• 108 - Leadership Beyond the Battlefield - Oakland McCulloch on Integrity and Decision Making
    May 30 2024

    Oakland McCulloch is a seasoned leader whose experiences span from military battlefields to corporate boardrooms. McCulloch, a former U.S. Army officer and author, delves into the essence of leadership, emphasizing integrity and the courage to make tough decisions. Drawing on over four decades of diverse experiences, he articulates how true leadership is about listening, debating, and making decisions that may not always be popular but are necessary.

    McCulloch's leadership philosophy centers on the impact of choices, not just on oneself but on the broader community and future generations. He shares poignant examples from his military career, highlighting scenarios where leadership decisions had life-altering consequences. Through these narratives, McCulloch illustrates the gravity and responsibility that come with leadership roles, whether in combat or in peacetime.

    Listeners are treated to a wealth of knowledge on the principles of effective leadership, including the importance of owning one's decisions and the ethical dilemmas leaders face. The discussion also touches on contemporary issues like corporate and governmental trust, urging current and aspiring leaders to prioritize the greater good over personal gain.

    Want to learn more about Oakland McCulloch's work? Check out their website at https://www.ltcoakmcculloch.com.

    Connect with Oakland McCulloch on LinkedIn at https://www.linkedin.com/in/oakland-mcculloch-34293256/.

    Think you'd be a great guest on the show? Apply at https://podcast.allies4me.com/podcast-guest/.

    Want to learn more about Craig Andrew's work at allies4me? Check out his website at https://allies4me.com/.

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    53 mins
  • 107 - When Crisis Brings Clarity - Hard Lessons in Leadership with Sugey Piedra
    May 28 2024

    Sugey Piedra delves into the challenges and triumphs of leadership within the realm of business and personal development. Sugey, co-founder of a wealth management firm, shares her profound journey from tax preparer to visionary entrepreneur. She emphasizes the often-overlooked human element in financial management, advocating for a more personal approach to client relationships and financial planning.

    Sugey’s story is a testament to resilience, highlighting how personal setbacks, including a difficult divorce and the subsequent loss of her ex-husband, reshaped her approach to business and life. She discusses the importance of delegation, revealing how stepping back allowed her team to thrive and her business to flourish without her constant oversight. This shift not only led to improved operations but also enhanced her own well-being and the quality of her interactions with her children and clients.

    Listeners will gain valuable insights on balancing professional rigor with personal health, understanding the strategic benefits of tax planning, and harnessing the power of effective communication within their teams.

    Want to learn more about Sugey's work? Check out their website at https://www.prominencebusiness.com/.

    Connect with Sugey on LinkedIn at https://www.linkedin.com/in/sugey-piedra-ea-39aba911a.

    Think you'd be a great guest on the show? Apply at https://podcast.allies4me.com/podcast-guest/.

    Want to learn more about Craig Andrew's work at allies4me? Check out his website at https://allies4me.com/.

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    44 mins
  • 106 - Transforming Healthcare - Justin Leader's Crusade for Transparency and Affordability
    May 27 2024

    Healthcare reform champion, Justin Leader, is the founder of Benefits DNA. Leader, known for his relentless pursuit of transparency and equity in healthcare, shares his personal drive stemming from his Aunt Gwen's tragic healthcare journey. Despite facing America's healthcare challenges firsthand, including high deductibles and inaccessible treatments, Leader is on a mission to overhaul the system—one plan at a time. His approach focuses on compliance oversight, cost mitigation strategies, and advocating for patients' rights, aiming to dismantle the misaligned incentives plaguing the industry.

    Justin's work is more than just business; it's a passion fueled by stories of injustice and a desire for reform. He underscores the necessity of understanding healthcare rights, advocating for legislative transparency, and educating both providers and recipients on navigating the complex system. The podcast illuminates the dark corners of the healthcare system, revealing a landscape rife with overcharging, lack of accountability, and a dire need for change. Leader's commitment to reform is evident in his fight against systemic inertia, advocating for patient-centric approaches that prioritize health over profit.

    Want to learn more about Justin Leader's work? Check out their website at https://www.benefitsdna.com/.

    Connect with Justin Leader on LinkedIn at https://www.linkedin.com/in/justindonaldleader/.

    Think you'd be a great guest on the show? Apply at Podcast Guest Application.

    Want to learn more about Craig Andrew's work at allies4me? Check out his website at allies4me.

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    43 mins
  • 105 - The Power of the Human & Humble Touch - Lessons in Leadership with Tommy Ogden
    May 23 2024

    Tommy Ogden is a co-founder and agility and analytics lead at Activera Consulting. Tommy shares his journey from a financial analyst with a side hustle to a leadership role in a boutique management consulting firm focused on the future of energy. His diverse experiences, including an unforgettable weekend chauffeuring international soccer stars, underscore the humility and team spirit at the core of effective leadership.

    Tommy emphasizes the importance of humility, teamwork, and adapting to roles as needed, drawing parallels between his sports background and professional endeavors. He discusses the transition from a small firm to being acquired by Accenture, highlighting the value of personal fulfillment over comfort and the known. Ogden's approach to consulting—maximizing credibility, reliability, and intimacy while minimizing self-orientation—serves as a model for fostering trusted partnerships and achieving successful outcomes.

    Want to learn more about Tommy's work? Check out their website at https://www.activeraconsulting.com.

    Connect with Tommy on LinkedIn at https://linkedin.com/in/tommyogden.

    Think you'd be a great guest on the show? Apply at https://podcast.allies4me.com/podcast-guest/.

    Want to learn more about Craig Andrew's work at allies4me? Check out his website at https://allies4me.com/.

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    33 mins
  • 104 - From Early Adoption to COVID Adaptation - The Remote Work Revolution with Marilyn Jenkins
    May 21 2024

    In this episode of the Leaders and Legacies podcast, host Craig Andrews dives into the world of remote work and leadership with Marilyn Jenkins, a seasoned veteran in digital marketing. Jenkins shares her journey of adopting remote work in 1997, highlighting the challenges and triumphs of leading from afar before it became a global norm. The conversation covers the evolution of technology from DOS-based machines to the connectivity we take for granted today, emphasizing the role of discipline, organization, and effective time management in remote work success.

    Jenkins offers valuable insights on team management, advocating for hiring based on personality over mere experience and emphasizing the importance of empowerment and accountability. She also delves into the intricacies of marketing for lawyers, revealing strategies for paid advertising, SEO optimization, and leveraging Google Business Profiles to enhance online presence.

    The podcast wraps up with Jenkins providing actionable advice for businesses to adapt and thrive in the digital landscape, underscoring the timeless principles of leadership that apply across evolving mediums.

    Want to learn more about Marilyn's work? Check out their website at https://maximizeyourgbp.com.

    Connect with Marilyn on LinkedIn at https://www.linkedin.com/in/marilynjenkins/.

    Think you'd be a great guest on the show? Apply at https://podcast.allies4me.com/podcast-guest/.

    Want to learn more about Craig Andrew's work at allies4me? Check out his website at https://allies4me.com/.

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    30 mins
  • 103 - The King of Clarity - How Steve Woodruff is Redefining Leadership Messaging
    May 20 2024

    Steve Woodruff, affectionately known as the "King of Clarity." Woodruff, with his extensive experience in clear communications and branding, shares invaluable insights on the essence of impactful leadership through precision in messaging. His approach, centered around the Clarity Fuel formula, emphasizes the critical role of concise and memorable communication in the success of leaders and their organizations.

    Through real-life examples and personal anecdotes, Woodruff demonstrates how leaders can elevate their influence and legacy by honing their message to cut through the clutter, ensuring their vision is clearly understood and embraced by all. This episode is a treasure trove for anyone looking to amplify their leadership impact through the power of clarity.

    Want to learn more about Steve's work? Check out their website at https://www.stevewoodruff.com.

    Connect with Steve on LinkedIn at https://www.linkedin.com/in/swoodruff/.

    Think you'd be a great guest on the show? Apply at https://podcast.allies4me.com/podcast-guest/.

    Want to learn more about Craig Andrew's work at allies4me? Check out his website at https://allies4me.com/.

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    40 mins
  • 102 - From Near-Fatal Accident to Entrepreneurial Success - The Matthew Sanjari Story
    May 16 2024

    Matthew Sanjari, the founder of Prime Consulting, shares his harrowing journey from a life-threatening car accident to becoming a serial entrepreneur. The accident left him battling chronic pain, depression, and disability, pushing him to redefine his life and career. This transformative experience fueled Sanjari's passion for helping organizations navigate growth and systemic challenges through Prime Consulting. He emphasizes the importance of building resilient systems that allow businesses to thrive independently of their founders.

    Sanjari's approach to leadership is deeply human-centric, prioritizing empowerment and delegation within teams to foster innovation and efficiency. By integrating AI and automation strategically, he showcases how modern entrepreneurs can scale their impact while maintaining personal well-being. His story is a testament to the power of resilience and the pivotal role of leadership in overcoming adversity.

    Want to learn more about Matthew Sanjari's work? Check out their website at https://consultingbyprime.com.

    Connect with Matthew Sanjari on LinkedIn at https://www.linkedin.com/in/matthew-sanjari/.

    Think you'd be a great guest on the show? Apply at https://podcast.allies4me.com/podcast-guest/.

    Want to learn more about Craig Andrew's work at allies4me? Check out his website at https://allies4me.com/.

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    39 mins
  • 101 - Leading by Letting Go - Atiba de Souza's Blueprint for Team Autonomy
    May 15 2024

    Atiba de Souza is a renowned Super Connector and video content Superman. Atiba shares his revolutionary approach to leadership, emphasizing the importance of relationships and networking as the foundation of successful business ventures. His unique method, the CASE method, is highlighted as a game-changer for scaling teams and transforming leadership from an art to a science.

    Atiba recounts a pivotal moment when, after a conference, he returned to find his team stalled, awaiting his direction. This experience ignited a transformative journey, culminating in the development of the CASE method, a tool designed to empower leaders to delegate effectively, ensuring continuous growth and scalability. Through a detailed breakdown of the CASE method, Atiba illustrates how leaders can replicate their skills within their teams, fostering independence and efficiency.

    Craig Andrews and Atiba de Souza's conversation is not just about overcoming leadership challenges; it's a testament to the power of introspection, adaptability, and the relentless pursuit of growth, both personal and professional.

    Want to learn more about Atiba de Souza's work? Check out their website at https://clientattractionpros.com/.

    Connect with Atiba de Souza on LinkedIn at https://www.linkedin.com/in/atibadesouza/.

    Think you'd be a great guest on the show? Apply at https://podcast.allies4me.com/podcast-guest/.

    Want to learn more about Craig Andrew's work at allies4me? Check out his website at https://allies4me.com/.

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    32 mins