealistic levels of responsibility for clients and their success
    • Practical steps to managing your workload and establishing boundaries with your clients

    Have a question that you want answered on the show? Send us a text!

    Connect with me on social: Facebook or Instagram!

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    9 mins
  • Episode 15 | The Neuroscience of Perfectionism
    May 1 2024

    How has perfectionism affected your work as an entrepreneur?

    Maybe you consider yourself a recovering perfectionist and know it causes you more harm than good, but you still haven’t discovered how to break free from those impulses.

    If this is you, today’s episode is exactly what you need because I’m explaining the neuroscience of perfectionism and how you can finally leave it behind!


    • The subconscious fears and beliefs that drive perfectionism
    • Why so many entrepreneurs struggle with overcoming perfectionism
    • Actionable steps you can take as an entrepreneur to stop operating from this mindset

    Have a question that you want answered on the show? Send us a text!

    Connect with me on social: Facebook or Instagram!

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    18 mins
  • Episode 14 | How To Get 5-10 Hours Of Your Time Back While 2-3xing Your Income
    May 1 2024

    What would you do with an extra 5-10 hours in your week?

    If you’re like most burnout service-based entrepreneurs, you currently wear all of the hats in your business, and despite how much you do, you feel like there just isn’t enough time.

    Thankfully, you don’t have to stay stuck in this time crunch cycle because, in this episode, I’m revealing how to reclaim your time while also increasing your income.


    • Why it is crucial to have a clear vision for income, workdays, and work hours if you want to reclaim your time
    • The importance of evaluating tasks to see what’s moving the needle forward versus those consuming time and energy without progress
    • How to increase your income while also better managing your time

    Have a question that you want answered on the show? Send us a text!

    Connect with me on social: Facebook or Instagram!

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    10 mins
  • Episode 13 | What Every Burnt Out Service-Based Entrepreneur Needs To Hear
    May 1 2024

    When was the last time you were hard on yourself because of things happening in your business?

    Many service-based entrepreneurs tend to be very self-critical and feel shame when things aren’t going as well as they “should be,” which inevitably leads to burnout.

    If this is you, you’re not alone, and in this episode, I’m revealing how self-compassion can help you overcome shame and move past burnout.


    • The key difference between guilt and shame and how they are related to burnout
    • How shame impacts your decision-making as a service-based entrepreneur
    • Practical strategies for overcoming shame, including self-compassion, self-empathy, and seeking help

    Have a question that you want answered on the show? Send us a text!

    Connect with me on social: Facebook or Instagram!

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    13 mins