Done While Listening

Done While Listening

From crafting to cooking and everything in between, our listeners' at-home projects have blown us away.
We asked our listeners—and a few Audible Canada teammates!—to share photos of things made or done while listening, and we were very impressed by the submissions. Get inspired by fellow listeners' activities below, and find a related listen or two to help kick-start your next project.

What’s your favourite thing to do while listening? Share with us, and tag Audible Canada on Facebook, @Audible_ca on Instagram or Twitter, and add the #AudibleAsks hashtag so others can follow along!

Sarah, Audible Editor

Find Your Muse With These Listens

Knit 1, purl 2, and press play.

Listens to Whet Your Appetite

Slice, dice, and put on those headphones!

''Powerful. And so inspirational. I listened to it while running and you can bet it made me run faster and not quit.''

—Listener review for Can't Hurt Me by David Goggins.

Listens to Run With

Lace up your sneakers and get inspired.

''This book saw me painting my living room and shouting 'everything is figureoutable!' at my walls...Thank you Marie!''

—Listener Diva Dot Calm review for Everything is Figureoutable by Marie Forleo.

Listen Up, Tidy Up

Organizing your life is simple with these motivating listens.