
  • 210. Small Steps, Big Impact: The Journey of Behavior Change
    May 8 2024

    Today, Chris and Matt are unpacking the tricky world of behavior change and why it's essential to connect with the emotional reasons behind our actions. They'll walk us through the highs and lows of forming new habits—from that first ‘honeymoon’ excitement to facing the tough ‘valley of despair,’ and finally making those changes stick. Expect personal stories like Chris’s battle with monkey bars and Matt’s latest home gym setup, plus tips on setting up your space and routine to succeed. Grab your headphones and get ready to dive into how small steps and real motivation lead to big changes in health and lifestyle. Let’s get moving!

    Voir plus Voir moins
    47 min
  • 209. Numbers that Matter: Tracking Your Health the Right Way
    May 1 2024

    Welcome back to another episode of OTL REST EAT MOVE! Today, Chris and Matt are tackling a topic that could seriously transform how you approach your own health. They're talking medical literacy, understanding those health numbers, and why it's time to ditch the "just give me a pill" mentality and become the CEO of your own well-being.

    Ever feel like your doctor just throws some numbers at you, or prescribes a medication without digging deeper? We're breaking down why cholesterol isn't the enemy, how those heart rate numbers actually matter, and why it's time to start thinking about what those test results really mean for your long-term health.

    Get ready to challenge the status quo and learn how to advocate for yourself. We'll cover overlooked health markers, how to find a doctor who's on your team, and why knowing your numbers is the key to thriving, not just surviving.

    Buckle up, because this episode is about to get real!

    Voir plus Voir moins
    42 min
  • 208. Cutting Through the Supplement Hype: What You Really Need to Know
    Apr 24 2024

    Tired of feeling overwhelmed by the supplement aisle? This OTL episode breaks down what's worth your money, what's total hype, and why real food is often your best bet. Chris and Matt bust myths, talk quality, and help you get smart about supplementing for real results.

    Voir plus Voir moins
    42 min
  • 207. Digest This: Easy Steps to Tame Inflammation and Boost Gut Health
    Apr 17 2024

    Hey OTL family, join Chris on the REST EAT MOVE podcast for a deep dive into the world of gut health and inflammation. Your immune system is a finely tuned machine—it thrives on balance...

    Today's stresses aren't just in your head, they're physical, impacting your digestion and immune response. Beat the stress with diaphragmatic breathing, nourish your body with prebiotics and probiotics, and don't forget hydration is a cornerstone for intestinal well-being.

    On this episode you'll learn how to create momentum in your life, tackle health as a holistic system, and bring joy into daily movement. Transform your gut, reduce inflammation, and elevate your overall health journey with us. Keep moving, keep resting, and keep eating smart. Let us know what you learned from this episode!

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    40 min
  • 206. Breathe Deep, Live Big: Unlocking Your Potential with Dr. Phil
    Apr 10 2024

    Today, we've got something super special lined up...

    Our longtime friend Dr. Phil joins the show, he's all about the deep dive into your inner universe.

    Now, buckle up 'cause we're about to get into it – how the power of the mind isn't just some fluffy concept. It's real, and Dr. Phil's got the lowdown on how a silent breath can chill out your heart rate, loosen up those knotted muscles, and focus your headspace sharper than ever.

    Half a century of exploring the mind means Dr. Phil is no stranger to the power of feeling your best.

    Also, you'll get real talk about facing fears, finding your joy in the little things, and why that whole "focus on the present moment" thing isn't just something you scroll past on Instagram.

    It can be life-changing!

    So, pull up a chair, kick back and join us as we get into the nitty-gritty of why breathing like a yogi and tuning in to your subconscious could be the best move you make all day. And hey, if you're loving the podcast, help us spread the word. Share this episode, drop us a review, and bring some friends to the OTL party. It's time to hit play on episode 206 with Dr. Phil – let's get this rest-eat-move goodness started!

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    1 h et 18 min
  • 205. Real Talk: Ditch the Pills, Eat Real Food Instead - FAQ Episode
    Apr 3 2024

    Think you're making healthy choices? We're gonna challenge that – from the vitamins you pop to how you fast (or if you even should). Get ready to rethink some of those daily habits!

    Busting Health Myths & Empowering YOU

    1. Are Those Vitamins Even Real Food? We're breaking down why those colorful capsules might not be the magic bullet for health you think they are. Spoiler alert: real veggies win every time.
    2. Ditching the Daily Dose (Maybe): Aspirin, ibuprofen... they're convenient, but are they sabotaging your gut and overall health? Let's talk about alternatives.
    3. Fasting: Trend or Tool? Intermittent fasting is all the rage, but is it right for everyone? We'll discuss how to do it smartly, without messing with your metabolism.
    4. Movement is Medicine: How much cardio is enough? And why strength training might just be the closest thing to anti-aging potion we have.
    5. Longevity Secrets...and Edible Insects? We're exploring what we can learn about living long, healthy lives from blue zones around the world. Plus, Chris throws a curveball – are crickets the food of the future? Tune in to find out!

    Your Health, Your Power

    This episode isn't just about information; it's about giving you the tools to take control of your health journey. We want you to question the "easy" answers and find what truly works for YOU.

    Let's Get This Transformation Started!

    Listen to Episode 205 now, and then take action! What's one small change you can make today based on what you learned? Share your ideas with us – we're in this together!

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    47 min
  • 204. Beyond Genetics: Taking Control of Your Health
    Mar 27 2024

    Hey everyone, and welcome back to OTL REST EAT MOVE! This week, Matt's flying solo and tackling a topic that might surprise you: kidney stones!

    Now, before you tune out thinking it's gonna be all medical jargon, hear us out. Matt was chatting with a friend who believed kidney stones, like some other health issues, were just something you inherit or get stuck with as you age.

    But here's the thing: Matt's on a mission to empower you to feel your best!

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    7 min
  • 203. Sustainable Fitness: Choosing Long-Term Health Over Short-Term Gains
    Mar 20 2024

    Welcome back to OTL'S REST EAT MOVE. Do we have a jam-packed episode for you today...

    Our old friend Justin is in the studio, and let me tell you, this guy knows his stuff when it comes to breaking a sweat and building strength without breaking your back.

    We’re chatting about everything from reaching that elusive runner's high to why going crazy on the weights every day might just be your one-way ticket to Injury City. Justin’s got some epic gym stories about lifting mishaps and why those killer workouts could actually be killing your progress.

    Of course, we talk about the nerdy stuff like metabolic circuits and how to measure your heartbeat without becoming a mad scientist, but we also keep it real with tales from the gym floor, including the importance of wiping down your station after a workout. Justin gives us a sneak peek into his workout routine that’s packed with variety and kinder to his joints.

    So, whether you’re experienced in the gym or just starting out on your fitness journey, there’s something here for everyone.

    Alright, grab your water bottle, lace up those trainers, and let's roll out the welcome mat for Justin on this fresh episode of OTL REST EAT MOVE. Let’s make those health gains!

    Voir plus Voir moins
    59 min